Caesar's De Bello Gallico 4.32 Flashcards
Dum ea geruntur,
While these things are carried on,
legione ex consuetudine unā frumentatum missā,
with one legion from custom having been sent to get grain,
quae appellabatur septima,
which was called the seventh,
neque ullā ad id tempus bellī suspicione interpositā,
nor to that time was any suspicion of war interposed,
cum pars hominum in agrīs remaneret,
since part of the men remained in the fields,
pars etiam in castra ventitaret,
part also went back and forth into the camp,
ei qui pro portīs castrorum in statione erant Caesarī nuntiaverunt
those who were on station in front of the gates of the camp announced to Caesar
pulverem maiorem quam consuetudō ferret in ea parte viderī quam in partem legiō iter fecisset.
that greater dust than custom would bring was seen in that direction which the legion had marched into that direction.
Caesar id quod erat suspicatus aliquid novī a barbarīs initum consilī,
Caesar suspected it which was that some new plan was being entered upon by the barbarians,
cohortes quae in stationibus erant secum in eam partem proficisci,
the cohorts which were on station set out with himself into that direction,
ex reliquīs duas in stationem cohortes succedere,
two cohorts from the rest succeeded on station,
reliquas armarī et confestim sese subsequī iussit.
he ordered the rest to be armed and immediately to follow himself closely.
Cum paulō longius a castrīs processisset,
When he proceeded a little longer from camp,
suōs ab hostibus premī atque aegre sustinere et confertā legione ex omnibus partibus tela conicī animadvertit.
he noticed his own men pressed by the enemy and poorly to withstand and weapons were being hurled from every direction on the stuffed legion.
Nam quod omnī ex reliquīs partibus demessō frumentō pars una erat reliqua,
For because with all the grain having been reaped out of the remaining parts, one part was remaining,
suspicatī hostes hūc nostrōs esse venturōs noctū in silvīs delituerant;
the enemy having suspected our men would come to this place had hidden in the woods at night;
tum dispersos depositīs armīs in metendō occupatos subito adortī
then suddenly they attacked (our men) dispersed with their arms laid aside occupied in reaping
paucīs interfectīs reliquos incertīs ordinibus perturbaverant,
with a few killed they disturbed greatly the rest in uncertain ranks,
simul equitatū atque essedīs circumdederant.
at the same time they had surrounded with cavalry and chariots.