ch.44 Flashcards
inaccessibility or change in a valued person, object, or situation
actual loss
loss that can be recognized by others as well as by the person sustaining the loss, such as loss of a limb or a spouse
perceived loss
loss of youth, of financial independence, and of a valued environment experienced by a person, but intangible to others
anticipatory loss
condition in which a person displays loss and grief behaviors for a loss that has yet to take place
emotional response to loss.
period during which a person learns to accept grief
state of grieving or going through the grief process
dysfunctional grief
abnormal or distorted grief that may be either unresolved or inhibited
palliative care
hospice care; taking care of the whole person—body, mind, spirit, heart, and soul
hospice care
a type of end-of-life care for persons who are terminally ill, characterized by the following: (1) patients are kept as free of pain as possible so that they may die comfortably and with dignity; (2) patients receive continuity of care, are not abandoned, and do not lose personal identity;
advance care planning
POLST form
stands for Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment, a medical order indicating a patient’s wishes regarding treatments commonly used in a medical crisis; must be completed and signed by a health care professional, not the patient
MOLST form
stands for Medical Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment, a medical order indicating a patient’s wishes regarding treatments commonly used in a medical crisis
DNR order
an order specifying that there be no attempt to resuscitate a patient in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest
Comfort Measures Only order
terminal weaning
withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy with the understanding that death may result, generally after a decision is made that the therapy in question is medically futile or disproportionately burdensome
mercy killing; the deliberate termination of the life of a person
active euthanasia
someone other than the patient commits an action with the intent to end the patient’s life, for example, injecting the patient with a lethal dose of a drug
maturational loss
experienced as a result of aging
psychological loss
may be caused by an altered self image
Engel’s Six Stages of Grief
-developing awareness
-restitution or rituals
-resolving the loss
-idealization or exaggeration
defined by irreversible cessation of respiratory or circulatory function or irreversible cessation of the brain
Kubler Ross’s 5 Stages of Grief
advance directives
power of attorney, living wills