Want to avoid in HF pats
Acute Life-threatening event
Causes/results from:
Need do intervention quickly
With this Left ventricle fails to eject sufficient amount of blood and backs up into lungs and pressure increases in the lungs
The increased pressure causes fluid to leak across the pulmonary capillaries and into the lung airways and tissues
Pulm edema
Severe HF (with fluid overload)
Acute myocardial infarction (MI)
Mitral valve disease
Causes/results from:
Crackles - early sign
Dyspnea - early sign
Disorientation or acute confusion - early sign: Increased in older adult
Tachycardia - often occurs
Hypertension or hypotension
Reduced urinary output
Cough with frothy, pink-tinged sputum - moist productive cough
Premature ventricular contractions and other dysrhythmias
Anxiety - typ extremely anxious; really struggling for air which increases anixety; can know coming on and becoming anxious
Skin cool, clamy, cyanotic
PVCs, dysrhythmias
Symp of pulm edema
Need do intervention
Monitor VS - BP changes, tachycardiac, look at O2 level
If not hypotensive, place in high Fowler’s position - legs down to decrease venous return to heart
High flow oxygen therapy - priority O2 nursing action is keep O2 sat above 90% and high flow O2 therapy: non-rebreather/high-flow nasal cannula - may need more aggressive pulm therapy
Aggressive pulmonary therapy
Nitroglycerin (NTG) - sublingual - q5min for up to 3 doses to decrease afterload and preload
Administer rapid-acting diuretics - remove fluid
IV Morphine Sulfate
Closely monitor VS - make sure interventions working or need change
Pulm edema interventions
Maintain oxygen saturation above 90%
High flow oxygen therapy - priority O2 nursing action is keep O2 sat above 90% and high flow O2 therapy: non-rebreather/high-flow nasal cannula - may need more aggressive pulm therapy
CPAP, BiPAP, or intubation and mechanical ventilation - collab with RT, physician and monitoring pat to determine level of intervention needed
Aggressive pulmonary therapy
CPAP, BiPAP, or intubation and mechanical ventilation - collab with RT, physician and monitoring pat to determine level of intervention needed
Aggressive pulmonary therapy
if systolic BP is greater than 100
Nitroglycerin (NTG) - sublingual - q5min for up to 3 doses to decrease afterload and preload
IV Furosemide (Lasix) or Bumetanide (Bumex): push/drip; push first then starting drip for continuous fluid removal
Administer rapid-acting diuretics - remove fluid
Inadequate BP: decreases preload
Reduces venous return (preload)
Decreases anxiety
Reduces work of breathing
IV Morphine Sulfate
Acquired valvular dysfunctions:
Key features:
Diagnostic testing:
Management of heart disease depends on which valve is affected and the degree of valve impairment
Valvular heart disease
Narrowing of valve opening
Valve opening narrowed preventing norm blood from LA to LV and LA pressure increases and dilates and pulm artery pressure increases causing RV to hypertrophy/increase in side causing/Causes pulmonary congestion and right heart failure
Mitral stenosis
Valve does not completely close during systole
Prevents mitral valve from closing completely
Blood backs up into LA when LV contracts; during diastole blood flows into LA and increased blood needs to be ejected in next systole cycle - to compensate for increased blood volume and pressure - LA and LV dilate and hypertrophy
Backflow of blood into the left atrium
Mitral regurgitation (insufficiency)
Valvular leaflets enlarge and prolapse into the left atrium during systole
Usually benign - can adv to mitral regurgitation
Associated with congenital cardiac defects and does have family tendency
Mitral valve prolapse
Most common cardiac valve dysfunction
Orifice Narrowing of valve opening and obstructs LV outflow during systole
Increased resistance to ejection of blood/afterload and cardiac output is decreased and fixed - results in hypertrophy; as stenosis worsens, CO fixed and cannot increase to meet needs of body during exercise - overtime LV fails and blood backs up into LA and pulm sys becomes congested
Aortic stenosis