Ch. 5 Infection Control Flashcards
Sodium hypochlorite is also known as:
household bleach
Phenols may__________certain rubber and plastic materials.
Quats is a short term for the salon disinfectant known as:
Quaternary ammonium compounds
All disinfectants are___________in the presence of oils, lotions, creams, and dust.
To use a disinfectant properly, read and follow the manufactuer’s directions and_____________implements for proper disinfection
completely submerge
The ability of a disinfecting solution to kill germs when used according to the label is known as:
The process that eliminates most, but not neccessarily all, microorganisms on nonliving surfaces is called:
Completely destroying all microbial life including bacterial spores is known as:
What is a condition that is developed after the body has overcome a disease or has been inoculated for the disease?
Acquired immunity
The ability to destroy or resist infections is known as:
What is a contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite?
Organisms that grow, feed, and shelter on or in another organism are known as:
What are single-cell organisms that grow in irregular masses that include mold, mildews, and yeasts?
The HIV virus is spread mainly through:
sharing needles by intravenous drug users
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is caused by:
the HIV virus
Colonies of microorganisms that adhere to environmental surfaces are called:
Some of the __________________that plaque humans are the common cold, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, measles, mumps, chicken pox, smallpox, rabies, yellow fever, hepatitis, polio, influenza and HIV
Submicroscopic particles that infect cells of a biological organism are known as:
Which statement is true of MRSA?
Clients who appear completely healthy may bring MRSA into the salon, where it can infect others.
What is an example of a local infection?
An abcess
What is a condition, characterized by redness, heat, pain, and redness, in which the body reacts to injury, irritation, or infection?
The division of a bacterial cell into two new cells is called:
binary fission
Short, rod-shaped bacteria that produce diseases such as tetanus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diphteria are called:
Pus-forming bacteria that cause infections such as strep throat and blood poisoning are:
Pathogenic bacteria may produce:
Nonpathogenic bacteria may perform useful functions and:
protect against infection
There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria, but they are classified into the following two primary types:
pathogenic and nonpathogenic
Single-celled organisms that have characteristics of both plants and animals are called:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registers many different types of:
The OSHA Act of 1970 established the Hazard Communication Rule, which required that chemical manufacturers publish__________, which has since been replaced by a new format.
Material Safety Data Sheets
OSHA stands for:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Nonpathogenic bacteria are: