Ch 13: Personality Flashcards
a pattern of behavior and thoughts
personality is a struggle between the ID, Ego, and SuperEgo
ID - present at birth
- always wants you to feel good
- 100% pleasure
SuperEgo - develops as you gro
- taught by parents and teachers - high moral standards
- always wants you to do the “right thing”
Ego - develops first year of life
- balance ID and SuperEgo
(Carl Rogers, Maslow)
just ask the person nicely to find out their personality
(Gordon Allport)
found all personalities and archived them
test people to fit them into a personality
Social Cognitive
(Albert Bandura)
learn personality by watching others
Defense Mechanisms - 7
- Repression
- Regression
- Reaction Formation
- Projection
- Rationalization
- Displacement
- Sublimation
Repression - pushes down the thought so you don’t think about it
Freudian Slips - fail in repression
- after a long time
Freudian Slips - fail in repression
Regression - your retreat into an infantile way
- acting like a little kid to get your way
Reaction Formation - switch to the opposite feelings
- Sarcasm
- Projection - you didguise your own feelings by putting them on someone else
Rationalization - offers a self justifying explination
- excuses
- Displacement - redirecting anger to a different place
- Sublimation - do something good with anger or other emotion
Freud’s Sexual Stages - 5
- oral
- anal
- phallic
- latency
- genital
oral - (0-1.5) - pleasure from sucking
- pacifier, thumbs
- anal - (1.5-3) - pleasure from creating, holding, and letting go of poop
phallic - (3-6) - get pleasure from exploring your body
- oedipus complex - boy hates dad, loves mom
- electra complex - girl hates mom, loves dad
- latency - (6-puberty) - quiet period
- genital - (puberty) - pleasure from others
too much or not enough of a stage
Projective test
ambiguous tests that tries to get into the unconscious
not scientific
Rorschach Test - ink blots - what do you see?
Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory
inventories - 100’s of questions
10 different scalse
2x - one before and after treatment
emperically derived
posess both masculine and feminine traits
Unconditional Positive Regaurd
total acceptane of others
*Reciprocal Determinism
our personality is shaped by interacting witht the environment
environment doesn’t just control you, but you think about your environment and act on it
Internal vs External
- Internal - control yourself
- better health, less depression
- self efficancy - “I can do it”
- External - others control you
- bad
- *Learned Helplessness - “Anything I do won’t matter”