Most common health problem seen in primary care settings
AHA 2017 Guidelines recommended BP below 130/80
Continuous BP elevation results in damage to organs
HTN is a major risk factor for:
Desired BP below 150/90 (60 years and older)
Desired BP below 140/90 (younger than 60 years old)
Desired BP below 130/90 (patients with DM and heart disease)
AHA 2017 Guidelines recommended BP below 130/80
Continued high pressure over time Causes thickening of the arterioles/blood vessels
As the blood vessels thicken, perfusion decreases and perfusion decreases to body organs are damaged
Continuous BP elevation results in damage to organs
Myocardial infarction
Kidney failure
HTN is a major risk factor for:
Primary (essential)
Classifications and etiology/causes of HTN
Most common type of HTN
Not caused by an existing health problem; can develop when a patient has any one or more of the risk factors:
Primary (essential)
Family history - lot have this
African-American ethnicity
Older than 60 or postmenopausal
Excessive sodium and caffeine intake
Physical inactivity
Excessive alcohol intake
Low potassium, calcium, or magnesium intake
Excessive and continuous stress
Some modifiable and not; teaching about modifiable and seeing diff risk factors have
Not caused by an existing health problem; can develop when a patient has any one or more of the risk factors:
Results from specific diseases and some drugs
Kidney disease is one the most common causes of secondary hypertension
Physical assessment/clinical manifestations
Orthostatic hypotension
Diagnostic assessment
Assessment of HTN
Most people have no symptoms oftentimes - not getting screened for HTN no idea unless really bad
Some patients experience esp when really bad and high headaches, facial flushing (redness), dizziness, fainting
No idea unless annual phys/screenings - imp places have BP cuffs to check BP
Blood pressure screenings
Physical assessment/clinical manifestations
Best prac in screenings to Take in both arms
Two or more readings at a visit
Use appropriate size cuff to arm - wrong size cuff can cause falsely high/low reading
Blood pressure screenings
Decrease in BP with changes in position - take in supine, take in sitting, take in standing
Sig: 20 mmHg for systolic and/or 10mmHg for diastolic BP
Orthostatic hypotension
Assess for stressors that can worsen hypertension - stress is risk factor that can make HTN worse
No specific lab or x-rays are diagnostic of primary hypertension - relying on BP readings
Secondary hypertension can be screened with labs specific to the underlying disease: Ex. kidney disease
Diagnostic assessment
Major interventions - direct therapy: meds
Lifestyle changes
Complementary and alternative therapies
Drug Therapy
Avoid OTC medications (NSAIDs and decongestants - educate on this)
Interventions for HTN
Helps with risk factors
Dietary sodium restriction to less than 2 grams/daily - very hard to do this
Reduce weight
Use alcohol sparingly
Exercise 3-4 days a week for 40 minutes and moving
Use relaxation techniques to decrease stress - stress can exacerbate HTN
Avoid tobacco and caffeine
Lifestyle changes
Meditation - use to decrease stress and relax
Complementary and alternative therapies
Biggest intervention for pats with HTN
Calcium channel blockers:
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors:
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs):
Aldosterone Receptor Antagonists:
Beta-Adrenergic Blockers:
Drug therapy for HTN
First line of medications used for HTN and very effective
Decrease blood volume in order to lower blood pressure
EX: Thiazides: Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)
EX: Loop diuretics: Furosemide (Lasix); Torsemide (Demadex) - cause excrete K
EX: Potassium-sparing: Spironolactone (Aldactone) - not cause excrete K
Monitor for hypokalemia with thiazide and loop diuretics - Check electrolytes and often on electrolyte protocols that prior to giving med not need K replacement therapy
Monitor for hyperkalemia with potassium-sparing diuretics - not getting to high
Sometimes get loop and K-sparing
Educate patients about frequent voiding - voiding lot more with diuretics; imp educate about; not before bed; think if fall risk - get more often to void: using bedside commode
Monitor for dehydration (urinating a lot) and orthostatic hypotension with diuretics
Interferes with calcium ions causing vasodilation to lower blood pressure
Check HR and BP prior to admin and keep monitoring post-admin so not giving opp effect where too low
Ends in -pine except Verapamil (Calan)
Amlodipine (Norvasc)
Calcium channel blockers: