CH.3: Values, Attitudes, & Diversity in the Workplace Flashcards
concepts/ beliefs that guide how we make decisions, & make evaluations of behaviours & events
Rokeach Value Survey
values are classified in 2 sets: terminal (goals individuals would like to achieve during their lifetime), & Instrumental (preferable ways of behaving)
- these influence attitudes & behaviour
study of moral values/ principles that guide our behavior, informing if our actions are morally right/ wrong
Magnificent 7 Principles
- Dignity of Human life
- Autonomy
- Honesty
- Loyalty
- Fairness
- Humaneness
- The Common good
Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Culture
power distance, individualism, masc.vs.fem., uncertainty avoidance, & LT vs. Short term orientation
Baby Boomers (mid-1940s to mid-1960s)
achievement & material success= important, high rank in sense of accomplishment & soc. recognition, & are pragmatists believing ends can justify means
Generation X(mid1960s-late 1970s)
value flexibility, life options & achievement of job satisfaction, family & relationships=important, & are less willing to make personal sacrifices for sake of employer
Generation Y (b/w 1979- 1994)
have high expectations, look for meaning in their work, are questioning, electronically networked, & socially responsible
- collectivist/ group-oriented
- greater need for achievement
Francophone values
are Individualists/ more task- centred, with a more cooperative negotiating style when dealing with others, being more achievement- oriented
Anglophone Values
Aboriginal Values
-more collectivist in orientation, & community oriented, have a greater sense of family in the workplace, affiliation & loyalty, small power distance & greater emphasis on consensual decision making
Asian Values
- In NA networked relations are based on self-interest, rtnship viewed w. immediate gains, enforcement relies on institutional law, & is governed by guilt
- East & SE Asia: rtnships=LT, enforcement relies on personal power& authority, & governed by shame(ext. pressures)
(+)/ (-) feelings concerning objects, ppl or events that reflect how we feel about something= can affect job behaviour
Attitudes that affect organizational performance
Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement, & Employee Engagement
Individual’s positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics, cause being opportunities, supervision, coworkers..
Job satisfaction
degree to which an individual likes/ dislikes himself/ herself
Core self evaluations
How employees can express dissatisfaction
Exit, Voice, Neglect, & Loyalty
A type of attitude in which an employee identifies w/ a particular organization & its goals + wishes to maintain membership in the organization
Organizational commitment
An individuals relationship to the organization: his/her emotional attachment to, identification with,& involvement in the organization
Affective organization
obligation an individual feels to staying w. the organization
Normative commitment
individual’s perceived economic value of remaining with an organization
Continuance commitment
measures degree to which people identify psychologically w. their job & consider their perceived performance lvl important to self worth
Job involvement
individual’s involvement with/ satisfaction w/, & enthusiasm for work he/ she does
Employment engagement
firms with employees that have high engagement levels =
higher customer satisfaction, productive employees, higher profits, & lower lvls of T/O & accidents
Effective Diversity Programs promote
legal framework for = employment opp, encouraging fair treatment of all ppl, how diverse workforce are better able to serve diverse market of customers & clients, personal dvlpment practices= bring out skills & abilities of all workers
ability to understand someone’s unfamiliar & ambiguous gestures in the same way as would ppl from his/ her culture
Cultural intelligence
Cultural intelligence Profiles according to Earley & Masakowski
- Provincial(work best w. ppl of sim. backgrounds)
- Analyst (analyze foreign culture’s rules & expectations to figure out way to interact)
- Natural (use intuition)
- Ambassador (are convincing w.out knowledge of foreign culture)
- Mimic (match others actions and behaviours)
- Chameleon (can be mistaken as being from the foreign cultures)