Ch 7: Learning Flashcards
Classical Conditioning
- Learning by association
- Pavlov’s Dog
- John B. Watson + Little Albert
- UCS(natural stimulus) -> UCR
- UCS + CS -> UCR
- CS(not natural stimulus) -> CR
in Classical Conditioning, the 1st time a CS causes a CR
mix up 2 different (CS)s
e.g. Pavlov’s dog salavates when it hears the keys instead of the bell
only react with only one CS
Subject knows the exact CS
CS does not produce CR anymore
Spontaneous Recovery
after extenction, subject produces the CR to see what happnes
John B. Watson
Little Albert experiment
Types of Classical Conditioning - (4)
- trace
- simultaneous
- *delayed
- backward
- Trace - CS before + turn off
- Simultaneous - turn off CS during
- Delayed - keep CS on during
- Backward - turn CS on after
Systematic Desensitization
associate happy things with bad things - removes fear of bad thing
Operant Conditioning
- learning by consequence
- Edward Thorndike and B.F. Skinner
Law of Effect - Edward Thorndike
rewarded bejavior is likely to return
rewards make people repeat behaviors
B.F. Skinner
studied Operant Conditioning and created the Skinner Box
Reinforcers - (2)
- Primary/Secondary
Primary - satisfying in themselves
- can use the reinforcer at that moment
- e.g. food
Secondary - no immediate value
- e.g. money
Primary - satisfying in themselves
- Positive/Negative
- Positive - increase behavior by presenting something after a response
Negative - not a punishment
- increase behavior by removing something bad that is already there
- e.g. wearing your seatbelt to stop annoying beep
- increase behavior by removing something bad that is already there
Skinner Box
teaches animals by shaping/Successive Approximations - a step by step process
uses Operant Conditioning
Ratio Schedules
you must do the correct thing to get the reinforcer