CH24 - Functional Behaviour Assessment Flashcards
Functional behavior assessment (FBA)
enables hypotheses about the relations among specific types of environmental events and behaviors.
Behaviors can be strengthened by either “_________” or “____________”
Positive Reinforcement “Getting something”
Negative Reinforcement: “Getting out of something”
These functions can be:
• Socially mediated
• Non-socially mediated (automatic)
Problem Behavior maintained by Positive Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement
1. Social
• ATTENTION from others
• ACCESS to TANGIBLE stimuli
- Automatic
Problem Behavior maintained by Negative Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
1. Social
• ESCAPE from aversive or difficult TASKS
- Automatic
• Escape from aversive stimulation
When the function of problem behavior has been identified, intervention can consist of:
Altering antecedent variables
Altering consequent variables
Teaching alternative behaviors
To alter antecedent variables:
Change and/or eliminate
• Motivating operation for problem behavior
• Discriminative stimuli that trigger problem behavior
To altering consequent variables:
Place problem behavior on extinction
• Withhold identified reinforcer when problem behavior occurs
When teaching alternative behaviors:
- Select appropriate behaviors that serve the same function.
* Provide the reinforcer that previously maintained problem behavior contingent upon the new, alternative behavior
FBA can decrease reliance on _______ ____________ and contribute to more effective interventions in several ways
Default technologies
Default technologies
Caregivers might resort to increasingly intrusive, coercive, or punishment-based interventions.
FBA methods can be classified into three types:
(a) functional (experimental) analysis,
(b) descriptive assessment, and
(c) indirect assessment.
Functional analysis:
Antecedents and consequences are arranged so that their separate effects on problem behavior can be observed and measured
Often referred to as ANALOG
• SIMILAR to what is occurring in NATURAL ROUTINE, but more systematic
Typical FA Conditions
- Contingent attention
- Contingent escape
- Alone
- Control (e.g., “free play”)
The primary advantage of functional analysis is its:
Ability to yield a clear demonstration of the variable(s) that relate to the occurrence of a problem behavior.
In a functional analysis graph, If problem behavior occurs frequently in all conditions (including the play condition), or is variable across conditions, responding is considered?
Descriptive functional behavior assessment encompasses?
Direct observation of behavior
Three variations of descriptive analysis:
- ABC (antecedent- behavior-consequence) continuous recording
- ABC narrative recording
- Scatterplots.
An observer records occurrences of the targeted problem behaviors and selected environmental events in the natural routine during a period of time.
ABC Continuous Recording
A __________ ___________is the likelihood that a target problem behavior will occur in a given circumstance.
conditional probability
in ABC narrative recording,
(a) data are collected only when behaviors of interest are oberved, and
(b) the recording is open-ended
ABC narrative recording may be less ____-_______
In, ___ _________ _________, the targeted environmental events (antecedents and consequences) are recorded “whenever they occur”, regardless of whether problem behavior occurred with it.
ABC continuous recording,
In, ___ _________ _________, data are recorded “only when the target behavior occurs”.
ABC narrative recording
A procedure for recording the extent to which a target behavior occurs more often at particular times than others
Method that uses: structured interviews, checklists, rating scales, or questionnaires to obtain information from persons who are familiar with the individual exhibiting the problem behavior (e.g., teachers, parents, caregivers, and/or the individual him- or herself) to identify possible conditions or events in the natural environment that correlate with the problem behavior.
Indirect functional assessment methods
procedures are referred to as “________ _______ ________ ________” because they do not involve direct observation of the behavior, but rather solicit information based on others’ recollections of the behavior.
Indirect Functional Behavior Assessment
FBA can best be viewed as a four-step process:
- Gather information via indirect and descriptive assessment.
- Interpret information from indirect and descriptive assessment and formulate hypotheses about the purpose of problem behavior.
- Test hypotheses using functional analysis.
- Develop intervention options based on the function of problem behavior.
Hypothesis statements should be written in ___ _______.
ABC format.
The FBA hypothesis statement should state
The antecedent(s) hypothesized to trigger the problem behavior, The topography of problem behavior, and The maintaining consequence.
To test all possible hypotheses within a short period of time is to use a ______ __________ ________ procedure.
Brief functional analysis
When teaching an alternative behavior as a replacement for problem behavior, the replacement behavior should be _____________ __________ to the problem behavior (i.e., it should be reinforced using the same reinforcers that pre- viously maintained the problem behavior).
functionally equivalent
__________ is an ongoing practice that continues when intervention is implemented.