CH3 Flashcards
this term refers to the process by which sperm and ovum—the male and female gametes, or sex cells—combine to create a single cell called a zygote, which then duplicates itself again and again by cell division to produce all the cells that make up a baby
this term refers to the one-celled organism resulting from fertilization
this type of twins is conceived by the union of two different ova (or a single ovum that has split) with two different sperm cells; also called fraternal twins; they are no more alike genetically than any other siblings
dizygotic twins
this type of twins results from the division of a single zygote after fertilization; also called identical twins; they are genetically similar
monozygotic twins
this chemical carries inherited
instructions for the development of all
cellular forms of life
this term refers to the sequence of bases within the DNA molecule; it governs the formation of proteins that determine the structure and functions of living cells
genetic code
this term refers to the coils of DNA that consist of genes
Explain how and when fertilization normally takes place?
fertilization takes place when male and female cells combine to create a zygote.
Fertilization normally occurs while the ovum is passing through the fallopian tube
Distinguish between and
explain monozygotic and
dizygotic twins?
dizygotic twins are from two different ova with two different sperm while monozygotic twins come from a split zygote
what are the four letters of the DNA alphabet?
this term refers to the small segments of DNA located in definite positions on particular chromosomes; functional units of heredity
this term refers to the complete sequence of genes in the human body
is a reference point, or representative genome, that shows the location of all human genes
human genome
this term refers to the permanent alterations in genes or chromosomes that may produce harmful characteristics
how many pairs of chromosomes does every cell in the human body have?
23 pairs of chromosomes
Explain why the sperm normally determines a baby’s sex and discuss possible complicating factors?
idk yet
what is mitosis?
a process by which the non–sex cells divide in half over and over again, the
DNA replicates itself, so that each newly formed cell has the same DNA structure as all the others
what are autosomes?
In humans, the 22 pairs of chromosomes not related to sexual expression.
Describe the structure of DNA and its role in the inheritance of characteristics?
the structure of DNA includes 4 base chemicals, TACG.
DNA is like a series of books in a library, unless those books are read by an enzyme called RNA polymerase, and transcribed by messenger RNA, the information within those books will not be actualized
Distinguish between meiosis and mitosis?
in meiosis, sex cells end up with only 23 chromosomes while mitosis is for non-sex cells and they divide over and over again so that each cell has the same dna structure as all the others
this term refers to two or more alternative forms of a gene that occupy the same position on paired chromosomes and affect the same trait.
this term refers to the pattern of inheritance in which a child receives identical recessive alleles, resulting in expression of a nondominant trait.
recessive inheritance
this word refers to possessing two identical alleles for a trait
this term refers to the combination of genetic and environmental factors to produce certain complex traits.
multifactorial transmission
this word refers to possessing differing alleles for a trait
Explain how epigenesis and genome imprinting occur, and give examples?
so epigenesis occurs by certain genes being turned on and off at different times of development , it’s like how a skin cell and heart cell look different
for genome imprinting, genetic information inherited from one parent is activated, but genetic information from the other parent
is suppressed. an example in the book is Prader-Willi syndrome
this term refers to the pattern of inheritance in which, when a child receives different alleles, only the dominant one is expressed.
dominant inheritance
this term refers to the pattern of inheritance in which multiple genes at different sites on
chromosomes affect a complex trait
polygenic inheritance
this term refers to the mechanism that turns genes on or off and determines functions of body cells
what is genome imprinting?
Imprinting is the differential expression of certain genetic traits, depending on whether the trait has been inherited from the mother or the father
this term refers to the observable characteristics of a person
this term refers to the genetic makeup of a person, containing both expressed and unexpressed characteristics.
this term refers to the pattern of inheritance in which certain characteristics carried on the X chromosome inherited from the mother
are transmitted differently to her male and female offspring.
if a woman has a bad copy of a gene she has a backup copy but if a guy has a bad copy of a gene, that gene will be expressed
sex-linked inheritance
this term refers to the pattern of inheritance in which a child receives two different alleles, resulting in partial expression of a trait.
incomplete dominance
Tell how dominant inheritance and recessive inheritance work, and why most normal
traits are not the products of simple dominant or recessive transmission?
Tell three ways chromosomal disorders occur?
Klinefelter syndrome is caused by an extra female sex chromosome (shown by the pattern XXY).
Turner syndrome results from a missing sex chromosome (XO).
Down Syndrome has an extra 21st chromosome
this term refers to the chromosomal evere mental retardation and by such physical signs as a downward sloping skin fold at the inner corners of the eyes.
Also called trisomy-21.
extra 21st chromosome
down syndrome
this term describes the tendency of twins to
share the same trait or disorder.
this term refers to the potential variability that depends on environmental conditions in the expression of a hereditary trait
reaction range
this term refers to the clinical service that advises prospective parents of their probable risk of having children with hereditary defects.
genetic counseling
this term refers to the statistical estimate of contribution of heredity to individual differences in a specific trait within a given population.
State the basic assumption underlying studies of behavioral genetics and how it applies to family studies, twin studies, and adoption studies?
the relative influences of heredity and environment within a population can be measured statistically.
Explain the operation of dominant inheritance, recessive inheritance, incomplete
dominance, sex-linked inheritance, and mutations in transmission of birth defects?
lemme cook
Explain the purposes of genetic counseling?
the purpose of genetic counseling is to advise parents of their risk of having children with hereditary defects
this term refers to the quantitative study of relative hereditary and environmental influences on behavior.
behavioral genetics
what does canalization mean?
The metaphor of canalization illustrates how heredity restricts the range of development for some traits
this term refers to the effects of similar environmental conditions on genetically different individuals, and a discussion of these interactions is a way to conceptualize and talk about the different ways nature and nurture interact
genotype-environment interaction
this term refers to the tendency of certain genetic and environmental influences to reinforce each other; may be passive, reactive
(evocative), or active.
Also called genotype-environment covariance.
genotype-environment correlation
what are the three ways genotype-environment correlations works to strengthen the phenotypic expression of a genotypic tendency?
passive correlation
reactive correlation
active correlation
what is passive correlation?
Parents, who provide the genes that predispose a child toward a trait, also tend to provide an environment that encourages the development of that trait.
called passive because the child does not control it and has simply inherited the environment
what are active correlations?
As children get older and have more freedom to choose their own activities and environments, they actively select or create experiences consistent with their genetic tendencies
what are reactive correlations?
Children with differing genetic makeups evoke
different reactions from others
For example, parents who are not musically
inclined may make a special effort to provide musical experiences for a child who shows interest and ability in music
called reactive because the other people react to the child’s genetic makeup
this term refers to the tendency of a person, especially after early childhood, to seek out
environments compatible with his or her
this term refers to the unique environment in which each child grows up, consisting of distinctive influences or influences that affect one child differently than another.
nonshared environmental effects
Explain and give at least one example of reaction range canalization, and each of the
three genotype-environment correlations
lemme cook
this term refers to the characteristic disposition, or style of approaching and reacting to situations.
Differentiate the three types of genotype-environment correlation?
is temperament largely inborn?
this term refers to the period of development between conception and birth.
what is the cephalocaudal principle?
the cephalocaudal principle dictates that development proceeds from the head to the lower part of the trunk
this principle dictates that development proceeds from parts near the center of the body to outer ones.
proximodistal principle
this stage (first 2 weeks of prenatal development) is characterized by rapid cell division, blastocyst formation, and implantation in the wall of the uterus.
germinal stage
this term refers to the attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall, occurring at about day 6.
this is the second stage of gestation (2 to
8weeks), and is characterized by rapid growth
and development of major body
systems and organs.
embryonic stage
this term refers to the natural expulsion from the uterus of an embryo that cannot survive outside the womb; also called miscarriage.
spontaneous abortion
this term refers to a miscarriage that occurs after 20 weeks of gestation
this term refers to the final stage of gestation (from 8 weeks to birth), and is characterized by increased differentiation of body parts and greatly enlarged body size.
fetal stage
this term refers to the prenatal medical procedure using high-frequency sound waves to detect the outline of a fetus and its movements, so as to determine whether a pregnancy is progressing normally
this term refers to an environmental agent, such as a virus, a drug, or radiation, that can interfere with normal prenatal development and cause developmental abnormalities
Summarize recommendations for an expectant mother’s diet?
this term refers to the combination of mental, motor, and developmental abnormalities affecting the offspring of some women who drink heavily during pregnancy.
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
this term refers to the physical or psychological demands on a person or organism.
this term refers to the viral disease that undermines effective functioning of the immune system.
is a disease caused by the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which undermines functioning of the immune system
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Assess the risks of maternal illnesses, anxiety, stress, and advanced age on pregnancy?
Discuss effects on the developing fetus of a parent’s use of medical drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, marijuana, cocaine,
and methamphetamine?
marijuana = dumb baby
ill read up on others later
Discuss possible reasons for disparities in utilization of prenatal care?
In the United States, prenatal care is widespread but not universal as in many European countries; and it lacks uniform national standards and guaranteed financial coverage.
mostly due to government policies
the benefits of prenatal care are not evenly distributed
Describe seven techniques foridentifying defects or disorders prenatally?
look at table
Tell why early, high-quality prenatal care is important and why preconception care is
Early, high-quality prenatal care is essential for healthy development.
It can lead to the detection of defects and
disorders and, especially if begun early and targeted to the needs of at-risk women, may help reduce maternal and infant death, low birth weight, and other birth complications.