Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 13. Estate Planning Process Flashcards
Module Introduction
Often, uncertainty and fear related to death lead people to forgo estate planning. As a result, a financial planner has a most unenviable task on their hands. They must convince the client of the necessity of an estate plan, explain its benefits, provide customized recommendations, and encourage the client to implement the plan.
Simply, if one does not have an estate plan, it is time. It is never too early to begin.
The Estate Planning Process module, which should take approximately three and a half hours to complete, will explain the need for a client to plan his estate and the estate planning process.
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
* Explain the role of the financial planner,
* Explain the seven steps of the estate planning process,
* Discuss how different state laws affect estate planning,
* Gather data from the client needed to begin the estate planning process,
* Explain the tax and non-tax consequences of estate plans,
* Point out the need to monitor estate plans,
* Explain the role of the financial planner in convincing the client,
* Explain the reasons why a client does not plan his estate,
* Emphasize reasons why a client should go for estate planning,
* Discuss why a client conceals information,
* Outline the questioning technique the planner employs to unearth information from a reluctant client, and
* Identify the different forms needed for estate planning.
Module Overview
When a client engages in the estate planning process, it is important to recognize that the financial planner plays a key role. It may be necessary to convince a reluctant client about the importance, both during lifetime and after death, of a properly executed estate plan.
In addition to counseling skills, the financial planner should be able to recommend alternative estate planning strategies.
There are seven steps in the estate planning process. These steps serve as a guideline for estate planning. As long as the planner has received complete and accurate information from the client, this process should enable the financial planner to assist in the estate planning process.
Prior to discussing the alternative estate planning techniques appropriate for any client, the planner must be aware of the client’s planning objectives. If the selected technique accomplishes the client’s objective in the light of all information given, then it may be considered appropriate. The tax and non-tax consequences of the selected technique must be considered to determine their impact on other estate planning objectives.
To ensure that you have an understanding of the estate planning process, the following lesson will be covered in this module:
* Estate Planning
Section 1 - Estate Planning
An estate planning process is a methodology that should be used to develop an estate plan for all clients, regardless of their income level, asset ownership, or economic sophistication.
The overall estate plan should be one that analyzes the client’s current financial condition and his or her projected future economic needs. The estate planning techniques selected should be appropriate to accomplish the client’s objectives. Finally, the estate plan should be flexible enough for amendments or revisions that are dictated by the client’s changing circumstances, as well as changes to the tax law.
To ensure that you have an understanding of the estate planning process, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Client Interview
* Estate Planning Steps
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Outline the estate planning process,
* Explain the seven steps of estate planning,
* Identify factors that may impact the selection of estate planning techniques,
* State how property laws affect estate planning, and
* Discuss the need for periodic review of estate plans.
Describe the Client Interview
Whether or not the client realizes it, he or she has an estate plan. It is the responsibility of the financial planner to obtain an accurate picture of this estate plan, including its gaps as well as its strengths.
In order to ascertain what the client needs from an estate plan, the planner must formulate questions to elicit important information from the client.
The client may not understand why the questions are being asked and, therefore, may hesitate to provide the planner with the appropriate information. For this reason, the financial planner needs to understand the implications associated with each of the questions and why each of them is important to the estate planning process.
The following question may be added to the financial planner’s client interview form, or they may be asked in a separate interview with the client:
“What is the value of all of your assets?”
This seems like a simple question but it is quite complex. When most people think of what they own—their estate—they think of things such as their house, car, computer, or diamond necklace. These things are all part of the estate, but it also includes other assets, such as 401(k) plans, brokerage accounts, and the death benefit proceeds of a life insurance policy.
While discussing the issues associated with the creation of an estate plan, what 2 things should the planner focus on?
While discussing the issues associated with the creation of an estate plan, the planner must also focus on the following:
* The rate of inflation: It is a factor in reducing the actual value of future earnings.
* The estate liquidity: A properly executed estate plan should not result in the forced liquidation of the estate assets in order to discharge the liabilities and/or taxes associated with death.
No plan is ever fully complete and must be reviewed on a regular basis.
Describe Liquidity in Estate Planning
Liquidity issues are an important part of planning an estate. Although the estate may have sufficient assets with which to discharge all of its liabilities, to do so it may have to sell estate assets, possibly receiving only pennies on each dollar of asset value.
Therefore, estate liquidity needs are an important concern for the financial planner involved with the estate planning process.
Describe the need for Periodic Review
The financial planner and the client(s) need to be aware that the estate plan is never truly ”final” or ”complete.”
A number of changes can occur which can make the current plan outdated, inappropriate, or cause it to pay unneeded estate or gift taxes.
A periodic review of the estate plan is therefore extremely important.
What are the 7 steps in the Estate Planning Process?
Estate Planning Process
1. Gather significant data from the client.
2. Establish and prioritize estate planning objectives.
3. Identify the factors that limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
4. Identify estate planning weaknesses before selecting a technique.
5. Select an appropriate estate planning technique.
6. Implement the estate planning technique.
7. Monitor the plan for revisions and modifications.
Describe Gather Significant Data
The financial planner initiates the estate planning process by gathering significant data from the client. The data collected affect the selection and implementation of a comprehensive estate plan.
An accurate and thorough data gathering form should be used to obtain most of the information needed to properly plan the client’s estate.
Choose items that can be considered ‘significant estate planning data’ from the list below. (Select all that apply)
* Presence of a valid will.
* Client’s wishes for property distribution upon death.
* Identity and relationship of heirs to the client’s property.
* The manner in which the title to the property is held.
* Current FMV of the client’s assets.
* The client’s debts and liabilities.
* Information on the health and life expectancy of the client and family.
Presence of a valid will.
Client’s wishes for property distribution upon death.
Identity and relationship of heirs to the client’s property.
The manner in which the title to the property is held.
Current FMV of the client’s assets.
The client’s debts and liabilities.
Information on the health and life expectancy of the client and family.
* Each of these items can be considered ‘significant estate planning data.’
Describe Establish and Prioritize Objectives
Once essential information has been gathered, the financial planner needs to assist the client in identifying and prioritizing his or her estate planning objectives. The greatest obstacle to this occurs when a client has many objectives to satisfy but has limited economic resources with which to do so.
A key role of the financial planner is to make the client aware that limited resources may make the fulfillment of all objectives unlikely or unrealistic, and that alternatives may need to be considered.
For example, the financial planner may suggest that the objectives be reordered in terms of their priority, or that one or more objectives be deferred until a later time.
After a thorough analysis of the client data, the financial planner should be able to suggest a course of action that permits one or two objectives to be accomplished immediately, with the remaining objectives accomplished at a future date.
Alternatively, the financial planner may suggest that, in light of limited client resources, the remaining objectives be discarded.
Describe Selection of Planning Strategies
Once objectives have been identified and prioritized, the financial planner identifies the factors which may limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
List 9 Factors that Determine Selection of an Estate Plan
Factors that may impact the selection of an estate planning technique include:
* Value of the gross estate, FMV of the client’s assets
* Amount of estate or gift tax liability (before subtracting applicable deductions and credits)
* Health and life expectancy of the client
* Financial needs of the client during the lifetime
* Types of property owned by the client
* Title of property owned by the client, that is, individual, jointly with rights of survivorship, in trust
* Competency of the client’s beneficiaries
* The client’s marginal income tax bracket
* State law of the client’s domicile
Some of these factors may be more likely than others to influence the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique, but all nine affect the ultimate selection.
Factors that Determine Selection Example:
A client is 55 years old and in good health. His primary estate planning objective is to distribute his estate, valued at $5 million, to his wife and two children in three equal shares. He wants his wife and children to live at the standard of living to which they are accustomed. The factors that determine the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique for the client are the following:
Value of the gross estate: $5,000,000.
Amount of estate or gift tax liability (before subtracting applicable deductions and credits): In this case, the transfer tax on $5,000,000 is $1,945,800 before the unified credit of $5,113,800 (2023) is applied, therefore no estate tax is due.
Health and life expectancy of the client: Client is in good health (has a life expectancy of at least 19 years).
Financial needs of the client (living expenses and savings for retirement): Client needs $2,500 per month.
Types of property included in the estate: Client’s estate consists largely of a farming operation that has appreciated greatly since its acquisition 35 years ago. The farm is income-producing, though it would be difficult to find a buyer for the entire farming interest if the client were to die in the near future.
Title of property included in the estate: Most assets, including the farm, held solely by the client, which permits both lifetime control and testamentary disposition of the property.
Competency of the client’s beneficiaries: Client’s spouse and children are legally, mentally, and financially competent.
Client’s marginal income tax bracket: A 32% marginal tax bracket.
State law of the client’s domicile: Client is domiciled in a common-law state.
How does Value of the Gross Estate affect Selection of Estate Plan
The value of the client’s gross estate is a significant factor in the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique.
* If the client’s taxable estate exceeds the amount of the exemption equivalent, the client may be subject to estate tax liability if deductions and available credits are not used.
Unified Credit Offset Example:
Suppose that a client dies in 2023 with a gross estate valued at $12,920,000. The client was not married and made no charitable contributions that year. The client’s estate tax liability would be zero since the tax on $12,920,000, which is $5,113,800, is offset by the unified credit of $5,113,800.
If a client is concerned about reducing their estate tax liability there are techniques that can be utilized such as marital and charitable deductions, the creation of trusts, and the use of the unified credit to minimize or eliminate their estate tax liability.
How do Estate or Gift Tax Liability affect Selection of Estate Plan
The amount of potential estate or gift tax liability (also referred to as the transfer tax) is a significant factor in selecting an appropriate estate planning technique.
* If the client’s tax liability were to be significant, the value of assets passing to heirs could be substantially reduced.
Obviously, any savings in estate tax or gift tax liability means a greater amount of assets distributed to family members.
* Thus, if the client faces a projected estate tax liability, the client may wish to implement techniques to cost-effectively reduce this liability, thereby increasing the value of assets passing to heirs.
How does Health and Life Expectancy affect Selection of Estate Plan
Health and Life Expectancy
The client’s health and life expectancy can also affect the selection of an estate planning technique.
If a client is in excellent health with a long life expectancy, various techniques may be appropriate to achieve the client’s objectives.
* For example, a life insurance policy owned within an irrevocable trust may be considered as a strategy to deal with the liquidity needs of the estate.
In each of these cases, the financial planner may be trying to reduce estate tax liability and avoid probate.
* If the recommended technique does not remove the asset from the gross estate or does not avoid probate, then, in light of the client’s objectives, it may be inappropriate.
List Tax and Non-Tax Consequences of Estate Plans
Many people share similar financial and personal estate planning goals.
Financial goals that involve tax planning include:
* Minimizing gift and estate taxes when transferring property to others
* Shifting income to family members in lower tax brackets
* Obtaining a stepped-up basis in property to avoid future capital gains taxes
Non-tax personal estate planning goals often include:
* Caring for spouses and children
* Planning for incapacity
* Reducing estate administration costs
* Protecting property
* Controlling the transfer of property interests to others
List financial and personal factors that can affect an existing estate plan
Although people may share common estate planning goals, each person has distinctive financial, tax, and personal circumstances that require a customized estate plan. Estate plans need to be designed with built-in flexibility to accommodate changes if future circumstances, laws, and estate planning objectives change.
There are many personal factors that can affect an existing estate plan such as:
* Health
* Death or birth of family members
* Remarriage or divorce
Financial factors that may impact an estate plan include:
* Acquisitions or loss of property
* Changes in property values
* Taxes
* Investment performance
* Inheritances
Estate plans need to be reviewed every year or when personal or financial circumstances change to ensure that estate planning objectives continue to be met.
Describe Consequences of Transfer Tax Strategies
An important objective is to maximize and preserve wealth and to transfer property to loved ones in a proper manner at an appropriate time.
* A further objective is to transfer property during lifetime and at death in ways that will minimize or eliminate gift and estate tax liabilities.
* Tax planning strategies can be implemented that decrease the estate tax base, which reduces the amount of wealth subject to transfer taxes.
* Each dollar of value that is removed from a transferor’s tax base and is passed along to their beneficiaries represents money saved at their highest marginal transfer tax rate.
Taxation on Asset Transfer Example:
A gift of $10,000 to 10 donees reduces a wealthy donor’s estate tax base by $100,000, which lowers their estate tax by $37,000 if they are in the highest marginal transfer tax bracket at their death.
The selection and application of transfer tax strategies can result in lowering gift and estate taxes, but the strategies and techniques involved have both tax and non-tax consequences. The techniques selected to reduce gift and estate taxes must be examined for their impact on the client’s overall estate planning objectives.
Describe Consequences of Minimizing Estate Taxes
Estate planning techniques that reduce the estate tax base often involve the use of trusts.
* Irrevocable trusts can remove assets from a grantor’s estate as long as the grantor does not retain any rights or control over income or corpus.
* A non-tax consequence of establishing an irrevocable trust is that the grantor cannot benefit from the property, change the terms of the trust, or take the property back if circumstances change.
By-pass trusts funded with the exemption equivalent amount of $12,920,000 (2023) escape taxation in the decedent’s estate and the assets and any subsequent appreciation are not included in the surviving spouse’s estate at death.
* A consequence of funding a By-pass trust with the optimum exemption equivalent amount each year is that less funds may be available for direct transfers to the surviving spouse if the exemption equivalent amount increases each year.
* An estate planning goal to utilize the decedent’s full unified credit and marital deduction by transferring assets into a By-pass trust and a Power of Appointment trust for the surviving spouse cannot be accomplished if the couple lacks sufficient resources to fully fund the exemption equivalent amount.
* An estate plan that leaves the exemption equivalent amount outright to children with the remainder to the spouse could result in more money bequeathed to the children and less to the surviving spouse than was intended if the exemption equivalent amount increases over time. Keep in mind that spouses can transfer the unused portion of their unified credit to the surviving spouse, since the credit is portable.
Irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILITs) can be established to own a life insurance policy on the owner/insured’s life to remove the death benefit from the owner’s gross estate. This can be accomplished if policies are transferred more than 3 years prior to the owner’s death, or if the trust purchases a new policy on the insured’s life.
* A consequence of un-funded trusts owning these policies is that premium payments must be transferred into the trust every year that are subject to potential gift taxes, and the insured cannot change any policy provisions.
Practitioner Advice:
* ILITs can be drafted with Crummey powers to reduce or eliminate gift taxes.
* Crummey powers create present interest gifts of premium payments transferred into the trust.
* This allows the grantor and the grantor’s spouse to take annual exclusions for each trust beneficiary to offset any taxable gifts.
Practitioner Advice:
* ILITs can be drafted with Crummey powers to reduce or eliminate gift taxes.
* Crummey powers create present interest gifts of premium payments transferred into the trust.
* This allows the grantor and the grantor’s spouse to take annual exclusions for each trust beneficiary to offset any taxable gifts.
List consequences of the following techniques:
* The marital deduction
* The charitable deduction
* State death tax deduction
* The unified credit
* Special use valuation
* The alternate valuation date
Consequences of Selected Techniques
Additional methods for reducing the estate tax base at death involve the use of:
* The marital deduction
* The charitable deduction
* State death tax deduction
* The unified credit
* Special use valuation
* The alternate valuation date
The unlimited marital deduction is available to eliminate any gift or estate taxes on property transfers to spouses.
* A consequence of using this deduction is that a decedent’s estate may be “overqualified” if the decedent did not fully use their applicable credit to offset a potential estate tax liability.
* The property inherited by the surviving spouse is taxed at its fair market value, which includes appreciation, at that spouse’s death.
The charitable deduction is subtracted from the decedent’s adjusted gross estate to reduce the taxable estate. Gifts of property to charity at life or death may satisfy a donor’s estate planning objective with resulting income, gift, and estate tax benefits.
* A non-tax consequence of gifting or bequeathing property to charity is that there are fewer assets to pass to heirs, which may be an estate planning concern.
* Often life insurance is purchased for wealth replacement to ensure that heirs receive an equitable value at the insured’s death.
The unified credit is used to offset a person’s gift and estate tax liabilities. The unified credit can shelter up to $12,060,000 (2022) in lifetime gifts and estate taxes.
* There are no negative tax or non-tax consequences to using the unified credit, which is not optional to use, and each person should incorporate its use into their estate plan.
Special use valuation is applied to the real property valuation of farms and closely-held businesses to reduce the value included in the owner’s gross estate.
* The maximum amount of the reduction in 2022 is $1,230,000.
* Certain qualifications must be met and two ratio tests must be applied to potentially deduct the value of qualifying real estate from an owner’s estate.
* The consequence of using this technique is that a recapture tax is imposed if the heir disposes of the real property, or if it ceases to be used as “qualified use property” within ten years of the decedent’s death.
The alternate valuation date is used if there is a net decrease in the value of the decedent’s gross estate and estate tax liability six months after death.
* The FMV of the property at the alternate valuation date is included in the decedent’s estate rather than the FMV at death.
* Property that naturally decreases in value such as a joint and survivor annuity is valued at the date of death.
* A consequence of choosing an alternate valuation date is that it cannot be used if estate taxes are eliminated through the marital deduction.
* The surviving spouse could disclaim a portion of the decedent’s estate to utilize the alternate valuation date, which also avoids over-qualifying the estate for the marital deduction.
What are the best methods for reducing the gift tax value?
An effective method for reducing the value of a person’s gross estate is to gift property to others.
* Gifts that do not exceed the annual exclusion are not taxed, but the value of a taxable gift is included in the decedent’s estate tax calculation as an adjusted taxable gift.
* The decedent’s applicable credit is available to offset any estate tax payable, which further reduces the tax or even eliminates the decedent’s estate tax liability.
The best methods for reducing the gift tax value of the property are to:
* Use leveraging
* Use qualified transfers
* Use discounts
* Use the GSTT exemption
These strategies can greatly reduce the value of the gifted property, which ultimately reduces the donor’s estate tax liability.
Describe Leveraging in Gifting
An example of leveraged gifting occurs when gifting a life insurance policy since policies have a high death benefit amount relative to their low gift tax value.
* The death benefit is removed from the insured’s gross estate if the transfer occurs more than three years before death.
* Another example of leveraging is used when transferring limited partnership shares in family limited partnerships. General partners, who are usually parents, gift limited partnership shares to children or other family members that are discounted for minority interests and lack of marketability. The fair market value of these present interest gifts are significantly reduced by annual exclusions and discounts, so that property is transferred at a greatly reduced transfer tax cost.
* Properly structured FLPs can shift taxable income to junior partners in lower tax brackets and can remove limited partnership interests and any future appreciation from the general partner’s gross estate.
Other techniques that make use of leveraging are:
* grantor retained annuity or unitrusts (GRAT/GRUT) and qualified personal residence trusts (QPRT).
* GRATs and GRUTs can pass appreciated remainder interests in trusts to family members for a discounted gift tax value, which also removes the property from the grantor’s estate.
* Homeowners can transfer primary and vacation homes into QPRTs to remove the value of the property from their gross estate, and pass the appreciation of the home to family members at a low gift tax value.
Individuals can make contributions to college prepaid tuition plans (529 plans) that qualify for annual exclusions since they are present interest gifts.
* In 2023, the contributor can elect to spread the gift out over five years by contributing up to $85,000 ($17,000 x 5) for each beneficiary without subjecting the contribution to gift taxes.
* The use of this technique is a very beneficial way to leverage an annual exclusion and completely remove the gift from the contributor’s estate after five years.
The non-tax consequence of using leveraged gifting techniques is that completed, irrevocable gifts are made to others. The donor forfeits ownership and control of the property, loses investment income, and cannot reclaim assets in the future if needed.
Describe Qualified Transfers in relationship with Gifting
Qualified transfers are not subject to gift taxes. They are payments made directly to:
* educational institutions for tuition and fees, or,
* medical facilities to cover hospital, doctor, and medical expenses.
Direct payments circumvent the need to make taxable gifts to others, to have them pay for their own medical or educational expenses.
Qualified transfers have no impact on a donor’s applicable credit, and direct payments can be made to benefit relatives and non-relatives alike.
Describe Generation-Skipping Transfer Exemptions in Gifting
Gifts can be made to persons who are two or more generations below the transferor and not be subject to this additional GST tax.
* The top gift tax rate is only 40% in 2023.
* Gift tax liability can be reduced by using annual exclusions and gift splitting when appropriate, and transfers up to $12,920,000 (2023) are not taxed.
* Transferors should consider making direct skip gifts and taxable terminations or distributions outright to skip persons from existing nonexempt generation-skipping trusts.
The gift tax exemption equivalent amount of $12,920,000 and the GSTT exemption equivalent amount are the same in 2023. These amounts double if spouses consent to gift-splitting. Future GSTT exemptions can be leveraged by allocations to direct skip trusts if trust assets are expected to appreciate over time. This would reduce or eliminate GST taxes paid by the beneficiaries when trust assets are eventually distributed.
* The tax consequence of a transfer subject to GST tax is that the transferor’s gross estate is reduced by the amount of the gift and any gift or GST taxes paid.
* However, ownership, control, and income are irretrievably lost in the transfer.
Practitioner Advice:
* The GSTT exemption equivalent amount follows the estate tax exclusion of $12,920,000 (2023).
* This provides tremendous planning opportunities to transfer assets to grandchildren.
* On a cautionary note, an estate plan that creates a testamentary trust to benefit grandchildren funded with the decedent’s maximum generation-skipping exemption may find that there is much less in their estate to pass on to their children if the exemption amount increases over time.
Practitioner Advice:
* The GSTT exemption equivalent amount follows the estate tax exclusion of $12,920,000 (2023).
* This provides tremendous planning opportunities to transfer assets to grandchildren.
* On a cautionary note, an estate plan that creates a testamentary trust to benefit grandchildren funded with the decedent’s maximum generation-skipping exemption may find that there is much less in their estate to pass on to their children if the exemption amount increases over time.
Practitioner Advice:
* An appropriate estate planning technique would be one that would allow the client to achieve estate planning objectives while permitting him to live within his means.
Practitioner Advice:
* It is important to assist the client in articulating his planning goals and objectives. Armed with this information, the planner can provide an estate analysis for the client that coordinates the data with the client’s objectives.
How Can a Client in a High Income Tax Bracket reduce their tax liability
A client may wish to reduce his or her income tax liability through the use of one or more estate planning techniques.
For example, if a client is in a high-marginal income tax bracket and wishes to reduce his or her tax liability, an outright gift of income-producing property, or in the case of a closely held business interest, a family partnership, might be appropriate.
Describe Non-Tax Issues in Estate Plans
Most estate plans are structured to give individuals control over their personal and financial affairs while providing them with great flexibility to meet their changing needs, circumstances, and objectives. Planning for dependents such as spouses, partners, children, other family members, and perhaps even pets are essential to:
* Provide for their welfare
* Care for their special needs
* Maintain or improve their standards of living
* Pay for current and future living expenses
Sometimes planning may favor certain individuals over others possibly when remarriages occur or in non-traditional relationships. Therefore, the consequences of various tax and non-tax estate planning techniques should be examined to ensure that dependents are planned for in the ways that they are intended to be.
Many tax-advantaged estate planning strategies involve the transfer of assets to individuals or to trusts.
* The consequence of these transfers is that the owner loses ownership and ultimate control of their property interests to accomplish their goal of reducing transfer taxes.
* The trade-offs inherent in tax-saving strategies need to be carefully reviewed to ensure that the pursuit of these strategies makes good sense, and can meet the client’s tax and non-tax objectives.
Techniques employed to save on transfer taxes may actually result in unwanted consequences.
* For example, gifting has many lifetime advantages since annual exclusions and unified credits can offset taxes, and the property is removed from the owner’s estate.
* However, the donee receives a basis in the property that is not stepped-up at death. This can be an important consideration if the donee intends to sell the property in the future.
* Another situation involves gifting property outright to a donee vs. transferring the property into a trust. Donors may prefer the ease of gifting property in this manner, however outright gifts of significant property interests should not be made to minors, individuals who receive government benefits, or persons who are unable or unwilling to manage the property on their own. The gift may benefit the donor’s estate tax situation but may not be suitable for the donee.
Estate planning advisers need to review the estate plan in conjunction with the client’s overall financial situation to make sure it coordinates with other financial planning objectives.
* For example, gifting highly appreciated property that produces income may make perfect sense from an estate planning perspective, yet may cause an individual to lose the income they depend upon to maintain their standard of living.
* Financial planners and attorneys need to work together throughout the estate planning process to provide their clients with good service and advice and educate them on the particulars and consequences of their selected estate planning strategies.
Describe financial needs in selection of estate plan technique
Financial Needs
The financial needs of the client may determine, to some extent, whether a particular estate planning technique is appropriate.
Financial Needs Example:
Assume a client has living expenses of $30,000 annually and additional projected savings needs of $12,000 annually for retirement purposes. Any estate planning technique which would require the transfer of assets in excess of this amount would seriously disrupt the client’s current financial needs. The need for retirement income, coupled with the need to match current living expenses, could prevent certain estate planning techniques from being selected. If a client has financial needs of $42,000 annually, these needs might, for example, prevent funding an irrevocable living trust.
Practitioner Advice: An appropriate estate planning technique would be one that would allow the client to achieve estate planning objectives while permitting him to live within his means.
List Property Considerations
Property considerations that can play an important part in the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique include whether or not the property:
* Is difficult to value.
* Can be easily divided (For example, can the property be partitioned so that a portion could be sold to pay debts and taxes?).
* Is liquid and has a market in the event it must be sold.
* Is appreciating or depreciating in value.
* Has a value that will be impaired or reduced by the death of the client-owner.
Describe how the Title of Property affects Selection of Estate Plan
The title of the property also influences the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique. Sole ownership of the property provides the client with the greatest flexibility, as well as postmortem control.
Title of Property Example:
When a client wishes to transfer property to his son, yet the property is owned jointly with rights of survivorship with the spouse, the decedent’s interest in the property will automatically transfer to the surviving spouse. Therefore, the son may have to wait until the death of the surviving spouse to receive this property.
Since the client exercises no postmortem control should he predecease his spouse and his objective is to transfer the property to his son, he may, during his lifetime, want to change the ownership of this property to his name alone.
* In other words, some other form of property ownership may be necessary to achieve the specific estate planning objectives of the client.
Describe Competency of the Beneficiaries in Selection of an Estate Plan
The competency of the client’s beneficiaries can be an important factor in the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique.
A beneficiary can be said to be legally competent if he is not a minor. Thus, all adults are legally competent.
A beneficiary can be said to be mentally competent if he has not been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent by a court, has not been confined to a mental institution, or has not undertaken any other conduct that would raise questions about his competence.
Describe Financial Competence in Selection of an Estate Plan
From a financial planning point of view, the beneficiary’s financial competence is most important. A beneficiary is not legally competent if he or she has not attained the age of majority. A beneficiary can be said to be mentally competent if they have not been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent by a court, have not been confined to a mental institution, or has not undertaken any other conduct that would raise questions about this competence.
The most significant type of competence from a financial planning point of view is a beneficiary’s financial competence.
Financial competence includes the ability of the beneficiary to invest in and manage assets, provide for other family members, and supervise and administer assets.
If the beneficiary possesses financial competency, it may be appropriate for him to serve as the executor of the estate, or as a co-trustee or trustee of a trust, or as a guardian or conservator on behalf of minors and other incompetent family members.
Each of the following are ways that a beneficiary can demonstrate competence EXCEPT:
* Legal
* Mental
* Financial
* Professional
A beneficiary must demonstrate the following types of competence:
* Legal
* Mental
* Financial
Describe how State Law can affect Selection of an Estate Plan
State law can be a significant factor in the selection of an estate planning technique. A client living in a community property state may have very different estate planning considerations than a client living in a common-law state.
Other differences in state law can have a significant impact on a client’s estate plan. The differences in state law that can influence the creation of an estate plan include whether or not the state:
* Has a mortmain statute, which prohibits excessive charitable bequests when the decedent is survived by spouse and children.
* Permits holographic wills.
* Permits the surviving spouse to elect to take the entire amount of the decedent’s estate, or whether the elective share is limited to a certain dollar amount.
* Has state inheritance or estate taxes.
* Has a homestead allowance or a homestead exemption, and if so, the dollar amount of the allowance or exemption.
As there are 50 sets of state laws that can affect an estate plan, the financial planner should consult with an attorney to determine the impact of state law on a client’s estate plan.
Describe Identifying Present Planning Weaknesses
Once all factors which have the potential to impact the selection of an estate planning technique have been identified, the financial planner first needs to evaluate the client’s current estate plan to identify any weaknesses which may exist, before other planning techniques may be considered and implemented.
For example, a client may wish to leave his business property to his children but is unable to do this because the title to the property is currently held in joint tenancy with right of survivorship with the client’s business partner. Thus, the client’s present situation conflicts with his or her estate planning objective. This is a weakness in the present plan. It needs to be modified if the client expects to transfer the property to his or her children.
Conversely, if the estate planning objective conflicts with any of the factors discussed so far, the objective may need to be modified or revised.
Describe Selecting an Appropriate Technique
Using the client’s estate planning objectives and the limiting factors, the planner selects estate planning techniques that are most appropriate for the client’s situation. Techniques that do not meet the client’s objectives are eliminated, as are techniques that are inconsistent with the client’s financial needs, marginal tax bracket, types of property, title to property, and other factors.
For example, a client may have two estate planning objectives:
To reduce his own estate tax liability.
To ensure that the property passes to children from a prior marriage while qualifying the property for the marital deduction.
Using the client’s objectives and the limiting factors as guidelines, the most appropriate estate planning technique for the client may be the Qualified Terminable Interest Property Marital Trust (Q-TIP) because it is the only technique that accomplishes both objectives.
If elected by the client’s executor, the Q-TIP trust reduces estate tax liability by qualifying for the marital deduction. Additionally, on the death of the surviving spouse, the trust can provide that only the client’s children from a previous marriage will inherit the trust assets. The Q-TIP trust may be the most appropriate technique to allow this client to accomplish all of his or her estate planning objectives.
Describe Implementing the Planning Technique
Once the most appropriate planning technique has been selected, it should be implemented.
Implementation typically involves the estate planning team of attorney, financial planner, accountant, and insurance agent.
An estate plan needs to be properly implemented so that the client’s objectives are achieved, the tax liability is reduced and the property is ultimately transferred to the intended beneficiaries. If the estate plan is not properly implemented, there can be adverse income, estate, and gift tax consequences for the owner of the property, as well as disruption of the owner’s plans.
In addition, if the financial planner attempts to implement the plan without the assistance of an attorney or an accountant, the financial planner may be liable for any acts considered to be the unauthorized practice of law or the unauthorized practice of accountancy.
Describe Monitoring the Plan for Revisions
No estate plan can ever be said to be total or final.
* Changes in the client’s health, wealth, family situation, business situation, property interests, testamentary intentions, or the tax laws may make an estate plan that was once appropriate, obsolete.
* Thus, every estate plan needs to be monitored to ensure that the client’s plan and objectives are consistently satisfied.
* When changes do occur, the entire estate plan should be reviewed.
* Necessary modifications, consistent with the client’s objectives and circumstances, should then be implemented.
The monitoring process involves a periodic review. How often should the monitoring process take place?
* Every 12 months or more
* Every 6 to 12 months
Every 6 to 12 months
* The monitoring process involves a periodic review with the client every 6 to 12 months to ensure that the financial planner is aware of change in the client’s family situation, asset ownership, or other factors.
Section 1 - Estate Planning Summary
It is recommended that a person seek the advice of a financial planner during the estate planning process. There are seven steps in the process and each is reviewed. Significant emphasis is placed on data gathering.
After this data has been identified and quantified, and one or more planning techniques have been selected, they are tested to determine whether they meet the client’s objectives. Constraints are examined to help in the selection of one or more estate planning techniques. Finally, monitoring of the plan needs to occur to ensure that the estate plan has not become outmoded or inappropriate for the client.
Practitioner Advice: It is important to assist the client in articulating his planning goals and objectives. Armed with this information, the planner can provide an estate analysis for the client that coordinates the data with the client’s objectives.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
Estate planning process has seven steps:
* Gather significant data from the client.
* Establish and prioritize estate planning objectives.
* Identify the factors that limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
* Identify estate planning weaknesses before selecting a technique.
* Select one or more appropriate estate planning techniques.
* Implement the estate planning technique.
* Monitor the plan for revisions and modifications.
While selecting planning strategies, the following factors should be kept in mind:
* Value of the gross estate
* Amount of estate or gift tax liability
* Health and life expectancy of the client
* Financial needs of the client during life
* Type of property included in the client’s estate
* Title of property included in the client’s estate
* Competency of the client’s beneficiaries
* The client’s marginal income tax bracket
* State law of the client’s domicile
Tax and non-tax consequences of estate planning techniques will impact the overall estate plan. Strategies to minimize transfer taxes have tax and non-tax implications when using techniques such as:
* Trusts
* Marital deduction
* Charitable deduction
* Applicable credit
* Special use valuation
* Alternate valuation date
* Gifting strategies
Types of property determine whether a particular estate planning technique is appropriate.
Property considerations that exercise an influence on the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique include whether:
* It is difficult to value the property.
* The property is easily divisible.
* The property is liquid or can be easily liquidated.
* The property is appreciating in value.
* The property is depreciating in value.
* The death of the client-owner will impair or reduce the value of the property.
The competency of the client’s beneficiaries is important for the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique. There are three factors for determining competency.
* Legally competent: Any beneficiary who is an adult.
* Mentally competent: Any beneficiary who is of sound mind.
* Financially competent: Any beneficiary with the ability to invest and manage assets.
State property laws like community property and common law, have an impact on estate planning. Each state has its own set of laws.
The monitoring process involves a periodic review of a client’s plan to ensure that the planner is aware of changes, if any, in the client’s goals and objectives.
Henry Ford goes to a financial planner for help. His financial planner calculates the value of his gross estate as an important factor in the selection of his estate planning technique.
* False
* True
* Value of the client’s gross estate is an important factor in the selection of an estate planning technique to accomplish the client’s objectives.
After full implementation, an estate plan can be said to be final.
* False
* True
- An estate plan is never final. Changes in the client’s family situation, testamentary intentions, or the tax laws may make an estate plan that was at one time perfect an outmoded plan. It is for this reason that estate plans are monitored.
The gift tax can be reduced or eliminated by using all of the following techniques EXCEPT:
* The annual exclusion
* The applicable credit
* The GSTT exemption
* Qualified disclaimers
* Discounts for lack of marketability and minority interests
The GSTT exemption
- The GSTT exemption is used to offset any generation skipping transfer taxes that may result from gifting property to individuals who are two or more generations below the transferor.
- The GST tax is imposed in addition to the gift tax and the estate tax, but the GSTT exemption is not available to offset these taxes.
The tax and non-tax consequences of gifting property outright to others include all of the following EXCEPT:
* Complete transfer of ownership
* Loss of income from income producing property
* Transfer of basis
* Loss of control over property interests
* Loss of ability to disclaim property owned by the donor
Loss of ability to disclaim property owned by the donor
* Property interests cannot be disclaimed if the intended recipient actually takes possession the property.
Consequences of using the marital deduction to completely offset estate taxes include all of the following EXCEPT:
* Over-qualifies the estate for the marital deduction
* Protects the property from the surviving spouse’s creditors
* Prevents the decedent’s estate from using the alternate valuation date
* Includes the decedent’s property and all future appreciation in the unmarried surviving spouse’s estate at death
* Prevents the owner from selecting beneficiaries to receive the property after the surviving spouse’s death
Protects the property from the surviving spouse’s creditors
* Property passing to the surviving spouse through the marital deduction is not protected from creditor claims.
Section 2 - Planning an Estate
The art of estate planning involves the implementation and coordination of various skills by the financial planner. It requires the ability to gather data and analyze it. In some cases, the planner has to assume the role of a “counselor” aware of when a client is honest or when a client is withholding information that is essential to the proper creation or development of an estate plan.
Estate planning requires organizational and data gathering skills that give the financial planner an idea of the client’s current financial condition. It also requires the financial planner to coordinate his or her efforts with attorneys, trust officers, accountants, life underwriters, and others as part of an estate planning team.
Finally, estate planning requires the financial planner to be a realist: every estate plan ultimately requires the client to recognize that death is inevitable. The role of the financial planner may be to ease the client into an awareness of eventual death.
To ensure that you have an understanding of the estate planning process, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Encouraging the client to plan an estate
* Data gathering and analysis forms
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Explain why a client may need to be coaxed into doing their estate planning,
* Explain the reasons why people do not plan their estates,
* Detail the advantages of an estate plan,
* Explain the questioning techniques used by a financial planner, and
* Describe the need for data gathering and analysis forms.
What are major reasons for encouraging a client to plan an estate?
There are many reasons a client may not have an estate plan, or may not give a thought to the prospect of distributing estate assets after death.
Major reasons for encouraging a client to plan an estate are: to ensure that the client controls who gets the assets, provide for minor children, plans for succession in the case of business ownership, and to names an executor.
But whatever the reasons for the client’s reluctance, the financial planner should encourage the client to plan an estate, especially if there is a possibility of an estate tax liability.
Why Don’t Clients Have Estate Plans?
There are several reasons clients do not have estate plans. These include:
* The inevitability of death is something that people have not psychologically come to terms with. People assume that someone else will handle the distribution of their property after their death.
* Many people are aware of the potential for family problems resulting from their planning. For example, hurt feelings, will contests, family arguments over particular assets, and delays and disputes over estate distribution, executor’s commissions, and probate-related fees all have a detrimental effect on the planning of an estate.
* Many people are so involved with their business affairs that they do not give much thought to what will happen when they die.
* Many people are geographically mobile. Because of their frequent relocations, they do not think much about planning their estates. A person who lives in three or four states in a ten-year period may not have a concept of permanence.
Describe Topic of Death and Family Arguments
Topic of Death
The topic of death is an unpleasant one for many people. Those who have not come to terms with the inevitability of their death may avoid thinking about it. If they do not think about it, they will not have to plan for it.
Many people assume that the distribution of their property after death becomes someone else’s problem. Therefore, they would rather not have anything to do with this issue while they are alive.
Family Arguments
Many are aware of the immense family problems that will result from their planning. Will contests, family arguments over particular assets, and delays and disputes over estate distribution, executor’s commissions, and probate-related fees can all have a detrimental effect on the planning of an estate.
Knowing the temperament of other family members may be an estate planning deterrent for many clients because of the unpleasantness that they fear will ensue. They avoid planning their estates, believing that when they die, they will not have to worry about the rest of the family.
Describe Time Consuming
and Geographic Mobility
Time Consuming
Many people have complicated business affairs. If an individual owns a growing business, one that is appreciating rapidly in value, he may be so involved in running the business and making day-to-day decisions that the activity leaves him with little time to consider what will happen when he dies.
Rather than attempting to answer these questions through careful planning, many business owners do not address these issues and, as a result, ignore estate planning.
Geographic Mobility
Many individuals are geographically mobile and because of frequent relocations do not think about planning their estates.
For a mobile young professional client, estate planning is a concept to be considered in the future, when he or she finally settles in one place, starts a family, and makes permanent ties to the community.
List the Potential Reasons Individuals May Lack an Estate Plan
- Topic of Death. Most people find it difficult to come to terms with the inevitability of death and do not adequately prepare their estate during their lifetime. They prefer to leave it to others, after death.
- Too Busy. Some people are just too engrossed in their work to spare time for estate planning.
- Domestic Issues. Family problems such as will contests, disputes over assets, and delay over estate distribution are major deterrents.
- On the Move. Certain people are constantly on the move and do not have a feeling of permanence and are not inclined to plan their estate.
What are the Reasons to Plan an Estate?
The following are some reasons why an individual should have an estate plan:
* Trusts, guardianships, and conservatorships, all part of estate planning, can ensure that provisions have been made for minor children. Additionally, proper estate planning can preserve the estate assets for the benefit of the children.
* Proper estate planning can minimize estate taxes, leaving a greater amount of property to family members or other heirs.
* If the client owns a business, proper estate planning can provide for an orderly distribution of the business to a key employee or competent family member.
* Proper estate planning is necessary to guarantee that the person’s estate is liquid. Additionally, in most cases, if the estate is planned properly, will contest, and other intra-family disputes can be avoided.
* In the event of a disability or in other emergency situations, proper estate planning can provide continuity of income.
Describe the Reasons to Plan an Estate further
Minor Children
If a client has minor children, the welfare of the children can be structured and supervised through formal estate planning. Trusts, guardianships, and conservatorships can all ensure that proper provisions have been made for the minor children. Additionally, proper estate planning can ensure that the client’s assets are preserved for the children and their needs.
Proper estate planning can preserve assets and minimize estate taxes. As a result, a greater amount of property is made available to family members, heirs, friends, and others.
Provide Liquidity
Proper estate planning is necessary to guarantee that the estate is liquid. If the estate has insufficient liquidity, major assets such as real estate or assets that have sentimental value for one or more family members may have to be sold to satisfy creditors, pay estate taxes, and for other administrative expenses.
Resolve Intra-Family Problems
Proper estate planning can actually resolve many intra-family problems that might arise. Properly structured, an estate plan can dispose of particular assets to named beneficiaries, bequeath general legacies or sums of money to beneficiaries, allocate property to trusts to minimize estate tax liability, and provide a stream of income to the surviving spouse and minor children during the probating of the estate. If an estate is properly planned, in most cases will contests and other intra-family disputes can be avoided.
Provide Continuity of Income
In the event of the client’s disability or death, proper estate planning can provide for continuity of income. Should the client and the client’s spouse both die or should one of them die while the other becomes disabled, a properly arranged estate plan can provide a stream of income for the lifetime of the surviving spouse; provide for the payment of medical expenses or other debts, and provide for the benefit and welfare of any minor children or other family members.
Describe Questioning Techniques
A more difficult situation occurs when the client provides the financial planner with an incomplete picture of his or her estate plan. The client may only provide the financial planner with some of the information that is necessary for the proper planning of an estate. It is the responsibility of the financial planner to obtain as accurate a picture as possible of the client’s complete estate plan.
For this reason, the financial planner may need to ask certain questions that are designed to elicit additional information about the client’s state of affairs. The client may not understand why these questions are being asked and, lacking that understanding, may be reluctant to provide the financial planner with the appropriate information. For this reason, the financial planner needs to understand the reasoning underlying the question. The result of asking these types of questions is a better understanding of the client’s estate planning needs and objectives.
The following types of questions are designed to elicit the information necessary for the completion and implementation of the client’s estate plan. These questions may be added to the financial planner’s client interview form, or they may be asked in a separate interview with the client. The financial planner should be fully aware of why the question is being asked, since the nature of the answer may reveal potential estate problems for the client. The answers may also reveal possible income, estate, or gift tax problems if the current estate plan is not changed. The questions that follow should be thought of as representative in nature, not all-inclusive.
Asking about Investment Experience
Question: Does the client or the client’s spouse have significant investment or business experience?
Reason for asking the question: If either the client or the client’s spouse has significant investment experience or business managerial experience, this factor may determine the appropriateness of a particular estate planning technique.
- For example, if either the client or the client’s spouse has the managerial experience required to invest and manage assets, the use of a trust in which the spouse is named as trustee could be an appropriate estate planning technique.
- If either the spouse or the client lacks such experience, it might be more appropriate to name a trust company or other corporate trustee as the party responsible for managing assets and making investment decisions.
- If the client and the client’s spouse both have the ability to manage, but lack the desire to do so, then naming a professional trust company to manage the assets with a family member named as co-trustee might be more appropriate.
Asking about Will Execution and Date
Question: If the client has a will, when was the will executed (that is, signed)?
Reason for asking the question: In order to make full use of all of the tax law changes, it is important to know when the client signed his or her will.
- For example, the unlimited marital deduction became available for estates of decedents dying after December 31, 1981.
- Thus, for people who had wills executed on or after September 12, 1981, it would be necessary to have an attorney write a new will or attach a codicil to the present will if the client’s estate planning objective is to give the surviving spouse a greater portion of the estate as marital deduction property.
Asking about Property in More than One State
Question: Does the client own real property in more than one state?
Reason for asking the question: If the client owns real property in more than one state, and does not dispose of these properties during the lifetime, the client’s estate will be subject to a secondary or ancillary probate proceeding for any real estate located in a state other than the state of client’s domicile.
* Personal property is usually probated in the state of the decedent’s domicile and does not result in an ancillary probate proceeding.
Therefore, if the client owns real estate in more than one state, he or she needs to be aware of specific estate planning techniques, which can be used to avoid an ancillary probate proceeding, for example, the creation of a revocable living trust and funding it with real estate located outside of the client’s state of domicile.
Asking about Property Outside the Will
Question: Does the client own property that passes to a named beneficiary outside the will?
Reason for asking the question: If the client has property that passes to a named beneficiary outside the will, such as life insurance or retirement plans, including IRAs and tax-deferred annuities, these assets transfer outside of the provisions of a will and are known as “will substitutes.”
* These types of assets avoid the probate process and will result in a reduction of probate costs and expenses.
Since many clients wish to avoid the time delay and the fees usually associated with the probate process, including administrative and attorney’s fees, which are usually based on a percentage of the probate estate, transferring property in such a way as to avoid probate may become a significant estate planning objective.
* A client may wish to consider the use of one or more techniques, including property ownership, to minimize or avoid probate.
Asking about Marriages
Question: Has the client previously been married and are there living children from that marriage?
Reason for asking the question: If the client wishes to transfer property to children from a prior marriage but plans on doing so indirectly through bequests made by his second wife under the terms of her will, the client needs to seriously consider the interpersonal relationships among all the parties as it relates to the permanency of this arrangement.
* Even if the children from the first marriage and the second spouse are currently on good terms, this relationship could deteriorate in the future, and the children could be disinherited.
Once the client bequeathed all of his property to his second wife, she would then be free to dispose of the property as she saw fit.
* This could mean that she could leave all of the property to the children born of the second marriage; alternatively, if none were born from that marriage, she could leave all of the property to her children from her first marriage, or to a charity, or to a new spouse!
* To avoid this possibility, the client should consider the use of an estate planning technique that would prevent the disinheritance of his children, for example, the use of a Q-TIP trust.
Asking about Bequest to Charity
Question: Does the client wish to leave bequests to a charity or charities? Are there current provisions in the client’s will that leave sizeable bequests to one or more charities?
Reason for asking the question: Charitable transfers serve to reduce the client’s federal estate and gift tax liability.
* If the client’s will leaves a sizeable portion of the estate to one or more charities, a claim may be brought by the client’s heirs or other interested parties.
* If a client dies in a state with a mortmain statute, the purpose of which is to avoid excessive charitable bequests when a spouse, children, or other dependents survive the client, the client’s estate planning objectives may be frustrated.
If the state has a mortmain statute that prohibits a transfer of more than 20% of the decedent’s net estate, and if a spouse, children, or other dependents survive the client, then it is possible that any of these parties could file a claim with the court.
* Claims are filed to set aside that portion of the charitable bequest which exceeds 20% of the net estate.
* For example, a charitable bequest that left 30% of the net estate to a qualified charity could be set aside to the extent of the amount that exceeds 20%.
* Then, the maximum charitable bequest under the mortmain statute-in this case 10%-could be claimed by the spouse, children, or other interested parties.
Asking about Gifts of Organs
Question: Does the client wish to make an anatomical gift of his organs after his death?
Reason for asking the question: Many clients wrongfully assume that when they die they will be able to make a gift of their organs or their bodies to science and include a provision to that effect within the will.
* Unfortunately, most wills are not read until long after the death of the decedent, or certainly at a time when it is too late to make the proper donation of the bodily organs to science or for medical purposes.
The financial planner should direct the client to become a registered organ donor in their state of domicile, and in other states, they frequently travel to.
* Some states do this through the DMV and other states have a separate organ donation registry that permits you to register in multiple states.
* Be sure to notify your next of kin and your health care agent of your decision, not your executor, unless he or she is one of these specific individuals.
A person who wishes to donate their body to science should make arrangements with the medical institution in advance.
* At death, they may not be eligible to donate their body due to health problems or supply issues, therefore alternative plans should be considered.
Asking about Family Information
Here, the client is asked to print or type information about family members. Note that Question 7 is designed to list not only the names and addresses of children but also their spouse’s names, as well as the names and ages of any grandchildren.
Supplementary pages may have to be added where the client or his children have large families. It may also be helpful, where grandchildren are no longer living with their parents, to list their addresses and, if appropriate, the names of their spouses. Whenever possible, obtain social security and telephone numbers.
Often a client will be providing financial support for individuals outside his immediate family. Their names and relationship, as well as their addresses, are essential if the client wishes to provide for them either during or after his death. Likewise, clients will often want to provide financial assistance to a charitable organization. Formal names, addresses, and other vital information about such charities should be stated on this page.
Describe Family Tree
A simple stick diagram of the client’s family, his parent’s family, and spouse’s parent’s family is an invaluable tool when Seniors, Juniors, and third and fourth generation children have the same names.
Such a diagram also helps to understand who’s who if your client has been divorced, remarried, and has children by both marriages.
Describe Advisors the Client needs to decide on
Here, a client is forced to think about who has been or has to be, selected to care for both the person and the property of children (or grandchildren) who are minors.
A client must also select an individual or corporate fiduciary (or more than one of each or a combination of both) to serve as a personal representative after his death.
Alternates for both primary guardian(s) and executor(s) are essential as backups in the event the primary is ineligible, incapacitated, or for any other reason fails to qualify or ceases to act.
Describe the Checklist of Documents
This list outlines the key documents that are of use to the estate planner. In various situations, special documents such as contracts, leases, or other agreements should be added. But generally, those shown will provide adequate information for the first interview.
Describe the Personal Data Form
- This form collects the personal details of the client.
- It details the client’s residential and official addresses, phones, mail IDs, marital status, educational background, and citizenship.
- It also includes similar data for the spouse.
- Details of dependent and nondependent children and other relatives, along with their health conditions and Social Security numbers are also included in the form.
- The form can include basic details of the gifts and inheritances received or to be received at a later date.
- The form lists advisors, their contact information, and the location of important documents related to the estate plan.
Describe the Miscellaneous Information Form
- This form includes the basic information about the spouse’s occupation, employer’s and social security numbers.
The form also lists:
* insurance agents,
* investment advisors
* personal physician and
* business associates and their contact information.
Describe the Planning Information Form
- This form covers other general questions, such as, do you have a pre or post-nuptial agreement?
- Has either client created a living will?
- Have the clients made a gift under the Uniform Gift to Minors Act (UGMA)?
- Finally, whether the estate has been evaluated before and
- questions regarding the client’s financial health,
- a financial plan for the near future,
- the extent of sharing financial information with a spouse, and
- any planned expenses for the near future as well as short- and long-term financial goals.
Describe the Supplemental Schedule “I” Form
This form asks for details of the life and health insurance of spouses or partners.
* It also asks for details on the company, policy number, issue date, owner, and type of policies, the primary beneficiary, secondary beneficiary, cash value, amount of loan, and face amount.
Describe the Inheritance Tax Information Form
This final alternative form dealing with inheritance tax information will be particularly useful in community property states.
* The form asks for details on assets, general description, and approximated market value of each and any transfers.
Section 2 - Planning an Estate Summary
The first, and perhaps the most difficult, task that awaits a financial planner is to convince his client that he needs an estate plan - that the benefits of estate planning far outweigh any reason for not planning an estate.
Clients usually are not very forthcoming with information regarding their property. Therefore, a series of questions has been designed to help financial planners get the answers clients may not otherwise reveal.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
* The first task of the financial planner is to convince the client to plan an estate.
Clients do not plan an estate for different reasons. These include:
* Unpleasant realities such as death.
* Cracks in the family, including the potential for will contests and disputes relating to property.
* Lack of time and inclination to plan an estate.
* Geographic movement: Some people travel extensively and have to move from one place to another. Such people do not have a sense of permanence and hence are not inclined to plan their estate.
Estate planning is very important. It has several advantages, including:
* Trusts, guardianships, and conservatorships, which are tools in estate planning that ensure that minor children are taken care of.
* Providing for distribution of business to another individual employee or competent family member.
* Providing continuity of income in the event of the client’s disability or in other emergency situations.
Forms serve as questionnaires for the client to put in relevant information for estate planning. These forms include:
* Personal Data Form
* Miscellaneous Information
* Planning Information
* Supplemental Schedule “I”
* Inheritance Tax Information
Questioning techniques are a financial planner’s tool to extract information from a reluctant client. This tool proves to be effective because the questions are designed in a way that elicits the response required of the client. The kind of sample questions that a financial planner asks to get information from the client, in order to better plan his or her estate, include:
* **Do You Have a Will? **This is an important question because even though clients think they don’t have a will state laws say they do.
* When Was the Will Executed? The unlimited marital deduction became available for estates of decedents dying after December 31, 1981.
* Have You Ever Lived in a Community Property State? If not addressed at the right time, this issue can lead to serious problems.
* Do You Have Property in More Than One State? The client must be aware of specific estate planning techniques that can be used to avoid an ancillary probate procedure.
* Do You Own Property That Passes Outside the Will? Important for the client who has property that passes to a named beneficiary outside the will, such as life insurance.
* Have You Previously Been Married? Important for a client who wishes to transfer property to children from a prior marriage but plans on doing so indirectly through bequests made by his second wife under the terms of her will to these children.
* Will You Leave a Bequest to a Charity? Such a bequest serves to reduce the client’s federal estate and gift tax liability.
* Do You Have Investments or Business Experience? Important for clients who do not have the managerial experience required to invest and manage assets.
* Do You Want to Make Anatomical Gifts of Organs? Clients wrongfully assume that they can make a gift of their organs or their bodies to science when they die simply by including such a provision in their will.
When is the client’s estate subject to ancillary probate? (Select all that apply)
* If the client owns real property in more than one state
* If the client has no lifetime plans for the disposition of the real property owned in other states
* If the client has no lifetime plans for transfer of the real property owned in other states
* If the client has no spouse
If the client owns real property in more than one state
If the client has no lifetime plans for the disposition of the real property owned in other states
If the client has no lifetime plans for transfer of the real property owned in other states
- If the client has property in more than one state and has no lifetime plans for disposition or transfer of the property, the client’s estate will be subject to ancillary probate for any real estate located in a state other than the state of the client’s domicile.
Of the forms discussed in this module, which form lists insurance agents, investment advisors, personal physician and business associates and their contact information?
* Personal Data Form
* Miscellaneous Information Form
* Planning Information Form
* Retirement Benefits Form
Miscellaneous Information Form
- The miscellaneous information form includes the basic information about the spouse’s occupation, employer’s and social security numbers. The form also lists insurance agents, investment advisors, personal physician and business associates and their contact information.
Match the following:
Client and spouse with managerial experience.
Client and spouse without managerial experience.
Client and spouse with managerial experience but lack the desire.
* Name a professional trust company to manage the assets with a family member named as co trustee.
* Name a trust company or other corporate trustee as the party responsible for managing the assets.
* Use a trust in which the spouse or grantor is named as trustee.
- Client and spouse with managerial experience. Use a trust in which the spouse or grantor is named as trustee.
- Client and spouse without managerial experience. Name a trust company or other corporate trustee as the party responsible for managing the assets.
- Client and spouse with managerial experience but lack the desire. Name a professional trust company to manage the assets with a family member named as co trustee.
Module Summary
It is absolutely essential for a person to seek the advice of a financial planner while planning his or her estate. Before any financial planner implements his technique, he must first make sure that the client is fully convinced of the need for an estate plan
- The key points to remember here are:
Seven steps of the estate planning process are: - Gather significant data from the client.
- Establish and prioritize estate planning objectives.
- Identify the factors that limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
- Identify estate planning weaknesses before selecting a technique.
- Select an appropriate estate planning technique.
- Implement the estate planning technique.
- Monitor the plan for revisions and modifications.
Types of properties determine whether a particular estate planning technique is appropriate. Consider the tax and non-tax consequences of various estate planning techniques and strategies.
Property considerations that exercise an influence on the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique include whether:
* It is difficult to value the property.
* The property is easily divisible.
* The property has liquidity.
* The property is appreciating in value.
* The property is depreciating in value.
* The death of the client-owner will impair or reduce the value of the property.
The competency of the client’s beneficiaries is important for the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique.
State property laws such as community property law and common property law have an impact on estate planning, as different states have different laws.
The monitoring process involves a periodic review of a client’s plan with the client to ensure that the financial planner is aware of changes, if any, in the client’s plans.
Duty of a financial planner: The most basic one is to convince the client to plan an estate.
Clients do not plan an estate for different reasons for it. Some people do not want to plan for anything that would occur after their death. Some people hesitate because estate planning can result in bad blood and tensions within a family on the basis of property. Some people are constantly on the move, so they do not feel the need for estate planning.
Estate planning is important: It has several advantages, including providing for minor children, helping in the efficient distribution of a business, and providing continuity of income in case of an emergency.
Forms serve as questionnaires for the client to put in relevant information for estate planning. These forms include:
* Personal Data Form
* Miscellaneous Information
* Planning Information
* Supplemental Schedule “I”
* Inheritance Tax Information
Questioning techniques are a financial planner’s tool to extract information from a reluctant client. This tool proves to be effective because the questions are designed in a way that elicits the response required of the client. The kinds of questions that a financial planners ask include the following:
* Do You Have a Will? If either the client or the client’s spouse has previous managerial experience required to invest and manage assets, the use of a trust in which the spouse or grantor is named as a trustee could be an appropriate estate planning technique.
* When Was the Will Executed? The unlimited marital deduction became available for estates of decedents dying after December 31, 1981. People with wills executed on or before September 12, 1981, must, with the help of an attorney, write a new will or attach a codicil to the present will if the client’s estate planning objective is to give the surviving spouse a greater portion of the estate as marital deduction property.
* Have You Ever Lived in a Community Property State? This can have significant implications if not addressed at the right time. If a separate property agreement is not entered into between the parties, the parties could be making a dangerous assumption about the classification of the property for estate planning purposes.
* Do You Have Property in More Than One State? In this case, the client needs to be aware of specific estate planning techniques that can be used to avoid an ancillary probate procedure.
* Are You Living in an Adopted Material Provision State? To determine whether the client’s state of domicile is one that has adopted the Uniform Probate Code, the financial planner should consult with the attorney who forms part of the estate planning team.
* Do You Own Property That Passes Outside the Will? If the client has property that passes to a named beneficiary outside the will, such as life insurance, TRA accounts, or other property transfers known as “will substitutes,” this property avoids the probate process and results in a reduction of probate costs and expenses.
* Have You Previously Been Married? If the client wishes to transfer property to children from a prior marriage but plans on doing so indirectly through bequests made by his second wife under the terms of her will, the client needs to seriously consider the interpersonal relationships among all the concerned parties as regards the permanency of this arrangement. What is important to recognize is the possibility that the client’s children from his or her first marriage could be effectively disinherited.
* Do You Plan to Leave a Bequest to a Charity? Charitable transfers serve to reduce the client’s federal estate and gift tax liability because they take advantage of the estate tax charitable deduction as well as the gift tax charitable deduction.
* Do You Have Investments or Business Experience? To determine whether the client or the client’s spouse has the managerial experience required to invest and manage assets.
* Do You Want to Make Anatomical Gifts of Organs? Clients wrongfully assume that they can make a gift of their organs or their bodies to science when they die by including a provision in the will to that effect. Unfortunately, most wills are not read until long after the death of the decedent, at a time when it is too late to be able to make the proper donations of the bodily organs to science.
The alternate valuation date is used if there is a(n) __ ____??____ __ in the value of the decedent’s gross estate and estate tax liability __ ____??____ __ after death.
* net increase; 6 months
* net decrease; 6 months
* net decrease; 3 months
* net increase; 3 months
net decrease; 6 months
- The alternate valuation date is used if there is a net decrease in the value of the decedent’s gross estate and estate tax liability six months after death.
Choose items that can be considered ‘significant estate planning data’ from the list below. (Select all that apply)
* Presence of a valid will.
* Client’s wishes for property distribution upon death.
* Identity and relationship of heirs to the client’s property.
* Current FMV of the client’s assets.
* The client’s debts and liabilities.
* Information on the health and life expectancy of the client and family.
* The manner in which the title to the property is held.
Presence of a valid will.
Client’s wishes for property distribution upon death.
Identity and relationship of heirs to the client’s property.
Current FMV of the client’s assets.
The client’s debts and liabilities.
Information on the health and life expectancy of the client and family.
The manner in which the title to the property is held.
* Each of these items can be considered ‘significant estate planning data.’
Financial goals that involve tax planning include each of the following EXCEPT:
* Reducing estate administration costs
* Maximizing exclusions and exemptions when transferring property
* Shifting income to family members in lower brackets
* Obtaining a stepped-up basis in property
Reducing estate administration costs
Financial goals that involve tax planning include:
* Minimizing gift and estate taxes when transferring property to others
* Shifting income to family members in lower tax brackets
* Obtaining a stepped-up basis in property to avoid future capital gains taxes
Non-tax personal estate planning goals often include:
* Caring for spouses and children
* Planning for incapacity
* Reducing estate administration costs
* Protecting property
* Controlling the transfer of property interests to others
Implementation of the estate plan occurs in which step of the planning process?
* Four
* Five
* Seven
* Six
Estate Planning Process
1. Gather significant data from the client.
2. Establish and prioritize estate planning objectives.
3. Identify the factors that limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
4. Identify estate planning weaknesses before selecting a technique.
5. Select an appropriate estate planning technique.
6. Implement the estate planning technique.
7. Monitor the plan for revisions and modifications.
Qualified transfers are tax-exempt payments made directly to which of the following?
* Any person for medical care expenses that are reimbursed by the donee’s insurance
* Medical facilities to cover hospital costs
* Educational institutions for tuition
* Educational institutions for room & board
Medical facilities to cover hospital costs
Educational institutions for tuition
Qualified transfers are not subject to gift taxes. They are payments made directly to:
* educational institutions for tuition, or,
* medical facilities to cover hospital, doctor, and medical expenses.
By-pass trusts (B-Trusts) funded with __ ____??____ __ escape taxation in the decedent’s estate and the assets and any subsequent appreciation are not included in the surviving spouse’s estate at death in 2023.
* $5,113,800
* $175,000
* $17,000
* $12,920,000
* By-pass trusts funded with the exemption equivalent amount of $12,920,000 (2023) escape taxation in the decedent’s estate and the assets and any subsequent appreciation are not included in the surviving spouse’s estate at death.
While discussing the issues associated with the creation of an estate plan, the planner should focus on which the following?
I. Rate of inflation
II. Estate liquidity
* Both I and II
* II only
* I only
* Neither I nor II
Both I and II
While discussing the issues associated with the creation of an estate plan, the planner must also focus on the following:
* The rate of inflation: It is a factor in reducing the actual value of future earnings.
* The estate liquidity: A properly executed estate plan should not result in the forced liquidation of the estate assets in order to discharge the liabilities and/or taxes associated with death.
__ ____??____ __ is applied to the real property appraisals of farms and closely-held businesses to reduce the value included in the owner’s gross estate.
* Alternate valuation
* Charitable deduction
* Marital deduction
* Special use valuation
Special use valuation
* Special use valuation is applied to the real property valuation of farms and closely-held businesses to reduce the value included in the owner’s gross estate.
* The maximum amount of the reduction in 2021 is $1,190,000.
If the client’s taxable estate exceeds the amount of the __ ____??____ __, the client may be subject to estate tax liability if deductions and available credits are not used.
* annual exclusion amount
* probate estate
* marginal tax bracket thresholds for their filing status
* lifetime gift and estate exemption
lifetime gift and estate exemption
* The value of the client’s gross estate is a significant factor in the selection of an appropriate estate planning technique.
* If the client’s taxable estate exceeds the amount of the exemption equivalent, the client may be subject to estate tax liability if deductions and available credits are not used.
After establishing and prioritizing estate planning objectives, what is the next step in the estate planning process?
* Identify estate planning weaknesses before selecting a technique.
* Implement the estate planning technique.
* Identify the factors that limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
* Select an appropriate estate planning technique.
Identify the factors that limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
Estate Planning Process
1. Gather significant data from the client.
2. Establish and prioritize estate planning objectives.
3. Identify the factors that limit or affect the selection of estate planning techniques.
4. Identify estate planning weaknesses before selecting a technique.
5. Select an appropriate estate planning technique.
6. Implement the estate planning technique.
7. Monitor the plan for revisions and modifications.