Ch. 2 Investigating and Processing Physical Evidence Flashcards
active bloodstain
a bloodstain caused by blood that traveled by application of force, not gravity
associative evidence
evidence that associates individuals with a crime scene
class characteristic
a feature that is common to a group of items
corpus delicti
the “body of the crime”
information about a crime that meets the state or federal rules of evidence
representative (standard) item to which evidence can be compared
explainable differences
a sound of scientific explanation for any differences between the evidence and the reference material
Federal Rule of Evidence (FRE)
rules that govern the admissibility of all evidence, including expert testimony
the process of matching a set of qualities or characteristics that uniquely identifies an object
individual characteristic
a feature that is unique to on specific item
Locard’s exchange principle
whenever two objects come into contact with each other, there is an exchange of materials between them
modus operandi
the “method of operation”
aka MO
passive bloodstain
a pattern of blood formed by the force of gravity
point of convergence
the most likely point of origin of the blood that produced the bloodstains
deviation of a bullet’s trajectory because of collision with another object
tool mark
any impression, cut, scratch, or abrasion caused when a tool comes in contact with another surface
transfer bloodstain
a bloodstain deposited on a surface as a result of direct contact with an object
Whether an object is considered evidence is determined by its _______ to the crime.
In court, it is the responsibility of the ______ to determine what is relevant.
Investigators must move quickly to identify and protect evidence before ______ effects begin to alter its appearance.
______ (biological/chemical/physical) evidence is most susceptible to change.
Another name for physical evidence is the ______ sample.
Another name for the known sample is the ______ sample.
If a piece of paper that is evidence is exposed to the sun and changes color, a forensic expert may match it to a known sample of paper that is a lighter color. The court must then be told about these _____ (un/explainable) differences.
______ is the determination of the physical and chemical identity of a substance with as much certainty as existing analytical techniques will permit.
Before a test method can be adopted as a routine test in a crime laboratory, it must be shown to give reproducible, accurate results for a(n) ______ sample.
The FBI has established ______ that developed testing protocols and standard tests.
Scientific Working Groups (SWG)
When an expert has drawn a conclusion “to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty,” it means the conclusion has been substantiated beyond any ___________.
reasonable doubt