Assessment of Musculoskeletal System Flashcards
Decreased bone density (osteopenia)
Increased bone prominence
Kyphotic posture - can lead to a widened gain and shift in the center of gravity
Cartilage degeneration
Decreased ROM
Slowed movement
Musculoskeletal changes with aging
Imp because safety - decrease risk fractures
Fall more likely bones break
More weight-bearing exercises - increases bone density
Decreased bone density (osteopenia) - Musculoskeletal changes with aging
Increased risk for pressure ulcers
Precautions - skin things and turning frequently
Increased bone prominence - Musculoskeletal changes with aging
Increased risk for falling and injury
Leaned over posture
Do proper body mechanics
Kyphotic posture - can lead to a widened gain and shift in the center of gravity - Musculoskeletal changes with aging
Wear and tear - less cartilage
Moist heat - increase blood flow and decrease pain
Cartilage degeneration - Musculoskeletal changes with aging
Assess safety; how IADLs and ADLS
Decreased ROM - Musculoskeletal changes with aging
Be patient and do not rush
Slowed movement - Musculoskeletal changes with aging
Patient - lifestyle, how get around, exercise
Nutrition - Ca and vitamin D: decreased bone density; protein - keep muscle mass; overeating
Family and genetic risk - bone cancers and osteoporosis
Current health problems - pain (common) and weakness (issues getting around)
Assessment: history
Muscle strength and Range of motion
Observe patient’s posture and gait
Assessment: Physical Assessment
Assess for crepitus (grating sound in joints with movement) - limited ROM - is diminished as age but want check
Feelings sponginess if effusion in joint
Muscle strength and Range of motion
Assess balance, steadiness, symmetry of stride (limping) and ease and length of stride (shuffle) - smooth
Observe patient’s posture and gait
Assess need for ambulatory devices
Asses ability to perform ADL’s and IADLS
Increases: bone cancer, Paget’s disease, healing bone fracture
Decreases: osteoporosis, osteomalacia
Gen Decreased in older adults
Serum calcium (9.0-10.5)
Increases: healing bone fractures, bone tumors, acromegaly
Decreases: osteomalacia
Gen Decreased in older adults
Serum phosphate (3.0-4.5)
Increases: bone cancer, Paget’s disease, osteomalacia
Slightly increased in older adults
Alkaline phosphatase ALP (30-120)