Cerebal Hemispheres Flashcards
Development disorder characterized by difficulty in social communication skills and restricted behaviors
*Increased # of minicolumns found
Vellate astrocytes
Fnxn to maintain the spatial separation b/w mini- and macro- columns
Inability to carry out a learned, skilled movement despite intact sensory, motor, and language fnxns
*Commonly seen in Alzheimer’s
Frontal Release Signs
Infant reflexes normally inhibited by Prefrontal Cortex in adults
1 Grasp Reflex
- Glabellar Reflex
- Suck Reflex
- Snout Reflex
- Rooting Reflex
Medullary Center
Deep white matter of cerebral hemispheres
Superior/Longitudinal fasciculi
Associational pathways that include the arcuate fasciculus (superior)
*Connects language areas to each other; lesions cause conduction aphasia
Part of cingulate gyrus involved w/ limbic system; serves as a connection to the hippocampus
*Most important pathway allowing emotions to mix w/ memories
Corpus Callosum
Major commissural pathway of brain
Corona Radiata
Major two-way projection pathway
Genu of Internal Capsule contains…
Corticobulbar axons
Sub & Retro-lenticular portion of IC
Contains auditory and visual radiations
Basal ganglia
Subcortical nuclei derived from the prosencephalon
*Divided into dorsal striatal structures (movement)
Ventral Striatal Structures ( Limbic fnxns)
Corpus Striatum
Caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus
Caudate and Putamen
Lentiform nucleus
Putamen and Globus Pallidus
Location of amygdala
Immediately beneath cortex of temporal pole; important in learned fear
Rooting Reflex
Baby will turn head and open mouth when looking for food; may require slight stroke of the cheek