Caesar's De Bello Gallico 4.29 Flashcards
Eādem nocte accidit ut esset luna plena,
On the same night it happened that there was a full moon,
quī dies maritimos aestūs maximos in Oceanō efficere consuevit,
which day was accustomed to affect the greatest maritime tides in the Ocean,
nostrīsque id erat incognitum.
and it was unknown to our men.
Ita unō tempore et longas naves,
Thus at one time both the long ships,
quibus exercitum transportandum curaverat, quasque Caesar in aridum subduxerat,
on which Caesar had taken to transport the army, and which he had drawn up onto dry land,
aestus compleverat,
the tide had filled,
et onerarias, quae ad ancoras erant deligatae,
and the transport ships which had been bound to anchors,
tempestas adflictabat,
the storm was damaging,
neque ulla nostrīs facultas aut administrandī aut auxiliandī dabatur.
nor was there any opportunity given for our men either of managing or helping.
Compluribus navibus fractīs,
With several ships having been broken,
reliquae cum essent funibus, ancorīs
the rest since they were on lines with anchors
reliquisque armamentīs amissīs ad navigandum inutiles,
and the rest of the gear having been lost they were useless for sailing,
magna, id quod necesse erat accidere, totius exercitūs perturbatiō facta est.
great disturbance of the entire army was made, that which was necessary to happen.
Neque enim naves erant aliae quibus reportarī possent,
Nor were there any ships on which they might be able to be carried back,
et omnia deerant quae ad reficiendas naves erant usuī,
and all things were lacking which were a use for repairing the ships,
et, quod omnibus constabat hiemarī in Galliā oportere,
and, because it was known to everyone it is necessary to winter in Gaul,
frumentum in hīs locīs in hiemem provisum non erat.
grain had not been provided for in these places into the winter.