ch.23 Flashcards
child maltreatment
an act or series of acts of commission (abuse) or omission (neglect) by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child
acute abdominal pain caused by spasmodic contractions of the intestine during the first 3 months of life
failure to thrive
physical and developmental retardation of infants or children resulting from physical or emotional neglect
negative verbalizations and behaviors
period from birth to 28 days of age
period from ages 3 to 6 years
period during which primary and secondary sexual characteristics develop and the capability of sexual reproduction is attained
behavior that is more characteristic of an earlier age
sudden infant death syndrome
sudden death of an infant under the age of 1 year when consideration of the infant’s history,
sudden unexpected infant death
a broad term for sudden infant deaths in which the manner and cause of death cannot readily be identified prior to an investigation
person’s style of approaching people, situations, or events
pre-embryonic stage
conception to 3rd week
embryonic stage
4-8 week, all basic organs established, most vulnerable
fetal stage
9th week to birth
normal neonate characteristics
-birth to 28 days
body temp respond quickly to environmental temp.
use senses
active crying
1 month to 1 year physiologic devlopment
brain grows to 1/2 of adult size
body temp stabilizes
eyes focus and fixate
heart doubles in weight
1 month to 1 year psychosocial
Freud, oral stage, immediate gratification of needs
Erikson, develops trust
Havighurst, taking food, walking, talking
process that occurs during a sensitive period in the first few hours after birth, needed for attachment
1-3 year development
increase in bone length
use fingers to pick up small objects
4x birth weight
bladder control during the day
1-3 year Cognitive development
object permanence
follow simple commands
sense of sex identity
beginning perception of body
1-3 year Psychosocial
Freud, anal stage, toilet training
Erickson, autonomy vs shame/doubt
Havighurst, learning to control elimination, learn sex sex differences
secondary sex characteristics begin to develop, repro. organs do not function yet, pubic hair first appears
ova and sperm begin production
post pubescence
reproductive functioning