CH11 Flashcards
quiz for ch11 and exam
Developmental transition between
childhood and adulthood entailing
major physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial changes.
Process by which a person attains
sexual maturity and the ability to
Organs directly related to reproduction,
which enlarge and mature during
Primary Sex Characteristics
Physiological signs of sexual maturation
(such as breast development and
growth of body hair) that do not involve
the sex organs.
Secondary Sex Characteristics
pigmented areas surrounding the
Sharp increase in height and weight
that precedes sexual maturity.
adolescent growth spurt
Boy’s first ejaculation.
Girl’s first menstruation.
Trend that can be seen only by
observing several generations, such as
the trend toward earlier attainment of
adult height and sexual maturity, which
began a century ago in some countries.
secular trend
Descriptive and evaluative beliefs about
one’s appearance.
Body image
Eating disorder characterized by
anorexia nervosa
Eating disorder in which a person
regularly eats huge quantities of food
and then purges the body by laxatives,
induced vomiting, fasting, or excessive
bulimia nervosa
Eating disorder in which a person loses
control over eating and binges huge
quantities of food.
binge eating disorder
Repeated, harmful use of a substance,
usually alcohol or other drugs.
substance abuse
Addiction (physical, or psychological, or
both) to a harmful substance.
substance dependence