Cells & Tissues Flashcards
The movement of ions or molecules across a cellular membrane from a lower to a higher concentration, requiring the consumption of energy.
Active transport
the stage in mitosis or meiosis following metaphase in which the daughter chromosomes move away from each other to opposite ends of the cell.
A multifunctional nucleoside with three phosphates that is used in cells as a coenzyme. It transfers chemical energy within cells for metabolism and it is constantly recycled in organisms.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
The appendage of the neuron that transmits impulses away from the cell body.
A small, cylindrical cell organelle, seen near the nucleus in the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells, that divides in perpendicular fashion during mitosis.
A specialized structure on the chromosome, appearing during cell division as the constricted central region where the two chromatids are held together and form an X shape.
A connective tissue cell that occupies a lacuna within the cartilage matrix. Also called cartilage cell .
one of two identical chromosomal strands into which a chromosome splits longitudinally preparatory to cell division.
the readily stainable substance of a cell nucleus, consisting of DNA, RNA, and various proteins, that forms chromosomes during cell division.
Any of several threadlike bodies, consisting of chromatin, that carry the genes in a linear order: the human species has 23 pairs, designated 1 to 22 in order of decreasing size and X and Y for the female and male sex chromosomes respectively.
A short thread-like projections on the surface of a cell, organism, etc, whose rhythmic beating causes movement of the organism or of the surrounding fluid.
The fibrous protein constituent of bone, cartilage, tendon, and other connective tissue that converts into gelatin by boiling.
A form or structure in the shape of a column.
A process resulting from osmosis in which red blood cells, in a hypertonic solution, shrink and acquire a scalloped surface.
Having the approximate shape of a cube.
The division of the cytoplasm of a cell following the division of the nucleus.
The cell substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus, containing the cytosol, organelles, cytoskeleton, and various particles.
The cell substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus, containing the cytosol, organelles, cytoskeleton, and various particles.
It is the main component of chromosomes and is the material that transfers genetic characteristics in all life forms.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
The separation of small molecules from large molecules and colloids in a solution by the selective diffusion of the small molecules through a semipermeable membrane.
The movement of atoms or molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
A network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring with a smooth surface involved in the transport of materials.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - Smooth
A network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, studded with ribosomes involved in the transport of materials.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - Rough
A threadlike appendage, especially a whiplike extension of certain cells or organisms that functions as an organ of locomotion.
The process of passing a liquid through a filter.
A mucus-secreting epithelial cell that distends with mucin before secretion and collapses to a goblet shape after secretion. Also called beaker cell .
Goblet cell
An organelle, consisting of layers of flattened sacs, that takes up and processes secretory and synthetic products from the endoplasmic reticulum.
Golgi apparatus
The chief structural unit of compact (cortical) bone, consisting of concentric bone layers called lamellae, which surround a long hollow passageway, the haversian canal.
Haversian system
Blood-forming tissue, consisting of reticular fibers and cells that replenishes the body’s supply of red cells.
Hemopoietic tissue
A solution of higher osmotic pressure than another solution with which it is compared.
A solution of lower osmotic pressure than another solution with which it is compared.
The period of the cell cycle during which the nucleus is not undergoing division, typically occurring between mitotic or meiotic divisions. Also called interkinesis.
A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells containing various hydrolytic enzymes that function in intracellular digestion.
A surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained.
The stage in mitosis or meiosis in which the duplicated chromosomes line up along the equatorial plate of the spindle.
An organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production.
The process in cell division by which the nucleus divides, typically in four stages (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase) . Also called indirect nuclear division , karyokinesis , mitotic division .
A class of cells in the brain and spinal cord that form a supporting structure for the neurons and provide them with insulation.
A specialized, impulse-conducting cell that is the functional unit of the nervous system, consisting of the cell body and its processes, the axon and dendrites.
A conspicuous, rounded body within the nucleus of a cell.
The protoplasm of the nucleus of a cell. Also called karyoplasm .
A large, membrane-bound, usually spherical protoplasmic structure within a living cell, containing the cell’s hereditary material and controlling its metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Also called karyon .
A differentiated structure within a cell, such as a mitochondrion, vacuole, or microsome, that performs a specific function. Also called organoid .
Diffusion of fluid through a semipermeable membrane until there is an equal concentration of fluid on both sides of the membrane.
Transport of a substance across a cell membrane by diffusion; expenditure of energy is not required.
Passive transport
The engulfing and ingestion of bacteria or other foreign bodies by phagocytes.
Introduction of fluids into a cell by invagination of the cell membrane, followed by formation of vesicles within the cells.
The semipermeable membrane that encloses the cytoplasm of a cell. Also called cytomembrane , plasmalemma.
Plasma membrane
Any of various phosphorous-containing lipids that are composed mainly of fatty acids, a phosphate group, and a simple organic molecule. Also called phosphatide .
The first stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes condense and become visible, the nuclear membrane breaks down, and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the cell.
A complex molecules that contain a cell’s genetic information and the instructions for carrying out cellular processes.
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
A tiny, somewhat mitten-shaped organelle occurring in great numbers in the cell cytoplasm either freely, in small clusters, or attached to the outer surfaces of endoplasmic reticula, and functioning as the site of protein manufacture.
One of a network of achromatic filaments that extend inward from the poles of a dividing cell, forming a spindle-shaped figure.
Spindle fiber
Covered with or formed of squamae or scales.
The process by which mRNA is synthesized from a DNA template resulting in the transfer of genetic information from the DNA molecule to mRNA.
The process by which mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes effect the production of a protein molecule from amino acids, the specificity of synthesis being controlled by the base sequences of the mRNA.
The final stage of mitosis or meiosis during which the chromosomes of daughter cells are grouped in new nuclei.
It means “ center “ , “ in the middle “.
A combining form representing “ cell “ .
A combining form representing “ fiber “ .
A combining form representing “ tissue “ .
Combining form means nucleus of a cell.
Combing form representing “ cornea “ .
Combing form representing “ mucus or slime “ .
Combing form representing “ mucus “ .
Combing form representing “ form or structure “ .
A fine network formed by cells, by certain structures within cells, or by connective-tissue fibers between cells.
A combining form representing “ body “.
A combining form representing nucleus, nuclear, or nucleic acid.
A combining form representing “ nourishment “ .