CH7 Advocacy for Dental Care Flashcards
_______ are individuals who cause social, cultural, or behavioral change, be it intentional or unintentional.
Social advocates/change agents
Change agents cannot be effective without the _____ of others who are motivated by external and internal factors to pursue change.
________ agents are good at empowering others.
Social advocates/change
Social _____ implement change in regard to how dental care is delivered, who is able to receive it, and how to ensure sustainability of a program.
_____ is an evolution from one state to another state. For this to occur, there is a need to create change in individuals that govern policy.
Success depends on one’s ability to ______others and work with them regardless of goals or interests.
Change; understand
Dental hygienists are ______ for patients’ health by affecting change in their behavior, change in dental office protocols, change in products used, and change in the practice of dental hygiene through the _____ and regulatory systems.
advocates; legislative
______: an agent that provokes or speeds change or action
_______: problem-solver, good at “thinking outside the box”
Solution giver
_______: facilitator, gathers people and resources
Resource linker
_______: gets it done, their strength is in completing projects
Process helper
When something is ______, changes are made without losing essential components, starting point change
_______ something encompases making a small but significant change. It is a deviatiation from normal.
When something is _______ it has undergone a thorough or dramatic change.
Policy making, collaboration & partnership, coalition building and grant writing comprise the ________ in action.
Change Agent
During an _______ the need for a change is reconized. This component includes the collection of data to verify the problem to be solved through change and identify the desired situation that will result from the change.
The _____ component of a planned change identifies the problem that has created a need for change.
(Figures out “What’s Wrong”)
______, the most important component of a planned change plans solutions/approaches and alternatives to the problem. This component analyzes alternative approaches and the consequences of each. It also asesses the cost, support and resources needed. A decision on the course of action to be taken is analyzed.
The ______ component the implements plan for change and monitors for unforeseen problems.
The _____ comonent determines whether the desired outcome and stated objectives have been achieved as a result of the implemented change; and if necessary, reassess the situation and modify the plan for change.
Measures such as rewards or incentives may be implemented to stabilize the change and make it permanent.
_____ should be done throughout process
Which competency of a dental change agent fosters sensitivity to changes, has the ability to develop clearly defined, realistic goals for a project of change and maintains a generalized perspective of priorities?
______ is the ability to bring together key stakeholders and establish effective partnerships. It encompasses networking and management skills to establish working groups and to define and delegate respective responsibilities clearly.
______ skills influence others to commit to plans and ideas by creating a desire and challenging the vision of the future. It requires a tolerance of uncertainty about the causes and effects of change, fosters cohesiveness.

National, _______, and local health policy are the three types of ______ policy
state; government

Name three Formal Partnership Documents
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Affiliation agreement (Macdill, legal document)
Partnerhship agreement
A short one paged paper with bullets explaining backgound information and data on the topic when presenting change to a congressmen.

White Paper

Name the three goals of Coalitions
- Influencing or developing public policy
- Changing people’s behavior
- Building a health community
Barriers to Creating a Coalition
- Turf Issues.
- Negative History.
- Domination by “Professionals” or Some Other Elite.
- Poor Links to the Community.
- Minimal Organizational Capacity.
_____: Organizations are often very sensitive about sharing their work, their target populations, and especially their funding. Part of creating a coalition may be to convince a number of organizations that working together will in fact both benefit all of them and better address their common issues.
Turf Issues
•N________: Organizations, individuals, or the community as a whole may have had experiences in the past that have convinced them that working with certain others is simply not possible. A new coalition may have to contend with this history before it can actually start the work it needs to do.
Negative History
•___________: All too often in their rush to solve problems or to “help the disadvantaged,” agency people with advanced degrees, local politicians, business leaders, and others neglect to involve the people most affected by the issue at hand and other affected community members. Creating a participatory atmosphere and reining in those who believe they have all the answers are almost always required when starting a coalition.
Domination by “Professionals” or Some Other Elite
•_________: A first step may have to be the development of hitherto nonexistent relationships among agencies and the community at large.
Poor Links to the Community.
•_________: It might be necessary to find a coordinator or one or more individuals or organizations to seek a way to share the burden with the new group if it is to develop beyond a first meeting.
Minimal Organizational Capacity
•_______:The difficulty of finding funding is an obvious obstacle. Less obvious are the dangers of available funding that pushes the coalition in the wrong direction or requires it to act too quickly to address the issue effectively. New coalitions should be alert to funding possibilities from all quarters and be vigilant about the kind of funding they apply for and accept.
•____________: Coalitions demand a very special kind of collaborative leadership. It may be necessary to bring in an outside facilitator and/or to train someone in collaborative leadership to salvage the situation.
Failure to Provide and Create Leadership Within the Coalition.
•___________: The task may be to find ways to increase benefits and decrease costs for individuals and organizations if the coalition is to survive.
Failure to Show Benefits of Perceived-or Actual-Costs of Working Together.
___________: when 2 or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care.
_______: learners within the dental professions work alongside each other in an effort to improve collaboration and quality of care.
A _______ is a sum of money given to an agency or individual to address a problem or need in the community
Includes the project title, name of the agency submitting the grant proposal, agency address, name of the prospective funder, beginning and ending project dates, and total amount of funds requested.
Title page and abstract, which briefly describes the major points of the proposal.
cover letter
Documents present the problem to be addressed with text, statistics, graphs, and/or charts. It should also describe the causes of the problem creating the need and identify approaches or solutions that have already been attempted.
Needs statement or statement of problems
Contains three main parts: goal(s) and objective(s), methods to address the identified problem or need, and a time line for completing each component.
Project description
Shows how the organization will measure the success of the project and outcome objectives; should include details about how information will be collected, analyzed, and shared with the funder.
Evaluation plan
Should contain details regarding salaried individuals, direct and indirect costs of supplies and equipment, administrative costs, and any matching donations of money or supplies.
Budget request and budget justification
Should convince grant reviewers of the validity of the requesting organization’s project.
Applicant qualifications
Future funding or a ________s hows a continued effort to ensure the program’s security and longevity.
sustainability plan
Provides supplemental materials that do not belong in the body of the proposal but are important data that should be shared with the funder.
_________can contribute to the change process to advocate for increased Medicaid coverage, community water fluoridation, and state funding of oral prevention programs.
Dental Hygienists
______in dental care can be accomplished by individuals, collaborations, partnerships, and coalitions.
An individual who causes social, cultural, or behavioral change is called a(n) ________.
A) Change agent
B) Propel agent
C) External agent
D) Internal agent
E) Both A and B
A) Change agent
Propelling people to take action or make a change is termed ________.
A) Collaboration
B) Cooperation
C) Empowerment
D) Enlightenment
E) None of the above
C) Empowerment
A process of evolution is called ________
A) Change
B) Empowerment
C) Cooperation
D) Stimulus
E) All of the above
A) Change
The key to successful change is to understand others and resolve to work with them regardless of whether goals or interests are shared.
A) The first statement is true, the second statement is false
B) The first statement is false, the second statement is true
C) Both statements are true
D) Both statements are false
C) Both statements are true
An understanding of what needs to change and using motivation to transform the opinions and actions of others is referred to as a ________
A) Catalyst
B) Solution-giver
C) Resource linker
D) Process helper
E) Both A and B
A) Catalyst
A problem solver and an individual vital to establishing or maintaining rapport within the dental office is referred to as a ________
A) Catalyst
B) Solution-giver
C) Resource linker
D) Process helper
E) Both C and D
B) Solution-giver
A facilitator who brings together individuals who share the same interests, abilities, monetary support, and common goals is referred to as a ________
A) Catalyst
B) Solution-giver
C) Resource linker
D) Process helper
E) All of the above
C) Resource linker
An individual who understands all aspects of the change process and provides help where needed is called a ________
A) Catalyst
B) Solution-giver
C) Resource linker
D) Process helper
E) None of the above
D) Process helper
What is a written description of rules, regulations, and stipulations that governs individual actions and procedures?
A) Rule
B) Regulation
C) Policy
D) Procedure
E) Both B and C
C) Policy
What are the guiding principles for groups based on what is right and what is wrong?
A) Ethics
B) Rules
C) Regulations
D) Policies
E) All of the above
A) Ethics
The process of working together toward a common goal is called ________
A) Ethics
B) Procedures
C) Collaboration
D) Cooperation
E) All of the above
C) Collaboration
The attempt to influence or sway others toward a desired position or action is called ________
A) Ethics
B) Collaboration
C) Lobbying
D) Stimulating
E) None of the above
C) Lobbying
The most valued asset of lobbyists are their ________
A) Networking skills
B) Established relationships
C) Knowledge of a broad range of topics
D) Value system
E) None of the above
B) Established relationships
The state of associating or participating with others regularly regarding a joint interest is termed ________
A) Cooperation
B) Mediation
C) Resolution
D) Partnerships
E) All of the above
D) Partnerships
A memorandum of understanding is a formal alternative to a gentlemen’s agreement but lacks the binding power of a(n) ________
A) Policy
B) Procedure
C) Contract
D) Agreement
E) None of the above
C) Contract
Which of the following (is) are composed of stakeholders who have a particular vested interest in a specific topic, issue, or initiative?
A) Coalition building
B) Developing contracts
C) Co-ops
E) Both B and C
A) Coalition building
A request for proposal is released by an agency when funding is available for specific ________.
A) Research or programs
C) Partnership building
D) Coalition building
E) Both C and D
A) Research or programs
What is necessary to create change?
A) Influencing individuals who govern policy
B) Increasing financial status
C) Redesigning the public health facility
D) Knowing how policies are enforced
E) All of the above
A) Influencing individuals who govern policy
Understanding a program or policies in need of change is ________.
A) Done at the beginning
B) Done after the program is implemented
C) Never a requirement of change
D) Always done by the change agent
E) None of the above
A) Done at the beginning
Change is recognized as an evolution from one state to another state.
To create change in policy, it is NOT necessary to create change in the individuals that govern policy.
Policies can be as formal as laws or rules or as loosely structured as guides or advisory opinions.
An example of a local policy may be advocating for a community preventive dental program.
Collaborative relationships tend to decrease the effectiveness of lobbying.
Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, implementation, and Evaluation are all components of a planned change.
A ________for change state objectives, outlines methods, develops a timetable, involves people, assigns responsibilities & resources, and monitors stability.
plan for change
What are the key compiencies necessary of dental change agents?