Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 8. Plan Selection for Businesses Flashcards
It is said that the ability to think and plan for the future distinguishes human beings from other species. It may also distinguish an individual’s successful retirement from an unsuccessful one. A successful employer, who wishes to maximize the profits of his or her organization and have a productive workforce that is happy, needs to choose the right retirement plans for its employees.
The employer will have personal objectives with regard to cost and tax benefits in mind while framing the plans. Financial planners gather the information about the existing plans in the organization and will devise the new plan based on the objectives of the employer. The critical success factor of any organization today is its ability to recruit, retain, reward and develop employees.
The Plan Selection for Businesses module, which should take approximately four hours to complete, will explain the personal and business objectives of the owners of a business.
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
* Explain the tax considerations of retirement plans from a business owner’s perspective,
* List the capital needs at retirement and at death,
* Explain the role of a plan,
* Differentiate between qualified and nonqualified plans,
* Explain the need for qualified plans,
* Distinguish between qualified plans and cash, and
* Match the objective of the employer with the right plans.
Module Overview
- Proprietorships and partnerships have one significant difference from corporations for benefit plan purposes.
- In proprietorships and partnerships, the owners are not technically employees of the business.
- By contrast, in a corporation an owner, even a 100% shareholder, who works in the business, is technically an employee of the corporation.
- In the case of S corporations, the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) requires the shareholder employees, those holding more than two percent of the S corporation’s stock, to be treated as partners for most employee benefit purposes.
The plan objectives of a retirement plan need to match the employer objectives. Plans are designed using design features to maximize benefits to the highly compensated. They are also used as a valuable saving medium that provides adequate replacement income for all employees. An employer may also use a plan to encourage retirement, minimize turnover and increase productivity, while maximizing employer contribution flexibility.
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of plan selection for businesses, the following lessons will be covered in this module:
* Owners’ Personal Objectives
* Business Objectives
Section 1 - Owner’s Personal Objectives
When a plan attempts to cover business owners, some differences may arise. Many sections of the code providing favorable tax treatment of employee benefits apply only to employees. Thus, the benefits package for these organizations involves less favorable benefits for owners than if the organization was incorporated. If the situation is seriously adverse to the owners, the planner might even consider incorporating the organization.
Proprietorships, partnerships, and S corporations can have benefit plans for their employees that are exactly the same as those of regular or “C” corporations. Deductibility of benefit costs is the same as the employer, and tax treatment to these regular employees is also the same.
Qualified retirement plans are a very significant exception to the unfavorable treatment of business owners in these organizations. Qualified plans can cover owners of unincorporated businesses on much the same basis as regular employees. These differences are so small that it seldom pays to incorporate a business for qualified plan benefits alone.
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of the owner’s personal objectives, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Tax Considerations
* Capital Needs at Retirement
* Capital Needs at Death
* Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Explain the tax considerations for a business owner,
* Outline the capital needs at retirement, and
* Specify the capital needs at death.
What is the unique feature of a Keogh Plan when compared with qualified plans adopted by corporations?
* Keogh Plan’s contribution on behalf of the owner is based on compensation.
* Keogh Plan’s contribution on behalf of the owner is based on investment income.
* Keogh Plan’s contribution on behalf of the owner is based on contributions.
* Keogh Plan’s contribution on behalf of the owner is based on earned income.
Keogh Plan’s contribution on behalf of the owner is based on earned income.
* The unique feature of a Keogh plan, when compared with qualified plans adopted by corporations, is that the Keogh plan’s contribution on behalf of the owner is based on earned income as opposed to compensation. Earned income is defined as the self-employed individual’s net income from business after all deductions, including the deduction for the Keogh Plan contributions.
Section 2 - Business Objectives
The business objectives of the employer are of prime importance while devising a retirement plan. In order to design a pension plan for a business, three broad steps can be followed.
The first step consists of gathering the relevant facts. In this step the important factual information is gathered by conducting an employee census. In the census, a list of all employees with their compensation levels, ages and years of service for the employer is found. The existing and past pension programs maintained by the employer are studied.
The second step consists of identification of employer objectives. In addition to factual information, the retirement planner must develop with the client a list of objectives that can be promoted by a retirement plan and their priorities to the employer.
The third step is to choose plan features, which promote the employer objectives.
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of business objectives, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* What Can a Plan Do for the Employer?
* Qualified Versus Nonqualified
* Qualified Plans
* Qualified Plans Versus Cash
* Matching Employer Objectives with Right Plan
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Explain what a plan can do for the employer,
* Distinguish between qualified and nonqualified plans,
* Describe the need for qualified plans,
* Differentiate between qualified plans and cash, and
* Match employer objectives with the right plan.
PA: Life insurance & annuities are two products that grow tax deferred
What is the important important thing a Plan Do for the Employer?
The most fundamental reason for retirement plans is to help employees with retirement savings. Most employees, even highly compensated employees, find personal saving difficult. It is difficult because the current tax system and economy are oriented toward consumption rather than saving.
For example, the federal income tax system imposes tax on income from savings, even if it is not used for consumption, with only several major exceptions:
Deferral of tax on capital gains until realized,
Limited exclusion of gain on the sale of a personal residence,
Tax deferral of gains in qualified plans, IRA’s, Section 529 College Savings plans, Coverdale Plans for education as well as annuity and life insurance contracts.
In other words, a qualified retirement plan or other tax advantaged plan is one of only several options our government offers to encourage savings. The benefits of a retirement plan are available only if an employer adopts the plan.
Practitioner Advice: Life insurance and annuities are two products that enjoy tax deferred growth as allowed by the tax code.
Which of the following are ways savings are encouraged through the tax system? Click all that apply.
* Deferral on tax on savings accounts
* Potential exclusion of a base amount of the capital gain of the sale of a primary residencence
* Deferral of tax on capital gain recognition on securities until sold
* Tax free accumulation of interest on corporate bonds
* Favorable tax treatment for Roth IRA assets
Potential exclusion of a base amount of the capital gain of the sale of a primary residencence
Deferral of tax on capital gain recognition on securities until sold
Favorable tax treatment for Roth IRA assets
Three ways saving is encouraged through the tax system are:
* Deferral of tax on capital gains until realized
* Potential exclusion of a base amount of the capital gain of the sale of residence
* Deferral of tax and other benefits for qualified retirement plans and other tax advantaged plans
In a defined contribution plan, there is one main account where all participant money is invested. State True or False.
* False
* True
- In a defined contribution plan, the employer establishes and maintains an individual account for each plan participant.
- When the participant becomes eligible to receive benefit payments, the benefit is based on the total amount in the participant’s account.
Describe Money Purchase Plan
Under a money purchase plan, the employer is required to contribute a fixed and stated amount to the plan. The maximum deductible employer contribution may be up to 25% of aggregate covered compensation. The mandatory nature of the Money Purchase plan causes most employers to avoid these plans since they can contribute just as much to a Profit Sharing plan without the mandatory contribution requirement.
Practitioner Advice:
* Because profit-sharing plans also share the 25% limit, most employers who have maintained money purchase plans have replaced those plans with a profit-sharing plan.
* One of the only circumstances still favoring money purchase plans exists when a collective bargaining agreement with a union requires a plan. The union will usually want to see a money purchase plan as the employer will be subject to the minimum funding standard.
Match the corresponding types of plans with the descriptions:
Money Purchase
Target Benefit
Profit Sharing
Defined Benefit
* In these plans, employer can choose not to contribute.
* A defined contribution plan where the participant’s age at plan entry is considered when determining the contribution percentage.
* One of the simplest of all retirement plans. The employer must contribute each year to the plan.
These plans are funded actuarially. The employer assumes the investment risk.
- Money Purchase - One of the simplest of all retirement plans. The employer must contribute each year to the plan.
- Target Benefit - A defined contribution plan where the participant’s age at plan entry is considered when determining the contribution percentage.
- Profit Sharing - In these plans, employer can choose not to contribute.
- Defined Benefit - These plans are funded actuarially. The employer assumes the investment risk.
Which of the following are characteristics of employees who value immediate cash? Click all that apply.
* Younger employees
* Long-term employees
* Highly compensated employees
* Short-term employees
Younger employees
Short-term employees
* Employees who value immediate cash are usually younger employees who do not expect to stay with the employer long. In addition, they are often lower-paid employees as well.
Exam Tip: All these assumptions must be reasonable.
Describe Defined Benefit Plans
Exam Tip: All these assumptions must be reasonable.
Defined benefit plans typically provide the maximum possible proportionate benefits for key employees when key employees, as a group, are older than rank and file employees. This age distribution exists in the majority of small businesses.
A defined contribution plan restricts the annual additions limit for each participant to the lesser of 1) 100% of compensation or 2) $66,000 (2023).
A defined benefit plan has no such dollar limit on the amount of contributions. Instead, the projected benefit, not the contribution,** is subject to a limit of the lesser of 100% of the employee’s high three-year average compensation or $265,000 (2023)**.
Funding the maximum annual benefit for a younger employee generally requires a deductible employer contribution that is less than the $66,000 (2023) defined contribution limit, while for an employee who enters the plan at an old age, the deductible contribution for that employee may be more than $66,000 annually. For a given set of actuarial assumptions, there is a crossover age at which the defined benefit plan is more favorable to adopt. The crossover age is somewhere between 45 and 50 approximately, depending on the actuarial method and assumptions used in the defined benefit plan.
Defined benefit plans can be made even more favorable to key employees by appropriate choices of:
* Actuarial assumptions,
* Retirement age and late retirement provisions,
* Form of benefits, and
* Level of Social Security integration.
Exam Tip: All these assumptions must be reasonable.
Exam: Who assumes investment risk w/ a Cash Balance Pension? EMPLOYER
Describe Cash Balance Plans
Exam Tip: Who assumes the investment risk with a Cash Balance Pension plan?
Cash balance plans are a type of defined benefit plan that operates very much like a defined contribution plan of the money purchase type.
The employer guarantees the principal and interest rate, so the employee assumes no investment risk.
However, cash balance plans tend to provide greater benefits to younger employees and those with shorter service, as compared to other defined benefit plans.
Exam Tip: Who assumes the investment risk with a Cash Balance Pension plan?
Exam: Can co make a contr to profit sharing plan in yr w/o profit? yes!
Describe Profit Sharing Plan
Although a profit sharing plan is not technically required to make contributions out of profits, most plans are designed to do so.
The profit sharing element provides extra bonus compensation to participating employees when the business does well, which also acts as an incentive.
Exam Tip: Can a company make a contribution to a profit sharing plan in a year that does not have a profit? Absolutely! A company is able to borrow the necessary contribution from a bank.
PA: ESOP/stock bonus plan protect 55, >10yr entitle election 2 diversify
Describe the ESOP/Stock Bonus Plan
Practitioner Advice: The ESOP/stock bonus plan can be a very risky situation because of lack of diversification. One protective feature for ESOP participants is the requirement that those who have reached 55 and who have at least 10 years of participation in the plan be entitled to an annual election to diversify investments in their accounts.
A plan providing that the employee’s account balance is partially or totally invested in stock of the employer has substantial incentive features, paralleling the equity-based compensation arrangements often used for executives. The participant’s account goes up and down in value with company stock. So its value depends almost entirely on good performance by the business. If the employee believes that his or her performance has an effect on business results, the ESOP and stock bonus plans can be a powerful performance incentive.
Practitioner Advice: The ESOP/stock bonus plan can be a very risky situation because of lack of diversification. One protective feature for ESOP participants is the requirement that those who have reached 55 and who have at least 10 years of participation in the plan be entitled to an annual election to diversify investments in their accounts.
What is the longest waiting period permitted for full vesting for matching employer contributions?
* 5
* 3
* 2
* 7
* 6
* Under current law, the longest wait permitted for full vesting of matching employer contributions is six years under the graduated two-to-six-year vesting schedule
Which of the following statements are true regarding defined benefit plans? Click all that apply.
* A defined benefit plan makes it relatively easy to design a window plan to encourage early retirement.
* Defined benefit plans do not allow companies to encourage early retirement by subsidizing benefits.
* Defined benefit plans are not subject to minimum funding rules.
* A defined benefit plan can be designed to allow full benefits to accrue after a specified period with no further benefits accruing thereafter.
A defined benefit plan makes it relatively easy to design a window plan to encourage early retirement.
A defined benefit plan can be designed to allow full benefits to accrue after a specified period with no further benefits accruing thereafter.
* A defined benefit plan can be designed to allow full benefits to accrue after a specified period with no further benefits accruing thereafter. In addition, a defined benefit plan makes it relatively easy to design a window plan to encourage early retirement.
PA If profit share 401k prov, met IRS subst&recur cont, never make cont
Describe a Profit Sharing Plan
Practitioner Advice: If a profit Sharing plan contains 401(k) provisions, the IRS will determine that the plan has met its standard of “substantial and recurring” contributions. Therefore, the employer never has to make a contribution to the plan.
A profit sharing plan is the most flexible of all the qualified plans that require employer contributions. An employer can even omit a contribution under a profit sharing plan with discretionary provisions. Keep in mind that the IRS requires “recurring and substantial” contributions.
Practitioner Advice: If a profit Sharing plan contains 401(k) provisions, the IRS will determine that the plan has met its standard of “substantial and recurring” contributions. Therefore, the employer never has to make a contribution to the plan.
Section 2 - Business Objectives Summary
Gathering relevant facts, identifying employer objectives and choosing plan features are the steps taken while selecting plans for a business. It is important to try to match the employer’s objectives with the right types of plans.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
* What a Plan Can Do for the Employer: It can help employees with retirement savings and tax deferrals. It can help recruit, reward, retain and retire employees. A good plan can encourage productivity and discourage collective bargaining
* Qualified Versus Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans: These plans differ in many ways. The differences are based on the timing of the corporation’s income tax deduction, the coverage of the plan and the extent to which the benefits may be forfeitable. Differences also exist on the basis of tax treatment of earnings on amount set aside to fund the plans, the coverage of independent contracts and directors and the balance sheet impact.
- Qualified Plans receive more favorable tax benefits, but are subject to very stringent government regulation.
- Qualified Plans Versus Cash is a choice both employer and employee must make. An employer’s dollar spent on qualified plan benefits is bigger than a dollar spent on cash compensation. The benefits of a qualified plan are cheaper than cash compensation, but every employer may not opt for qualified plans due to the preferences of the employees.
- Matching Employer Objectives with Right Plan is a part of plan design. Every qualified plan must meet some planning objectives. These objectives are designed to maximize highly compensated benefits, provide a valuable savings medium, provide adequate replacement income, maximize employee performance, minimize turnover, encourage retirement and maximize employer contribution flexibility.
Even if the earned income is not used for consumption, the federal income tax system imposes tax on income from savings. What are the three major exceptions when taxes can be avoided? (Select all that apply)
* Unrealized capital gains
* Capital gains on sale of personal residence
* Tax deferral for qualified retirement plans and IRAs
* Interest on Savings
Unrealized capital gains
Capital gains on sale of personal residence
Tax deferral for qualified retirement plans and IRAs
* The federal income tax system imposes tax on income from savings even if it is not used for consumption, with only three major exceptions: deferral of tax on capital gains until realized, exclusion of gain on the sale of a personal residence, and deferral of tax and other benefits for qualified retirement plans and IRAs.
Part of the process of implementing a 401(k) plan is to “sell” the plan to the employees.
* False
* True
* Part of the process of implementing a 401(k) is to “sell” the plan to the employees so that all employees, including highly compensated employees, can fully benefit from the plan. If the nonhighly compensated employees are not participating, it limits the amount of participation of highly compensated employees.
Each type of qualified plan meets certain employer objectives better than others. Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of plan features that meet specific objectives?
* The savings account feature of defined contribution plans is more popular with younger employees.
* A defined benefit plan works well to encourage retirement.
* A defined contribution plan is most likely to meet the objective of assuring adequate retirement income.
* An ESOP or profit sharing plan will tend to create an incentive for employees to maximize performance.
A defined contribution plan is most likely to meet the objective of assuring adequate retirement income.
* The savings account feature of defined contribution plans attracts younger employers. A defined benefits plan will work well to encourage retirement. It may not meet the objective of assuring adequate income. An ESOP or profit sharing plan tries to create an incentive for employees to maximize performance.
A qualified plan receives tax benefits that are not available for a nonqualified deferred compensation plan. Which of the following is NOT one of the tax features of a qualified plan?
* Vested employees are taxed on employer contributions in the year contributions are made to the plan.
* Employer contributions are deductible by the employer in the year paid.
* The plan itself is a tax-exempt fund.
* Earnings on plan investments accumulate tax-free to both the employee and the employer.
Vested employees are taxed on employer contributions in the year contributions are made to the plan.
- Vested employees do not pay tax on the employer contributions until they are withdrawn from the plan.
Module Summary
Financial planners must keep the personal objectives of the owner of the business in mind while designing the appropriate plans. These plans balance the needs of the employer and the needs of the employees.
The key concepts to remember are:
* Owner’s Personal Objectives: When a plan covers business owners there are some differences that may arise. Many sections of the Code provide tax deductible employee benefits only to the employees and not the employers. The major difference with regard to a retirement plan is that contributions made to the owner’s account are based on earned income versus compensation.
- Business Objectives: A retirement plan that is designed and implemented properly can promote many employee and employer objectives. It can help recruit, reward, retain and retire employees. While devising retirement plans, productivity must be encouraged and collective bargaining should be discouraged. The benefits of a tax advantaged plan are cheaper than compensation. An employee may prefer having a tax advantaged plan to cash compensation. A financial planner must match the employer objectives with the right plan.
Lesson 8. Plan Selection for Businesses
EXAM Lesson 8. Plan Selection for Businesses
Course 5. Retirement Planning
Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding a defined benefit pension plan?
* Larger contributions are allowed for older participants without violating nondiscrimination rules.
* Plan contributions may vary for each participant.
* It is permissible for the majority of plan contributions to be on behalf of key employees.
* Once established, plan contributions are fixed on a yearly basis.
Once established, plan contributions are fixed on a yearly basis.
* These plans are funded actuarially, which means that, for a given benefit level, the annual funding amount is greater for employees who are older at entry into the plan, as the time to fund the benefit is less in the case of an older entrant. The required employer contribution may vary year to year.
Under current qualified plan regulations, what is the longest period over which a defined contribution plan may defer 100% vesting of employer matching contributions?
* 6 years
* 3 years
* 5 years
* 7 years
6 years
- Employer matching contributions are a feature of a defined contribution plan, namely, a Section 401(k) plan. The longest period over which a defined contribution plan may defer 100% vesting of employer matching contributions is 6 years.
Which of the following is NOT a way retirement savings may be enhanced through tax benefits?
* Deferral of capital gains recognition on securities until sold.
* Potential exclusion of a base amount of the capital gain on the sale of a primary residence.
* Tax-free accumulation of interest on corporate bonds.
* Favorable tax treatment for Roth IRA assets.
Tax-free accumulation of interest on corporate bonds.
* Interest earned on corporate bonds is taxable.
Each of the following is a type of pension plan EXCEPT:
* Cash Balance Plan
* Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
* Target Benefit Plan
* Defined Benefit Plan
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
- An ESOP is a type of profit-sharing plan. The other plans listed are types of pension plans.
Who bears the investment risk in a target benefit pension plan?
* Employee
* Employer
* A target benefit pension plan is a defined contribution plan.
* All defined contribution plans have employee-directed individual accounts, and the employee bears the investment risk.
Lynn has net earnings from self-employment of $120,000 annually with self-employment tax of $16,596. If she maintains a profit-sharing plan with 25% annual contributions what is the maximum contribution she can make to her account this year?
* $20,681
* $22,340
* $24,000
* $30,000
- Lynn may contribute $22,340 to her profit-sharing account this year.
- $120,000 – (50% x $16,596) = $111,702
- $111,702 x 0.20 (0.25 ÷ 1.25) = $22,340
Which of the following employer-sponsored retirement plan is MOST likely to incentivize employee productivity?
* Cash balance plan
* Stock bonus plan
* Simplified employee pension plan
* Target benefit plan
Stock bonus plan
- A stock bonus plan is structured like a profit-sharing plan. Plan contributions are made in employer stock. Generally, seeking to increase the value of employer stock incentivizes employee productivity because an employee’s individual account balance is based on the value of the employer stock.
Under an unfunded nonqualified deferred compensation plan, when does the employer receive a tax deduction for benefits provided?
* The employer never receives a tax deduction for benefits provided under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan.
* The employer receives a tax deduction when funds are placed in a Rabbi trust.
* The employer receives a tax deduction when employees receive benefits.
* The employer receives a tax deduction upon adoption of the plan.
The employer receives a tax deduction when employees receive benefits.
* The employer receives a tax deduction when employees receive benefits.
This year, what is the maximum deductible employer contribution to a money purchase pension plan?
* 100% of aggregate covered compensation
* The lesser of 100% of covered compensation or the annual additions limit
* 25% of aggregate covered compensation
* The annual additions limit
25% of aggregate covered compensation
* The maximum deductible employer contribution to a money purchase pension plan, which is a defined contribution plan, is 25% of aggregate covered compensation.
Under which of the following plans is the benefit amount at retirement guaranteed?
* Traditional profit-sharing plan
* Cash balance plan
* Target benefit plan
* Money purchase plan
Cash balance plan
- Only defined benefit plans guarantee the benefit at retirement. Of the plans listed, only the cash balance plan is a defined benefit plan.
Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding a profit-sharing plan?
* The annual maximum deductible employer contribution is limited to 25% of aggregate covered compensation.
* The plan may allow for cash or deferred arrangement for participants.
* The employer is not obligated to make a plan contribution for a given year.
* The employer must make a plan contribution for years in which the company earns a profit.
The employer must make a plan contribution for years in which the company earns a profit.
* A profit-sharing plan is a defined contribution plan under which the employer determines the amount of the contribution each year, rather than having a stated contribution obligation.