Calculations/Formulas Flashcards
What is the Total Costs formula?
Total costs = fixed costs - variable costs
What is the sales revenue formula?
Sales revenue = selling price x sales volume
What is the gross profit margin formula?
Gross profit margin = Gross profit/Revenue x 100
What is the operating profit margin formula?
Operating profit margin = Operating profit/Revenue x 100
What is the Profit of the year margin formula?
Profit of the year margin = Profit of the year/Revenue
What is the Acid test ratio formula?
Acid test ratio = Current assets - inventory/Current liabilities
What is the working capital formula?
Working capital = Current assets - current liabilities
What is the Current ratio formula?
Curent ratio = Current assets/current liabilities
What is a Working capital cycle?
CASH - Production costs - Finished stock - Sales (Receivables)