Caesar's De Bello Gallico 4.34 Flashcards
Quibus rebus perturbatīs nostrīs,
By which things with our men disturbed,
novitate pugnae,
with the newness of the fight,
tempore opportunissimō Caesar auxilium tulit:
at the most opportune time Caesar brought help:
namque eius adventū hostes constiterunt,
for the enemy stood still with his arrival,
nostrī se ex timore receperunt.
our men recovered (themselves) from fear.
Quō factō,
By which deed,
ad lacessendum hostem et ad committendum proelium alienum esse tempus arbitratus
he thought the time was unfavourable to attack the enemy and to engage in battle
se locō continuit et brevi tempore intermissō in castra legiones reduxit.
and they remained in their own place and with a short time passed he led back the legions to camp.
Dum haec geruntur,
While these things are being carried on,
nostrīs omnibus occupatīs quī erant in argīs reliquī discesserunt.
with all our men seized who were in the fields, the rest departed.
Secutae sunt continuos complures dies tempestates,
Storms followed for several continuous days,
quae et nostros in castrīs continerent et hostem a pugnā prohiberent.
which held both our men in the camp and prevented the enemy from a fight.
Interim barbarī nuntios in omnes partes dimiserunt
Meanwhile the foreigners sent out reports in all parts
paucitatemque nostorum militum suīs praedicaverunt
and told to their own men the fewness of our soldiers
et quanta praedae faciendae atque in perpetuum suī liberandī facultas daretur,
and how great an opportunity of making plunder and of freeing themselves forever was given,
sī Romanos castrīs expulissent,
if they should expel the Romans from the camp,
they pointed out.
Hīs rebus celeriter magnā multitudine peditatūs equitatusque coactā ad castra venerunt.
With these things quickly with a great number of foot soldiers and horsemen collected they came to the camp.