Ch 9 - Drugs used in hormonal, endocrine, and reproductive disorders Flashcards
the constructive phase of metabolism in which body cells, repair and replace tissue.
a chemical compound having a structure similar to another but differing from it in some way
difficult birth
the mucous membrane lining of the uterus
a normal thyroid gland
feed efficiency?
the rate at which animals convert feed into tissue. - Expressed as the number of lbs or kg needed to produce 1 1b or 1 kg of animal
the return of some of the output product of a process as input in a way that controls the process
a hormone that stimulates the ovaries or testes
Hypophyseal portal system?
This is the portal system of the pituitary gland in which venules from the hypothalamus connect with capillaires of the anterior pitauitary
the return of a reproductive organ to normal size after delivery
levo isomer?
left-sided arrangement of a molecule that may exist in a left- or a right-sided configuration. Levo and dextro isomers have the same molecular formula
a muscle fibril composed of numerous myofilaments
nitrogen balance?
the condition of the body as it relates to protein intake and use. Positive nitrogen balance implies a net gain in body protein
primary hypothryoidism?
hypothyroidism resulting from a pathologic condition in the thyroid
releasing factor (releasing hormone)?
a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior pituitary to stimulate the release of trophic hormones
Trophic hormone?
a hormone that results in production of a second hormone in a target gland
Endocrine glands include?
pituitary, adrenals, thyroid, ovaries, testicles, pancreas, and kidneys
Hormones generally are administered to animals for one of two reasons?
a. to correct a deficiency of that hormone
b. to obtain a desired effect
Hormones that are administered to an animal are called?
exogenous hormones
Hormones that produced naturally in the body are?
endogenous hormones
Counterbalancing control hormones are?
insulin and glucagon
Insulin secreted in response to increasing blood glucose, causes what?
deposits of glucose and fat - “banker”
Glucagon secreted in response to hypoglycemia to mobilize glucose is called
the “spender”
Type 1 - Diabetes Mellitus (DM) means?
low/no levels of insulin production
type II - diabetes mellitus means?
insulin produced but cell receptors are refractory or blocked