ch6: organs of the endocrine system Flashcards
cortex: aldosterone
organ : adrenal glands
function : regulates electrolytes and fluid volume
cortex: cortisol
organ: adrenal glands
function: regulates carbohydrates
medulla: epinephrine
organ: adrenal glands
function: fight or flight response
medulla: norepinephrine
organ: adrenal glands
function: vasoconstrictor
produces: antidiuretic hormone
organ: hypothalamus
function: stimulates reabsorption of water in kidneys
produces: oxytocin
organ: hypothalamus
function: stimulates uterine contractions during labor and release of breast milk
organ : ovaries
function: development of secondary sex characteristics in females, regulates menses
organ: ovaries
function: prepares the body for pregnancy
alpha cells: glucagon
organ: pancreas
function: increases blood sugar
beta cells: insulin
organ: pancreas
function : decrease blood sugar
parathyroid hormone
organ: parathyroid gland
function: regulates calcium
organ: pineal gland
function: regulates onset of puberty, biological clock
growth hormone
organ: pituitary gland, anterior
function: stimulates body growth
melanocyte stimulating hormone
organ: pituitary gland, anterior
function: stimulates skin pigment
adrenocorticotropic hormone
organ: pituitary gland, anterior
function: regulates adrenal cortex
thyroid stimulating hormone
organ: pituitary gland, anterior
function: regulates thyroid gland
follicle stimulating hormone
organ: pituitary gland, anterior
function: stimulates growth of ova and sperm
luteinizing hormone
organ: pituitary gland, anterior
function: stimulates ovulation in females and testosterone in males
organ: pituitary gland, anterior
function: stimulates ovulation in females and testosterone in males
releases: antidiuretic hormone
organ: pituitary gland, posterior
function: stimulates reabsorption of water by the kidneys
releases: oxytocin
organ: pituitary gland, posterior
function: stimulates uterine contractions during labor and release of breast milk
organ: testes
function: sperm production, secondary immune system
organ: thymus
function: development of cells in the immune system
t3 and t4
organ: thyroid gland
function: cellular metabolism
organ: thyroid gland
function: increases bone calcium