Ch. 11 Properties of the Hair & Scalp Flashcards
The study of hair is known as:
A mature strand of human hair is divided into two principal parts known as the:
hair root and hair shaft
What structure in the skin or scalp encases a hair root?
Hair follicle
What is the lowest part of the hair strand?
hair bulb
What structure is described as a small, cone-shaped elevation located at the bottom of the hair follicle?
dermal papilla
What small involuntary muscle is attached to the underside of a hair follicle?
arrector pili
Oil glands of the skin, connected to the hair follicles, are known as:
sebaceous glands
Of the 20 amino acids that make up hair, a person must obtain__________of the essential amino acids from daily diet.
The three main layers of the hair shaft are the:
cuticle, cortex, and medulla
What substance in the cortex gives natural color to the hair?
As newly formed cells mature, they fill up with a fibrous ______________, then move upward, lose their nucleus, and die. This process is called keratinization.
Normal hair contains______________percent of the element carbon.
Normal hair contains_____________percent of the element oxygen.
In the makeup of normal human hair, what COHNS element is present in the lowest percentage?
The chemical bond that joins amino acids to each other is called a:
peptide bond
In the cortex, a side bond that is easily broken by strong alkaline or acidic solutions is called a______bond.
The cortex contains coloring matter in the form of minute grains of_____________, or pigment.
Pheomelanin provides natural hair colors from________________to yellow and blond tones.
red and ginger
The shape of the hair strand, described as straight, wavy, curly, or extremely curly, is known as its:
wave pattern
Short, fine, downy, unpigmented hair is known as____ hair.
What place on the body would normally include vellus hair?
Long, coarse, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs, arms, and body is known as:
terminal hair
All hair follicles have the same structure and cycle through the same three phases, which are:
anagen (growing), catagen (transitional), and teleogen (resting)
The loss of hair in round or irregular patches without inflammation is known as:
alopecia areata
What treatment has been scientifically proven to increase hair growth and is approved for that purpose by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
Canities is the technical term for:
gray hair
What type of hair is caused by the absence of melanin?
Gray hair
The technical term for split ends is:
The technical term for hair that is in a dry, brittle condition with nodular swellings along the hair shaft is:
trichorrhexis nodosa
Monilethrix is the technical term for:
beaded hair
A scalp condition characterized by red papules or spots at the opening of hair follicles is:
tinea capitis
When a client exhibits signs of____________, salon service should be limited to referring the client to a physician for medical treatment.
What contagious condition is caused by head lice?
pediculosis capitis
What is the technical term for a boil - an acute, localized bacterial infection of the hair follicle that produces constant pain?
What term refers to an infection of the hair follicles frequently caused by staphylococcus or other bacteria?
Hair texture refers to the________of the hair.
thickness or diameter
The number of individual hair strands on one square inch of the scalp indicates hair:
Hair with low porosity is considered:
The strength of the side bonds that hold the hair’s individual fibers in place is indicated by hair:
Hair that forms a circular pattern is called a: