Ch. 1 lab Flashcards
cranium surrounds
skull is mostly
cranial bones/ facial bones
large depression in eye
structure that is cheek bone
zygomatic arch
middle of nasal cavity
nasal septem
between teeth is up top
hard palate
squiggle lines on skull are
posterior suture
lambdoidal suture
midline suture
sagittal suture
suture that curvels around forehead
coronal suture
suture on lateral part of skull
squamous suture
present in side head suture
sutural bones/wormian
occipital bone forms
back part of skull
large opening bottom of skull
foramen magnum
rounded joint around foramen magnum
occipital condyles
back of skull bump
external occipital proterburince
bigger hole on bottom of skull
jugular foramena
flat bones on cranial head
parietal bone
forehead bone
frontal bone
frontal bone contributes to the edge of orbit
supraorbital margin
ridge above where brow is
superciliary arch
temporal bone is
near the ear
flat piece on temporal bone
squamous portion
extension off temporal bone to zygomatic arch
zygomatic process
bone of zygomatic arch
temporal bone
depression under arch
mandibular fossa
large opening by ear
external acoustic medias
ridge of temperal bone inside
petrous portion
petrous portion contains
hearing bones
large projection behind ear
small process at ear longer
anterior holes to jugular foramen is
carotid canal
small opening on ridge
internal auditory canal
big depression in cranial
anterior cranial fossae, posteior, midle
bat/butterfly bone
processes near front of sphenoid
lesser wings of sphenoid
large wings on the sides of sphenoid
greater wings
depression in sphenoid
the sella turica
side hole on sphenoid comes out in eye (long opening)
superior orbital fissure
small circular opening in eye that goes to near the lesser wing
optic canal
prominent sinus in sphenoid
sphenoidal sinus, right through the saddle
whole in frontal bone
frontal sinus
bone with grooves in the anterior cranial