CH.2: Perception, Personality, & Emotions Flashcards
Process by which indiviuduals organize &interpret their impressions to give meaning to their environment
perception is important because
behavior is based on perception of what reality is, not on reality itself
What factors influence perception?
- The Perceiver (interprets what he/ she sees of target- attitudes, motives, interests, experience, and expectations)
- The Target (Novelty, motion, sounds, size, background& proximity)
- the Situation (context in which we see objects/ events- time, work setting, social setting)
determining if a behavior is internally (control of individual) or externally caused (result of outside causes)
Attribution theory
3 rules of attribution theory
- Distinctiveness (if person acts the same in every situation)
- Consensus (If person acts the same as others in the same situation)
- Consistency (if person acts the same way over time)
underestimating external factors & overestimating internal when making judgments about others’ behavior.
Fundamental attribution error
tendency to attribute 1’s successes to internal factors & put blame for failures on external
Self- serving bias
selective interpretation by ppl on what they see based on their interests, background, experience, & attitudes
Selective perception
drawing a general impression on someone based on a single characteristic
Halo effect
drawing a general impression on someone based on a single characteristic
Contrast effects
attributing our own characteristics to other people
judging someone on basis of our perception of the group to which he/she belongs
dislike of person/group based on their stereotyped group
Perceptions & Judgment matter in the workplace b/c of
- performance expectations
- evaluations
- employment interviews
proposes a person will behave consistently with how he/she is perceived
Self- fulfilling prophecy
stable patterns of behavior& consistent internal states determining how someone reacts to& interacts with others
Personality determinants
- Heredity( factors determined at conception)
- Environmental Factors
- Situational Conditions
Enduring characteristics describing an individual’s behaviour
Personality traits
Personality test that determines how ppl typically act/ feel in certain situations
Myers Briggs type indicator
Classifications of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Perceiving/ Judging
Sensing/ Intuitive
Thinking/ Feeling
The Big Five Personality Model
Extraversion (comfortability with others), Agreeableness
Emotional Stability (withstand stress)
Openness to Experience
differing in the degree in which they like/dislike themselves & if they see themselves as effective, capable, & in control on own envt= ppl w. (+) core- self evaluations do better due to ambitious goals, & commitment
Core- self evaluations
they are pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, & believes that ends can justify means
tendency to be arrogant, have grandiose sense of importance, yearns for admiration, & have sense of entitlement- thinking they are better leaders
person’s ability to adjust their behavior based on external, situational factors. Therefore high self- monitors pay closer attention to others’ behavior
Self- monitoring
person’s willingness to take chances
Risk- taking
Type A
- moves, walks, & eats rushed
- impatient
- a multitasker
- dislikes leisure time
- obsessed w. #s, measuring success in terms of how many/how much of everything is acquired
Type B
- not under urgency
- no need to display/talk about achievements/ accomplishments
- has fun, & relaxes w.out guilt
someone who identifies opportunities, shows initiatives, takes action, & perseveres until meaningful change occurs
Proactive personality
Intense feelings directed at someone/ something
Feelings that are less intense than emotions lacking contextual stimulus
employee’s expression of organizationally desired emotions while at work
Emotional Labour
when employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work, influencing their job performance & satisfaction
Affective events theory
person’s ability to be
- self aware of their own emotions
- detect emotions in others
- manage emotional cues & info
Emotional Intelligence
inconsistencies b/w emotions ppl feel & emotions showed
Emotional dissonance
Difference b/w Surface acting and Deep acting
Surface acting deals with one’s displayed emotions &
Deep acting deals with one’s felt emotions
Voluntary actions violating established norms, threatening the organization, its members, or both
Employee deviance