Ch. 8 - Skeletal System Flashcards
the organs of the skeletal system are called:
the adult skeleton is composed of ______ separate bones
2 divisions of the skeleton
- axial
2. appendicular
80 bones of the head, neck and torso (74 bones make up the upright axis of the body + 6 tiny middle-ear bones)
axial skeleton
126 bones that form the appendages to the axial skeleton (upper and lower extremities & pelvis - not sacrum)
appendicular skeleton
what is the bone marking that means ‘a corner’
what is the bone marking that means ‘rounded bump; usually fits into a fossa or another bone to form a joint’
what is the bone marking that means ‘moderately raised ridge; generally site for muscle attachment’
what is the bone marking that means ‘flat surface that form a joint with another facet or flat bone’
what is the bone marking that means ‘bump near condyle; often gives the appearance of a bump on a bump; for muscle attachment’
what is the bone marking that means ‘round hole for vessels and nerves’
what is the bone marking that means ‘depression; often receives an articulating bone’
what is the bone marking that means ‘cavity within a bone’
what is the bone marking that means ‘large bump for muscle attachment (larger than a tubercle or tuberosity)
what is the bone marking that means ‘oblong, raised bump, usually for muscle attachment; also called a tuber)
what is the bone marking that means ‘small tuberosity’
2 major divisions of the skull
- cranial bones
2. facial bones
6 cranial bones
- frontal bone
- parietal bone
- temporal bone
- occipital bone
- sphenoid bone
- ethmoid bone
9 facial bones
- lacrimal bone
- palatine bone
- maxilla (upper jaw)
- mandible (lower jaw)
- zygomatic bone
- nasal bone
- inferior nasal conchae
- vomer bone
- eye orbits (right and left
this cranial bone forms the forehead and anterior part of the cranium
frontal bone
this cranial bone contains the frontal sinuses
frontal bone
this cranial bone forms the upper portion of the orbits and the coronal suture with the two parietal bones
frontal bone
this cranial bone forms the bulging top of the cranium
parietal bone
these cranial bones form the lower side of the cranium and part of the cranial floor
temporal bones
these cranial bones contain the inner and middle ear
temporal bones
this cranial bone forms the lower, posterior part of the skull
occipital bone
a butterfly or bat-shaped bone located in the central portion of the cranial floor
sphenoid bone
this cranial bone is a complex irregular bone that lies anterior to the sphenoid bone and posterior to the nasal bone
ethmoid bone
this facial bone is a paper-thin bone that lies posterior and lateral to each nasal bone and forms the nasal cavity and medial wall of the orbit
lacrimal bone
this facial bone articulates with the maxillae and sphenoid bone
palatine bone
these facial bones articulate with each other and with the nasal, zygomatic, inferior concha, and palatine bone
these facial bones are known as the upper jaw
these facial bones contain the maxillary sinuses
this facial bone is known as the lower jaw
this facial bone is the larges and strongest bone of the face
this facial bone forms the only moveable joint of the skull
this facial bone shapes the cheek and forms the outer margin of the orbit
zygomatic bone
these facial bones form the upper part of the bridge of the nose
nasal bones
this facial bone form the lower edge projecting into the nasal cavity and forming the nasal meatus
inferior nasal conchae
this facial bone forms the posterior portion of the nasal septum
vomer bone
these contain the eyes, associated eye muscles, lacrimal apparatus, blood vessels and nerves
right and left eye orbit
four _________ allow the fetal skull to mould during the birth process and allow rapid growth of the brain
fontanels or ‘soft spots’
u-shaped bone located just above the larynx and below the mandible; suspended from the styloid process of the temporal bone; only bone that does not articulate with another bone
hyoid bone
consists of 24 vertebrae plus the sacrum and the coccyx
vertebral column
5 segments of the vertebral column:
- cervical (7)
- thoracic (12)
- lumbar (5)
- sacrum
- coccyx
all vertebrae, except the first have a flat rounded body anteriorly and centrally, and a ____________ process posteriorly
all but the __________ and _________ have a vertebral foramen
sacrum, coccyx
the second cervical vertebra has an upward projection to allow rotation of the head called this:
the dens
each thoracic vertebra has articular facets for the _______
dagger-shaped bone in the middle of the anterior chest wall
the sternum is made up of 3 parts
- manubrium
- body
- xiphoid process
upper handle part of the sternum
middle blad part of the sternum
blunt cartilaginous lower tip of the sternum that ossifies during adult life
xiphoid process
_____________ (part of the sternum) articulates with the clavicle and the first rib
nine ribs join the body of the _________ either directly or indirectly, by the costal cartilages
12 pairs of ribs, with the vertebral column and sternum form the ___________
2 extremities the comprise the appendicular skeleton
- upper
2. lower
6 parts of the upper extremity
- shoulder girdle
- humerus
- ulna
- radius
- carpal bones
- metacarpal bones
this part of the upper extremity is composed of the scapula and the clavicle
shoulder girdle
this part of the upper extremity is characterized as the long bone of the upper part of the arm
ribs 1 through 7 =
true ribs
this part of the upper extremity is the long bone found on the little finger side of the forearm
this part of the upper extremity is the long bone found on the thumb side
this part of the upper extremity is characterized as 8 small bones that form the wrist
the _____________ between the radius and the carpals allow wrist and hand movement
this part of the upper extremity is what forms the framework of the hand
metacarpal bones
the lower extremity consists of 6 parts:
- pelvic girdle
- femur
- patella
- tibia
- fibula
- foot
this part of the lower extremity consists of the ___________ and the 2 _________ bones bound tightly by strong ligaments
sacrum, coxal
3 bones that each coxal bone is composed of:
- ilium (largest & uppermost)
- ischium (strongest & lowermost)
- pubis (anteriormost)
this part of the lower extremity is characterized as the longest and heaviest bone in the body
this part of the lower extremity is characterized as the largest sesamoid bone in the body
this part of the lower extremity is characterized as the larger, stronger or more medially and superficially located of the two leg bones
this part of the lower extremity is characterized as the bone that articulates proximally with the femur to form the knee joint
this part of the lower extremity is characterized as the smaller, more laterally and deeply placed of the 2 leg bones
this part of the lower extremity is characterized as the bone that articulates with the tibia
this part of the lower extremity is characterized as the structure similar to that of the hand with adaptations for supporting weight
foot bones are held together to form spring _________
2 spring arches in the foot
- medial longitudinal arch
2. lateral longitudinal arch
true or false
the male skeleton is larger and heavier than the female skeleton
________ pelvis: deep and funnel shaped with a narrow pubic arch
_________ pelvis: shallow, broad and flaring with a wider pubic arch
The human skeleton system consists of two divisions. They are the: A. compact and spongy. B. axial and cranial. C. appendicular and cranial. D. axial and appendicular.
D. axial and appendicular.
Which of the following is not in the appendicular skeleton? A. Vertebrae B. Tarsals C. Femur D. Clavicle
A. Vertebrae
Which of the following is a facial bone? A. Zygomatic bone B. Occipital bone C. Parietal bone D. All of the above
A. Zygomatic bone
Which of the following is not a bone in the leg? A. Mandible B. Femur C. Fibula D. Tibia
A. Mandible
The medial part of the anterior chest wall is supported by a dagger-shaped bone called the: A. symphysis pubis. B. sternum. C. humerus. D. carpal.
B. sternum.
Which of the following bones form the framework of the hand? A. Metacarpals B. Metatarsals C. Carpals D. Tarsals
A. Metacarpals
The largest sesamoid bone in the body is the: A. hyoid bone. B. tibia. C. patella. D. parietal.
C. patella.
Which two bones compose the shoulder girdle? A. Humerus and ulna B. Ulna and clavicle C. Clavicle and scapula D. Humerus and scapula
C. Clavicle and scapula
Anatomically speaking, which bones compose the wrist? A. Carpals B. Tarsals C. Metacarpals D. Metatarsals
A. Carpals
Which bone is the longest and heaviest bone in the body? A. Tibia B. Fibula C. Femur D. Humerus
C. Femur
Which bone is the only bone that does not normally form a joint with any other bone of the skeleton
Name the 3 types of the vertebrae and how many of each type are found in the the vertebral column
Cervical (7), Thoracic (12), and Lumbar (5).
what bones make up the boney cage known as the thorax
Ribs, vertebral column, and sternum
what is a floating rib
A floating rib is one that does not attach even indirectly to the sternum.
what bones make up the shoulder girdle and where does the shoulder girdle form a joint with the axial skeleton
Clavicle and scapula. The sternoclavicular joint between the sternum and clavicle.
what are the 2 bones of the forearm? In the anatomical position which one is lateral
Radius and ulna. The radius is lateral.
name the bones of the hand and wrist
Hand bones: metacarpals. Wrist bones: carpals.
which 3 bones fuse during skeletal development to form the coccyl bone (hip bone)
Ilium, ischium, and pubis.
what is the functional advantage of foot arches
Arches furnish more supporting strength per given amount of structural material.
name 2 difference between typical male and female skeletons
Answers may include differences in general form, skull, and pelvis (cavity, sacrum, coccyx, pubic arch, symphysis pubis, ischial spine, ischial tuberosity, anterior superior