Calculations Flashcards
pregnancy protein requirement for 2nd half of pregnancy
RDA= 1.1g/kg body weight/day
current weight 160lbs
72kg*1.1g/kg=80 g of protein daily
protein requirement in adults during IBD flare
1.3-1.5g/kg bw
current weight: 165lbs
165/2.2kg/lb= 75kg
75kg*1.5g/kg bw= 112.5g protein should be consumed daily during IBD flare
protein requirement in kids during an IBD flare
2-2.5g/kg bw
30.9kg*2g/kg bw= 61.8g protein should be consumed during an IBD flare
protein requirement in canacer
pancreatic cancer
56.8kg*1.5g/kg= 85g of protein is the minimum amount she should be consuming daily
protein requirement in patients with TBI
patient has a history of TBI and weight 210lbs
2g/kg bw
220lb/2.2lb/kg= 100kg
100kg*2gprotein/kg bw= 200g of protein are required daily
protein requirements in RA
1.5-2g/kg bw
patient weighs 205lbs
93.2kg*2g/kg bw= 186 g protein from mainly plant sources daily
lipids should be ~30% of our energy intake
patientn consumes 2000 calories/day
2000*.3=600calories from lipids daily
600cal/9cal/g= 66.7g of lipids should be consumed daily
patient consumes a diet consisting of 2300cal, of which 80g lipids, 121g protein, 274g carbs
what percent energy are they getting from each macronutrient?
lipid= 80g*9cal/g=720cal/2300cal*100= 31.3% protein= 121g*4cal/g=484cal/2300cal*100= 21% carbs= 274*4cal/g=1096cal/2300cal*100= 47.7%
patient consuming 1800cal/day and you want them to consume 25% of their energy as protein, who many grams of protein should they aim for?
1800*.25=450cal from protein/4cal/g= 112.5g of protein daily
15g carbs/1carb serving
patient is a type 1 diabetic that should be consuming 1800calories to maintain weight
roughly 55% of those cal should be coming from carbs (1800cal*.55=990cal)
each carb servingis 15g(247.5gcarbs/15g carbs/serving= 17servings of carbs spaced equally throughout the day