ch9: general patient care vocab Flashcards
personal protective equipment
barrier equipment used to prevent exposure to blood and other body fluids (gloves, gown, booties, etc)
active listening
using techniques that allow the receiver to fully understand the message being communicated
open ended question
questions that lead to further explanation vs yes or no responses
repeating or paraphrasing information replayed by the sender to confirm accuracy
when the receiver focuses on the main idea of the message but incorporates feelings the sender might be exhibiting or possibly feeling
summarizing the information relayed by the sender to clear up any confusion
nonverbal communication
gestures and actions that leave interpretation up to the receiver
feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships another person encounters
chief complaint
reason for the office visit
subjective information
information that is personal or what someone is feeling
adverse reaction caused by an antigen antibody response
life threatening allergic reaction that leads to circulatory collapse, shock, and death if left untreated
objective information
information collected that is observed by someone other than the patient
test to determine level of hearing
visual acuity testing
use of tools such as snellen chart to screen for visual impairments
anthropometric measurements
screening tests that include height and weight (as well as head circumference in infants)
vital signs
also known as cardinal signs; includes tempature, heart rate, respirations, and blood pressure measurements; used to elevate homeostasis
denver development screening test
a series of activities used to determine the developmental stage of children
abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
mini mental state examination
a tool used to determine the level of awareness of current events and recall of past events to screen for orientation or dementia
raised body temperature : fever
the act of touching
listening, usually with a stethoscope
a whistling sound heard on expiration that is the body’s attempt to expel trapped air
clicking or crackling sounds heard on inspiration that can sound moist or dry
common rattling snoring sounds often associated with chronic lung disease
instrument mused to measure blood pressure that has a graduated scale for determining systolic and diastolic pressure by increasing and gradually releasing the pressure in the cuff
systolic pressure
the first sound heard during a blood pressure reading
diastolic pressure
the last sound heard during the blood pressure reading
korotkoff sounds
the five phases of articular relaxation that are audible while obtaining a manual blood pressure
ranking based on the most critical to the least critical
automatic external defibrillator
an external device attached to the chest with which to shock the heart if in asystole or arrhythmia in hopes of restarting or re restablishing a normal heart rhythm
inability to speak
difficulty speaking
approval obtained by insurance providers that identifies insurance coverage for diagnostic or therapeutic activities
SOAP note
method of charting commonly used in ambulatory care (subjective, objective, assessment, plan)