Ch 3 Vocab Flashcards
Memorize Vocab from Week 1
acid free paper
paper produced by the kraft method of separating and delignifying fibers; is durable and long-lasting.
a chemical that neutralizes certain types of destructive oxygen compounds within an organism’s body.
artisan wood
a wood used for beauty instead of strength or low cost.
bast fiber
a fiber extracted from the phloem of a plant, usually from bark.
in cereal grains such as wheat or rice, bran consists of all parts of the fruit or seed that aren’t the embryo (embryo is referred to as the germ of the seed.)
compound in Capsicum peppers that causes them to be pungent. (hot)
usually sold as cinnamon, cassia is the bark of any of several trees related to the one that provides true cinnamon, Cinnamomum verum
cereal grains
the edible fruit (but often called a seed) of any of several true grasses cultivated for use as food for either people or animals.
complementary proteins
In foods, two proteins can complement each other if each contains amino acids that the other is missing.
complete protein
In food, a protein that contains all the amino acids in adequate amounts for the animal’s metabolism.
drying oil
a highly unsaturated plant oil that polymerizes into a hard film when excited exposed to oxygen; many are used to protect wood and make it shine.
a theory that proposes that the analysis of a phenomenon must include the gathering of observations and experimental results in addition to the use of reason and logic. vs. rationalism.
engineered wood
an artificial wood product made by gluing smaller wood pieces or fibers into a large shape. Particle board and plywood are examples.
an organism that synthesizes its own organic compounds using only carbon dioxide and mineral nutrients.
essential amino acid
an organism that obtains its carbon from organic molecules, not from carbon dioxide.
the study of the relationships between plants and people; very often emphasis is placed on the ways that people use certain plants.
evidence-based decision making
extraxylary fiber
a fiber that occurs anywhere other than in the xylem; often located in the phloem or near the epidermis.
Fertile Crescent
The portion of the Near East that includes Iraq and Iran, and which was the site where the first cities and agriculture were established.
food desert
a modern term used to describe areas of a city in which fresh, high quality foods are scarce or unavailable.
genetically modified organism (GMO)
an organism whose DNA has been artificially modified by means of recombinant DNA technology. Organisms produced by cross-breeding and artificial selection are not considered to be GMOs.
nets and coarse fibers used to cover and stabilize bare ground after construction damage or a fire; the geotextiles should decompose as plants become reestablished.
germ (of a seed)
embryo of a seed
a protein found in the flour of wheat and several other cereals; it gives bread its elasticity and allows it to rise.
glycemic index
a measurement of the rate at which carbohydrates are digested and how quickly they cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Foods with a high glycemic index cause blood sugar levels to rise more quickly than those with a low index.
hard fiber
a term used in the textile industry for fibers derived from leaves instead of bark or wood.
incomplete protein
in nutrition, an incomplete protein lacks some of the essential amino acids, or has some of them in very low, inadequate amounts. Consequently, a person cannot rely on an incomplete protein as a sole source of amino acids.
a drink such as tea in which plant material is steeped in water, then the plant material is discarded and only the water extract is used.
old growth forest
a forest that has existed without major disturbance for a long time (usually defined as more than 120 years.) Many old growth forests have been destroyed by people who log them for lumber, firewood or other resources.
a theory that proposes that reason and logical thought are sufficient for analyzing a phenomenon; observations and experiments are considered unnecessary.
extracting fibers from plant material by placing the harvested plants in a shallow pool of water and allowing the soft parts of the plants to be decomposed by fungi and bacteria
soft fiber
among textiles fibers, soft fibers are those extracted from phloem, cortex, or bark.
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
the psychoactive chemical in marijuana
whole wheat flour
flour produced by grinding entire fruits of wheat; it contains bran (the dried fruit wall) along with the endosperm and germ (embryo), enzymes in the germ will cause whole wheat flour to become rancid if not kept perfectly dry. White flour lacks bran and germ.
wood fiber
in textiles and the manufacturing of paper, a wood fiber is one extracted from wood. synonym: xylary fiber. If wood of eudicots is used, then the fibers are actually fibers in the botanical sense (single cells with narrow pits), but if conifer wood is used, then the wood fibers are actually tracheids.
xylary fibers
synonym for wood fiber