Cardiac and Vascular Histology Flashcards
What are the two parts of the transverse region of the intercalated disc?
Fascia adherens: actin filaments
Desmosomes: intermediate filaments
In what layer are the coronary vessels found?
In the epicardial fat
What are lipofuscin granules?
Small bodies of materials digested by lysosomal function. They accumulate near the nuclei as a part of aging.
What helps smooth muscle cells contract uniformly?
Gap junctions
Where are the T Tubules in the myocardium located?
On top of the Z discs
What is released by myoendocrine cells?
What is its function?
Atrial natriuretic factor.
Tells the kidney to increase the glomeriolar filtration rate.
What anchors the contractile apparatuses of smooth muscle to the cell wall?
Dense bodies
What two structures sit on top of Z discs?
T Tubules
Intercalated disks
What do we find in the longitudinal region of the intercalated disc?
Gap junctions
What are dense bodies made of?
Desmin and vimentin
What type of cardiac myocyte lacks T tubules and has less than normal intercalated discs?
Cardiac myocytes of the purkinje fibers
What is the special name for the T Tubules of smooth muscle?
What is the endocardium made of?
Endothelium and a thin layer of loose CT
Vasa vasorum serve a function analogout to that of?
What layer is it found in?
What size arteries and veins is it found in?
1) Coronary arteries
2) Tunica adventitia
3) Large arteries and veins
What tissue is directly associated with and extends into the heart valves?
Cardiac skeleton
The ventricles contain Purkinje fibers of the right and left branches from?
AV bundle
Individuals with Marfan syndrome have mutations in what gene?
This gene is required for?
What part of arterila wall is most likely to be affected by this syndrome due to mutation in this gene?
1) Fibrillin
2) Elastic fiber formation
3) Tunica media
What capillaries are the most common in both brain and muscle?
Which are located on the GB, pituitary, and kidney?
Which are located in liver and marrow?
1) Continuous
2) Fenestrated
3) Discontinuous
Pericytes are associated with the basal lamina of?
Capillary endothelial cells
What vessel has no smooth muscle but a large amount of CT at its periphery?
Thin filaments attach to dense bodies in what type of tissue?
Smooth muscle
Arrange the vessels in the order that blood will encoutner as it flows form the output side to the input sie of the cardiovascular flow circuit.
1) Elastic arteries
2) Muscular arteries
3) Arterioles
4) Capillaries
5) Venules
6) Medium veins
7) Large veins
Gap junctions, desmosomes, and adheren juncitons are specifically localized in which structure?
Intercalated discs
Liver tissue have many large flattened spaces that blood moves slowly through that are lined by?
Sinusoidal endothelium

1) Smooth Muscle
2) Non-striated and involuntary
3) Actin and myosin

1) Cardiac muscle
2) Striated and involuntary
3) Actin and myosin

1) Endocardium
2) Dense Fibrocollagenous CT
3) Myocardium
4) Mesothelium
5) Purkinje Fibers

1) Intercalated discs
2) Specialized juncitons that bind cells together and allow excitaiton to spread
3) Myocardium
4) Intercalated discs coincide with Z-lines

1) Fascia adherens transverse
2) Associate with actin filaments at the ends of terminal sarcomeres
3) Gap junctions, longitudinal
4) Allows for excitation to pass between cells
5) Desmonsomes, transverse
6) Provide anchorage via intermediate filaments

1) Heart valves
2) Core of fibroelastic CT, covered with endothelium
3) Cardiac skeleton
4) Endothelium

1) Tunica media
2) Internal elastic membrane
3) Tunica intima
4) Endothelium
5) Vaso vasorum
6) Artery
7) Elastic artery

1) Tunica media
2) Tunica adventitia
3) Tunica intima
4) Simple squamous epithelium
5) Vein
6) Large vein (vena cava)

1) Elastic artery
2) Tunica media
3) Tunica adventitia
4) Internal elastic membrane

1) Large vein
2) All three tunics, adventitia is thickest, media has elastin fibers, intima has endothelium lining
3) Tunica adventitia
4) Tunica media

1) Medium/muscular artery
2) Medium vein
3) Valves in vein
4a) Medium/muscular artery
4b) Medium vein

1a) Small vein
1b) Small artery
2a) All three tunics, adventitia is most prominent
2b) Elastiv fibers in internal/external elastic membrane, thicker tunica media

A) Arteriole
B) Venule

A) Sinusoidal
B) Continuous
C) Fenestrated

1) Lymphatic vessels
2) Contain fluid but lack RBCs, thinner walls
3) Lymph
4) Lymph leaks from capillaries due to differences in pressure from arteriole, collected by lymphatic capillaries

1) Lymphatic vessels
2) Identical tunics to smaller arteries/veins
3) Valves to prevent lymph backflow
4) Non-encapsulated aggregate lymphatic nodules
5) Lymphocytes
Fibroblasts are not found within which artery?
Large arteries
If you need blood to quickly return into the venous system what will stop blood form flowing into the true capillaries?
Precapillary sphincters