CH25 - Verbal Behavior Flashcards
Verbal Behavior
Bx that is REINFORCED thru the mediation of another person’s bx
INVOLVES a SOCIAL INTERACTION between speakers and listeners, whereby SPEAKERS GAIN ACCESS to Reinforcement and control their environment thru the BEHAVIOR of LISTENERS
Formal Properties of Verbal Bx
The topography of the verbal response; i.e. form, structure
Examples: articulation, prosody, intonation, pitch, and emphasis
Functional Properties of Verbal Bx
The CAUSES of the verbal RESPONSE;
i.e. Antecedents and consequences
Verbal Operant (review Cooper)
The UNIT of ANALYSIS of verbal behavior which is the FUNCTIONAL RELATION between a type of responding and the same independent variables that control nonverbal behavior:
A.) motivating variables
B.) discriminative stimuli
C.) consequences
Verbal repertoire
a SET of Verbal Operants emitted by a particular person
a verbal operant in which the FORM of the RESPONSE is UNDER the FUNCTIONAL CONTROL of MOs and specific REINFORCEMENT
a verbal operant under the FUNCTIONAL CONTROL of NONVERBAL discriminative stimulus, and it PRODUCES generalized conditioned reinforcement (GCR).
Naming or identifying objects, actions, events, etc.
Verbal operant that consists of a VERBAL SD that has POINT-to-POINT correspondence and FORMAL SIMILARITY with a VERBAL response
Point-to-point correspondence
the BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END of the verbal STIMULUS MATCHES the beginning, middle, and end of the VERBAL RESPONSE
Formal Similarity
the controlling antecedent stimulus and the response or response product
a verbal operant that is CONTROLLED by verbal SD that EVOKES a verbal RESPONSE and NO point-to-point correspondence
Ex: Answering questions or having conversations in which your words are controlled by other word.
Textual Relation
a verbal operant that consists of a VERBAL SD that has POINT-to-POINT correspondence BETWEEN the STIMULUS and the RESPONSE product, BUT does NOT have formal similarity
Consists of writing and spelling words that are spoken.
a verbal SD that controls a written, typed, or finger-spelled response.
Transcription relation
there is POINT-to-POINT correspondence between the stimulus and the response product BUT NO formal similarity
Listener (2 parts)
A listener FUNCTIONS as a MEDIATOR of REINFORCEMENT and a SD for verbal behavior.
(the listener is an audience for verbal behavior).
someone who engages in verbal behavior by emitting mands, tacts, intraverbals, autoclitics etc. also uses signs, gestures, codes, pictures etc
a SD in the presence of which VERBAL BEHAVIOR is characteristically REINFORCED.
anyone who functions as an SD for evoking verbal behavior
Generic Tact Extension (Review Cooper)
NOVEL stimulus SHARES all of the RELEVANT or defining FEATURES associated with the original stimulus.
Child is taught to Label a lab a dog, later he sees a beagle and says “dog”
Metaphorical tact extension
NOVEL stimulus SHARES SOME, but not all, of the RELEVANT FEATURES of the ORIGINAL stimulus
“child’s brother is being mean, child calls him a snake.”
Having learned to say “tree” in the presence of oaks and maples, you now see a lilac bush for the first time and say “tree.”
Metonymical Tact Extension
NOVEL stimulus SHARES NONE of the relevant features of the original stimulus configuration, but SOME IRRELEVANT but related feature has acquired stimulus control.
Stimulus paired by accident: “Child taught to label black lab as “dog.” Later when seeing a black cat & says “dog”
Solistic Tact Extension
a STIMULUS PROPERTY that is only INDIRECTLY RELATED to the TACT relation evokes substandard verbal behavior
“Tigers are prey to zebras”
“you smells nice”
“you speak good”
Public Accompaniment
a PUBLICLY observable STIMULUS accompanies a private stimuli
Collateral Responses
a PUBLICLY observable BEHAVIORS that reliably OCCUR with PRIVATE stimuli
Response Reduction
a TYPE of GENERALIZATOIN in which kinesthetic stimuli arising from movement and positions ACQUIRE CONTROL over the verbal response.
When movements shrink in size (become covert), the kinesthetic stimuli may remain sufficiently similar to those resulting from the overt movements
Multiple Audiences
TWO or MORE different audiences that may EVOKE DIFFERENT response forms
Talking about SR+ to Behavior Analyst vs. talking to a friend about Reinforcement.
Impure tacts
Occur when an MO SHARES CONTROL with a NONVERBAL stimulus
If a response is only partially controlled by a prior non-verbal stimulus due to controlling influence by either generalized or non-generalized reinforcement, the response is called a distorted or impure tact.
Autoclitic Relation
they IDENTIFY when a SPEAKER’S own VERBAL BEHAVIOR functions as an SD or an MO for ADDITIONAL SPEAKER verbal behavior.
“Verbal behavior about a speaker’s own verbal behavior.”