Ch. 14 Forensic DNA Typing Flashcards
a DNA sequence that has been amplified by PCR
when 2 complementary strands of DNA bind together
capillary electrophoresis (CE)
a method of separating DNA samples based on the rate of movement of each component through a gel-filled capillary while under the influence of an electric field
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
the national database containing the DNA profiles of individuals who are convicted of sexual & violent crimes
the separation of 2 complementary strands of DNA upon heating
DNA polymerase
an enzyme that is a catalyst in the polymerase chain reaction
gel electrophoresis
a method of separating DNA samples based on the rate of movement of each component in a gel while under the influence of an electric field
a technique in which multiple STR loci are amplified & analyzed simultaneously
the observable characteristics of an organism
(ie) blue eyes, blond hair
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
a reaction that is used to make millions of copies of a section of DNA
a short sequence of DNA that is specifically designed & synthesized to be complementary to the ends of the DNA region to be amplified
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
a DNA typing technique in which sections of the DNA strand are cut out by restriction enzymes & differentiated based on their length
selectively neutral loci
inherited characteristics that confer neither a benefit nor any harm to the individual’s ability to reproduce successively
selectively neutral loci
inherited characteristics that confer neither a benefit nor any harm to the individual’s ability to reproduce successively
short tandem repeat (STR)
a DNA locus where sequences of 3 to 7 bases repeat over and over
single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
a DNA sequence variation that occurs when a single nucleotide (A, T, C, or G) in the genome sequence is altered
the heat-cool cycle used in the PCR reaction
the heat-cool cycle used in the PCR reaction
A gene that has been manipulated by molecular biologists is called _______ DNA.
Most DNA type techniques focus on the _______ (coding/noncoding) portions of DNA.
In RFLP, _______ enzymes are used to cut out the DNA sequence of interest.
PCR-based methods have largely replaced RFLP because of PCR’s ability to process ______ samples or ______ samples.
When DNA is heated, the 2 complementary strands _______ (separate); when the strands are cooled, they ______ (come back together again).
In the PCR amplification process, the heating and cooling process is called _______.
The short sequences of DNA designed to be complementary to the ends of the DNA region to be amplified are called _______.
The DNA copies that are produced by PCR amplification are called a(n) ________.
Most forensic STRs have _____ (3, 4, 5, 6) bases that repeat over and over.
The length of an STR is ________ (longer/shorter) than an RFLP DNA fragment.
STR makers that are used for forensic DNA typing are chosen from separate _______ to avoid linkage between markers.
Mutations in the noncoding region will have no effect on the ______ of the individual.
A mutation that does not threaten the individual’s survival is called _______.
Observable characteristics of an individual, such as eye and hair color, describe the person’s ________.
DNA moves in electrophoresis because of the influence of a(n) _______.
As more voltage is applied to an electrophoresis gel, the temperature ________ (increases/decreases/stays the same)
As more voltage is applied to an electrophoresis gel, the temperature ________ (increases/decreases/stays the same)
In a CE separation, the _______ (largest/smallest) STRs arrive at the detector first.
In a CE separation, the STR is identified by comparison to a standard ________.
The fluorescent dyes that are used for detecting STRs are attached to the ______ _______.
The process of amplifying and identifying multiple STR loci simultaneously is called _______.
In multiplexing, the _______ of the STR and the color of the ______ are adjusted to give an optimal separation of multiple STRs.
The DNA databases i nmost countries rely on _______ or more STR loci, each of which is found on different chromosome.
CODIS matches _______ (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) core loci.
The match probability is the _______ of the frequency.
The likelihood ratio is the same numerical value as the _____ ______.
At a specific locus, a child can inherit only _____ allele from his or her father and _____ allele from his or her mother.
The genetic information carried by mtDNA is essential. Geneticists refer to this as being highly ________.
DNA ______ is a technique that determines the sequences of bases along a DNA strand.
The first mtDNA to be determined is the _______ sequence, and it is used as a reference sequence.
A person inherits mtDNA from his or her _______.
A maximum of ______ alleles are possible foreach SNP.