BUD520 MW3 Ch 7-8 Classifications of Mind IV-V Flashcards
Mind That Apprehends an Object of Expression
A mind that apprehends what is to be understood by means of a sign.
Object of Expression
What is to be understood by means of a sign.
Mind That Apprehends a Means of Expression
A mind that apprehends what brings about an understanding of an object of expression.
Means of Expression
What brings about an understanding of an object of expression.
Mind That Cognizes Connection
A mind that apprehends that a phenomenon is not cancelled by another phenomenon.
That a phenomenon is not cancelled by another phenomenon.
Mind That Apprehends the Connection of Identity
A mind that apprehends that two phenomena are different isolates that, by having the same nature, do not cancel each other.
Connection of Identity
Two phenomena being different isolates and, by having the same nature, not cancelling each other.
Mind That Ascertains Causal Connection
A mind that apprehends that two phenomena are different and, through being related as cause and result, do not cancel each other.
E.g. mind apprehends rose seed and rose flower connection
Causal Connection
Two phenomena being different and, through being related as cause and result, not cancelling each other.
Key Reasoning: Refuting Connection Ultimately
All phenomena that have connections of identity do not have the connections ultimately, because with regard to phenomena that are one in nature, two phenomena within the actual object are impossible, and of two phenomena within the actual object are not possible, connection within the actual object is impossible too.
Key Reasoning: Refuting Causal Connection Ultimately
Entities that are causes and results are not connected in terms of the ultimate object, because if there is an earlier and a later entity, this contradicts simultaneity, and if they are simultaneous, this contradicts causality.
Key Reasoning: Establishing Connection from the Point of View of Conceptual Mind
From the point of view of conceptual mind, the connection is established, because connection is impossible with the actual object, but due to habituation of latent tendencies of conceptuality, conceptions about connections of identity and about causal connections arise.
Mind That Apprehends Contradiction
A mind that cognizes that a phenomenon neutralizes another phenomenon.
That a phenomenon neutralizes another phenomenon.