CCP Flashcards
What is the right foot findings with CCP?
Right foot is out-flared, resists internal rotation
What is the leg length finding with CCP?
Left leg longer
What are the respiratory findings with CCP?
Motion of the abdominal wall is only down to the umbilicus
Which way is the pelvic girdle rotated in CCP?
Rotated clockwise (when viewed from above)
What are the iliac crest findings with CCP?
left iliac crest is superior
What are the ASIS findings with CCP?
Right ASIS is closer to the table
The pelvis rolls more easily which way?
The thorax shifts which way?
The inguinal areas are tighter on which side?
What are the innominate findings in CCP?
Right side is inferior and medial
Which side of the pubic symphysis is more superior?
Which innominate is superior and lateral?
Which innominate is more compressible?
Which way does the innominate fascia drag?
superior on the right, inferior on the left
The lumbar spine is flat or arched off the table?
The motion of the LS junction is limited or overly pliable?
The upper thorax is rotated which way when looking from above?
The lower thorax is rotated which way when looking from above?
Which way does the lower portion of the thorax flare?
To the left