ch. 3 medical, legal, and ethical issues Flashcards
decision making compacity
ability of a patient to understand the information you are providing along w the ability to process and make an informed choice
patient autonomy
the legal right for a patient to refuse medical care to save them
expressed consent
when a patient verbally or otherwise acknowledges that they want you to provide care / transportation ( must be informed consent)
implied consent
when a patient unconscious or not isn’t able to give consent. (the law assumes the patient would give consent) (emergency doctrine)
involuntary consent
mentally ill, developmentally delayed, behavioral crisis, unconscious, prisoner, (guardian or officer decision)
minors & consent
parent or legal guardian , emancipated minor (married, armed forces, parents), teachers, true emergency and no consent is available (implied consent)
forcible restraint
combative, involve law enforcement
HIPPA (heal ins. portability and accountability act
do not resuscitate doesn’t mean do not treat
organ donors
donor card/ dl
save pts life
organs need O2
scope of practice
outlines care you are allowed to provide
mandated reporting
child/elder abuse injury during a felony drug related injuries childbirth attempted suicide dog bites certain communicable diseases assaults domestic violence sexual assault / rape exposure to infectious diseases restrained patient crime scene deceased