ch.8/9 Flashcards
agressive behavior
standing up for one’s rights in a negative manner that violates the rights of others
assertive behavior
ability to stand up for oneself and others using open, honest, and direct communication
term used in communication theory to denote the medium selected to convey the message
a stereotyped, trite, or pat answer
horizontal violence
anger and aggressive behavior between nurses or nurse-to-nurse hostility
rude, intimidating, and undesirable behavior directed at another person
interpersonal communication
communication that occurs between two or more people with a goal to exchange messages
intrapersonal communication
communication techniques or self-talk to enhance positive interaction with the patient and family
lateral violence
verbal, emotional, or physically abusive behavior of a registered nurse toward another staff member
study of the meaning of words
the study of teaching adults
contractual agreement
pact made between two persons or parties for the achievement of mutually set goals
negative reinforcement
an ineffective teaching strategy that uses criticism or punishment
nonadherence to a therapeutic recommendation
science of teaching that generally refers to the teaching of children and adolescents
positive reinforcement
affirmation of the efforts of patients