Caesar's De Bello Gallico 5.24 Flashcards
Subductīs navibus conciliōque Gallorum Samarobrivae peractō,
With the ships having been drawn up and a council of the Gauls having been completed at Samarobriva,
quod eō annō frumentum in Galliā propter siccitates angustius provenerat,
because in this year the corn had yielded more narrowly in Gaul on account of the droughts,
coactus est aliter ac superioribus annīs exercitum in hibernīs collocare
he was compelled to place the army in winter quarters otherwise than in former years
legionesque in plures civitates distribuere.
and to distribute the legions into more states.
Ex quibus unam in Morinōs ducendam Gaiō Fabiō legatō dedit,
from which he gave one to Gaius Fabius the lieutenant to be led among the Morini,
alteram in Nervios Quintō Ciceronī,
another to Quintus Cicero among the Nervii,
tertiam in Esubios Luciō Rosciō;
the third to Lucius Roscius among the Esuvii;
quartum in Remīs cum Titō Labienō in confiniō Treverorum hiemare iussit.
He ordered the fourth to winter on the border of the Treviri along the Remi with Titus Labienus.
Tres in Bellovacīs collocavit:
He placed three in Belgium:
hīs Marcum Crassum quaestorem et Lucium Munatium Plancum et Gaium Trebonium legatōs praefecit.
he appointed over these Marcus Crassus as quaestor and Lucius Munatius Plancus and Gaius Trebonius as lieutenants.
Unam legionem,
One legion,
quam proxime trans Padum conscripserat,
which he hd levied very lately across the Po,
et cohortes V in Eburones,
and five cohorts into the Eburones,
quorum pars maxima est inter Mosam ac Rhenum,
of who the greatest part is between the Mense and the Rhine,
qui sub imperiō Ambiorigis et Catuvolcī erant,
who were under the authority of Ambiorix and of Catuvolcus,
he sent.
Hīs militibus Quintum Titurium Sabinum et Lucium Aurunculeium Cottam legatōs praeesse iussit.
He ordered lieutenants Quintus Titurius Sabinus and Lucius Aurunculeius Cotta to command these soldiers.
Ad hunc modum distributīs legionibus facillime inopiae frumentatiae sese mederī posse existimavit.
With the legions distributed according to this manner, he thought himself able to relieve most easily the corn scarcity.
Atque hārum tamen omnium legionum hiberna praeter eam,
and moreover the winter quarters of all of these legions except this one,
quam Luciō Rosciō in pacatissimam et quietissimam partem ducendam dederat,
which he had given to Lucius Roscius to be led into the most peaceful and calmest portion,
milibus passuum centum continebanter.
they were contained in a hundred thousand paces.
Ipse interea,
Meanwhile he himself,
quoad legiones collocatas munitaque hiberna cognovisset,
until he had known that the legions were settled and the winter quarters were fortified,
in Galliā morarī constituit.
he resolved to delay in Gaul.