5. Retirement Planning - All Exam Tips and Practitioner's Advice Flashcards
Module 5. Retirement Planning
Lesson 2. Qualified Plans
Practitioner Advice:
Practitioner Advice:
* Although the 70% – 80% estimate is a common practice, studies have not been conclusive as to an effective wage replacement ratio and this should be considered a “rule of thumb” for projecting living expenses.
Practitioner Advice:
Practitioner Advice:
* A spouse may collect either their own benefit or 50% of their retired spouse’s benefit, whichever is greater.
* For example, if a spouse’s retirement Social Security estimate is less than 50% of their husband’s or wife’s, he or she can round up the amount to 50% of their husband’s or wife’s projected benefit.
* This is because a spouse will get an amount of retirement benefit that equals the greater of his or her benefit or 50% of the spouse’s.
Practitioner Advice:
Practitioner Advice:
* You cannot overestimate to your client the value of starting to save and invest early.
* For example, if Bob, age 25, saved $3,000 per year (at the beginning of each year) for 10 years and earned 10% after tax and then stopped but let the fund accumulate to age 65, he would have accumulated $917,725.
* If we compare this to Steve, age 25, waiting until age 35 to begin and saving $3,000 (also at the beginning of each year) for 30 years, he would have accumulated $542,830.
* Not only will Steve have less money, but also he put in three times as much. This example illustrates the importance of saving early for retirement and the effects of compound interest.
Practitioner Advice:
Practitioner Advice:
* Most seniors believe that Medicare will cover all their long-term care needs but this is false.
* Medicare does not pay for custodial nursing care if that is the only care needed.
* Also, Medicare will only pay up to 100 days in a skilled nursing facility per benefit period (only if hospitalized for at least 3 days).
Exam Tip:
Exam Tip:
* As of current legislation, a person is entitled to Medicare health benefits at age 65 even if their full retirement age is later.
Exam Tip:
Exam Tip:
* If a question asks you what the potential client should do but states the potential client has concealed important information, the correct response is that you should revise the scope of the engagement or you should not work with the potential client.
Practitioner Advice:
Defined contribution plans can be integrated only under the excess method. Generally, if the integration level is equal to the Social Security taxable wage base in effect at the beginning of the plan year, which is $160,200 (2023), the difference in the allocation percentages above and below the integration level can be no more than the lesser of:
* The percentage contribution below the integration level, or
* The greater of:
* 5.7%, or
* The old-age portion of the Social Security tax rate. The IRS will publish the percentage rate of the portion attributable to old-age insurance when it exceeds 5.7%.
Another way to state the rule is that the amount of permitted disparity is the lesser of twice the percentage contribution below the integration level or 5.7%.
For example, an integrated plan, for a plan year beginning in 2023, might have an integration level of $160,200. The plan allocates employer contributions plus forfeitures at the rate of 15.7% of compensation above the integration level. Then it would have to provide at least a 10% allocation for compensation below the integration level, making the difference 5.7%.
Percentage contribution below the integration level Maximum allowable percentage contribution above the integration level
1% 2%
2% 4%
3% 6%
4% 8%
5% 10%
6% 11.7%
7% 12.7%
8% 13.7%
9% 14.7%
10% 15.7%
11% 16.7%
12% 17.7%
Practitioner Advice:
* The integration level may be set to any salary level at or below the current social security wage base, as long as this does not create a discriminatory plan.
Exam Tip:
Actuarial cost methods depend on making assumptions about various cost factors, as actual results cannot be known in advance. The annual cost developed under an actuarial cost method depends significantly on these assumptions, and there is some flexibility in choosing assumptions. Under the Code, each assumption must be reasonable, within guidelines in the Code and regulations. Actuarial assumptions include:
* Investment return on the plan fund,
* Salary scale, which is an assumption about increases in future salaries and is particularly significant if the plan uses a final average type of formula,
* Mortality, or the extent to which some benefits will not be paid because of the death of employees before retirement,
* Annuity purchase rate, which determines the funds needed at retirement to provide annuities in the amount designated by the plan formula,
* Assumptions about future investment return and postretirement mortality that the annuity purchase rate depends on, and
* Turnover, or the extent to which employees will terminate employment before retirement and thereby receive limited or no benefit.
Exam Tip:
* The CFP Exam will test your knowledge as to the impact of these assumptions on the funding level of the plan for each year.
* For example, if the assumption of investment return is too low, the funding may have to be increased next year.
Practitioner Advice:
Practitioner Advice:
* Many planners discourage loans from qualified plans for two reasons.
* First, the outstanding balance loses the opportunity for growth.
* Second, many plans “call the note” when an employee terminates from service. If the employee cannot pay back the outstanding loan balance within the prescribed time period (usually 60-90 days), then the outstanding loan balance is deemed a distribution subject to taxes and possibly early withdrawal penalties.
Exam Tip: AUDIO: Highly Compensated Employees (HCEs) & Key Employees
Exam Tip:
* Distinguishing between Highly Compensated Employees (HCEs) and Key Employees is essential for navigating the retirement plan selection process and understanding certain employer-provided benefits.
* Highly Compensated: More than a 5% owner or received compensation in excess of $150,000 (2023) (indexed).
* Key Employee: Greater than a 5% owner or an officer of the employer having annual compensation greater than $215,000 or a greater than 1% owner whose salary exceeds $150,000.
Here, Mike serves up a breakdown of the two categories and points out the need-to-know elements of each category.
Need to keep these straight:
Highly Compensated Employees (HCEs) - Someone that is more than a 5% owner will ALWAYS be a Highly Compensated Employee.
* ACP testing
* 401k
* Coverage Test, Safe Harbor Test
* Ratio Test
* Average Benefit Test
Key Employees
* Top Heavy Testing
* Qualified plans
* Group life insurance
Practitioner Advice:
Practitioner Advice:
* Many employers offer a 401(k) plan with matching contributions.
* Some employers even match dollar for dollar up to a certain limit.
* Believe it or not, many employees do not take advantage of the “free money” that their employers are making available.
* Employees should at least contribute up to the matching level that the employer provides.
* This is a financial planning recommendation that almost always makes sense.
Practitioner Advice: Roth 401(k) Distributions
There are some unique distribution rules for Roth 401(k) money that contrast sharply with Roth IRA rules.
Withdrawals of less than the full amount of the account are made pro-rata with a portion of each withdrawal being taxable and tax-free. This is markedly different than the Roth-IRA distribution FIFO rules.
Direct Transfers from a Roth 401(k) to another Roth 401(k) plan are permitted. However, if a distribution (rather than a direct transfer) of Roth 401(k) money is taken, only the un-taxed gains can then be rolled over to another Roth 401(k) plan within sixty days. The post-tax contributions cannot be rolled over. Naturally, the new plan must allow for the acceptance of Roth 401(k) contributions.
If loans from a Roth 401(k) should default, the outstanding balance will be treated as a non-qualified distribution and any earnings distributed are fully taxable and subject to a 10% excise tax. For this reason, every effort should be made to repay an outstanding loan from a Roth 401(k) plan rather than allowing it to default.
The Five-Year Rule - Frankie begins Roth 401(k) contributions in October, 2019. 2019 becomes year 1. As of December 31, 2023, Frankie will meet the five-year rule. He may now withdraw the gains on his Roth 401(k) account tax-free after 59 ½ or disability or his beneficiary will receive them tax-free following his death.
Practitioner Advice:
* It may be advisable to directly transfer Roth 401(k) assets to a Roth-IRA before taking withdrawals.
* Then the more favorable FIFO withdrawal rules will apply.
* This also helps avoid mandatory withdrawals at age 73.
* To avoid Required Minimum Distributions of Roth 401(k) accounts, the participant can directly transfer them to a Roth-IRA account prior to age 73.
* Roth IRA accounts are not subject to mandatory withdrawals at 73.
* However, there’s a “tax trap” here to be careful of.
* If the receiving Roth IRA is established at that point in time, a new five-year rule will have to be satisfied before untaxed gains can be withdrawn tax-free, even though the five-year rule was satisfied in the 401(k) plan.
* It would be wise for the participant to have anticipated this and started a Roth IRA at least five years prior to rolling the Roth 401(k) money in.
Practitioner Advice: Adding Safe Harbor 401k plan eliminate ADP/ACP
Adding Safe Harbor provisions to a 401(k) plan will eliminate the need for the ADP/ACP test thus allowing highly compensated employees to contribute the maximum elective deferral amount.
* Safe Harbor provisions can only be added to a plan at the beginning of a new plan year, after providing employees with advance written notice of the change.
* These provisions require the plan to provide either a minimum matching contribution or a non-elective contribution for all eligible employees.
* Additionally, the matching contributions or the non-elective contributions must be immediately vested.
The employer must provide one of these options plus immediate vesting under Safe Harbor 401(k) provisions:
* Matching Contributions must equal 100% of the first 3% of employee contributions and 50% of the next 2% of employee contributions, or
* Non-Elective Contributions for all eligible employees equal to 3% of their compensation.
Practitioner Advice:
* The employer must announce (in writing) which of the two options will be used for the year. This eliminates the employer’s ability to simply select the option that will cost less.
* If all employees contribute at least 5% to the plan, then the non-elective option would be cheaper for the employer.
* However, if most employees were not contributing to the plan, the matching formula would be less costly.
* Thus the employer must declare first.
PRACTITIONER ADVICE Section 2 - Defined Contribution Plans Summary
* 401(k) plans are usually built on to a profit sharing plan. Adding 401(k) provisions to a profit sharing plan meets the “substantial and recurring” standard thus relieving the employer of ever having to make any profit sharing contributions to the plan.
Defined contribution plans are retirement plans in which the employer alone or both the employee and the employer together contribute directly to an individual account set-aside specifically for the employee. In effect, a defined contribution plan can be thought of as a savings account for retirement. However, eventual payments are not guaranteed to the employee. What he or she eventually receives depends on how well the plan investments perform. Many defined contribution plans allow the employee to choose how the account is invested. They involve no investment risk for the employer because their responsibility ends with their contribution.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
* Money purchase plan is a defined contribution pension plan under which the employer must contribute a stated percentage of the participant’s compensation to each participant’s account annually. The money purchase plan is probably the simplest of all types of plans and until recently had been one of the most common. For the employer, such a plan offers less flexibility, because contributions are required regardless of how well the firm does. For the employee, these plans are preferable to profit sharing because of the guaranteed contribution.
* Profit sharing plan is a defined contribution plan under which the employer determines the amount of the contribution each year, rather than having a stated contribution obligation. The employer contributions can vary from year to year depending on the firm’s performance. The employer can decide not to contribute to the plan at all in certain cases. If a contribution is made, the total amount must be allocated to each participant’s account using a nondiscriminatory formula. Such formulas are usually based on the employee’s compensation level, but service can be taken into account.
- Savings Plan is a defined contribution plan under which the employer may match a percentage of the employee’s contributions to their retirement account. The employee’s contributions are usually after-tax. A compensation limit is also set. Above this amount, contributions aren’t matched, but employees can continue to contribute up to 15 percent of their salary.
- Section 401(k) Plan is a plan under which employees can make either tax deductible or after-tax Roth contributions by electing salary reductions. These can be set up as part of a profit sharing plan, with both the employer and the employee contributing to the plan, or with only the employee making a contribution. Employers often match employee salary reductions in order to encourage employee participation in these plans. Traditional employee’s contributions to the plan and the earnings on those contributions are tax-advantaged, with all taxes being deferred until retirement withdrawals are made. Roth 401(k) contributions are no tax advantaged when contributed but may be withdrawn along with gains tax free if certain conditions are met. Also, 401(k) plans usually offer a wide variety of investment options, with a minimum of three that must be offered.
- Target benefit pension plan is similar to a money purchase plan in that the employer must make annual contributions to each participant’s account under a formula based on compensation. In a target plan, however, the participant’s age at plan entry is also taken into account in determining the contribution percentage. This is done on an actuarial basis so that older entrants can build up retirement accounts faster. The target provides approximately the same benefit level as a percentage of compensation for each participant at retirement. The employer does not guarantee this level, however, and the employee bears the risk and also reaps the benefit of varying investment results.
- Age weighted profit sharing plan is a profit sharing plan with an age-weighted factor in the allocation formula. Like all profit sharing plans, the employer’s annual contribution can be discretionary, so the participants have no assurance of a specific annual funding level. However, since the plan allocations are age-weighted, older plan entrants are favored.
Module 5. Retirement Planning
Lesson 3. Non-Qualified Plans
Practitioner Advice: When Benefits in Nonqualified plans Forfeitable
When are Benefits in Nonqualified plans Forfeitable?
The qualified plan vesting rules apply only if the plan covers rank-and-file employees.
* If the plan covers only independent contractors or a select group of management or highly compensated employees, benefits must be forfeitable in full at all times or subject to current taxation to the employee.
Practitioner Advice:
* For that reason, these plans are often referred to as “Top Hat” plans.
Practitioner Advice: Nonqualified Deferred Comp Salary Reduction
A salary reduction formula involves an elective deferral of a specified amount of the compensation that the employee would have otherwise received. The employer contribution under this type of plan could be in the form of a bonus, without actual reduction of salary. The plan is somewhat similar to a defined contribution type of qualified plan, although the qualified plan restrictions do not apply.
The amount deferred each year under a salary reduction formula is generally credited to the employee’s account under the plan. When benefits are due, the amount accumulated in this account determines the amount of payments. Payment is generally in the form of a lump sum, but the account balance can also be paid in an equivalent stream of periodic payments.
The salary reduction formula generally provides a method by which earnings on the account are credited. These earnings credits may be based upon a specified interest rate, or an external standard, such as Moody’s Bond Index, the federal rate or other indexed rate, or the rate of earnings on specified assets.
In a salary reduction arrangement, the employer has no obligation to actually set assets aside. The participant’s account can be purely an accounting concept existing only on paper. In that case, when payment becomes due, the employer pays it from its current assets. This points out the fact that all nonqualified deferred compensation plans are essentially based only on the employer’s contractual obligation to pay benefits.
Practitioner Advice:
* Since the financial stability of corporations is not bullet proof, a financial planner needs to explore all alternatives to a nonqualified deferred compensation plan, as well as the company’s financial strength, before recommending that his or her client defer current income into a non-qualified salary reduction agreement.
Exam Tip: Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan - Excess Benefit
Under ERISA Section 4(b)(5), an excess benefit plan is a plan that is unfunded and is not subject to Title I of ERISA, which contains the reporting and disclosure, participation, vesting, funding, and fiduciary responsibility provisions.
Excess benefit plans are designed to provide benefits only for executives whose annual projected qualified plan benefits are limited under the dollar limits of Code Section 415. An excess benefit plan makes up the difference between the qualified plan benefits top executives are allowed under Section 415 compared to the benefits provided to rank-and-file employees. In other words, highly compensated employees receive the difference between the amounts payable under their qualified plan and the amount they would have received if there were no benefit limitations under Code Section 415.
For some time, it was believed that an excess benefit plan could not restore benefits lost under the Code Section 401(a)(17) limitation on compensation of $330,000(2023) (as indexed), which would limit the usefulness of this type of plan.
Even if the excess benefit formula is not specifically based upon the Section 401(a)(17) compensation limitation, many nonqualified plan benefit formulas are related to qualified plan formulas and are designed to make the executive whole, that is, to provide an amount that makes up the difference between the benefit that the executive would have received under the employer’s qualified plans without the limitations of either Section 415 or Section 401(a)(17) and the amount actually received.
Exam Tip:
* The maximum annual benefit a company can provide in a qualified defined benefit plan is the lesser of $265,000 (2023) or 100% of the participant’s compensation averaged over his three highest-earning consecutive years.
* For an employee who makes significantly more than this limit, an excess benefit plan can provide a greater percentage of pre-retirement income during retirement.
Exam Tip: nonqualified deferred compensation plan funded by life ins
Life insurance policies on the employee’s life, owned by and payable to the employer corporation, can provide financing for the employer’s obligation under nonqualified deferred compensation plans.
* With life insurance financing, the plan can provide a substantial death benefit, even in the early years of the plan.
* This is of significant value to younger employees.
Exam Tip:
* Informally funding a nonqualified deferred compensation plan with life insurance is common because the cash value buildup is tax-deferred.
Practitioner Advice: Split Dollar Life Insurance
Split dollar life insurance is an arrangement, typically between an employer and an employee, in which there is a sharing of the costs and benefits of the life insurance policy.
* Split dollar plans can also be adopted for purposes other than providing an employee benefit, for example,
* between a parent corporation and a subsidiary, or
* between a parent and a child or in-law.
* Usually, split dollar plans involve a splitting of premiums, death benefits, and/or cash values.
In today’s environment, the split is usually based on the Endorsement Method with the employer being the owner of the policy. The cash value is rarely split anymore due to the tax implications. The most common form of Split Dollar, Endorsement, will have the employer own the policy and all of the cash value. The employer gets enough of the death benefit to pay back their costs with the balance going to the employee.
* The Equity Split Dollar Method is rarely viable or favorable anymore as any payments by the employee towards premiums will create a taxable event for the employee.
In general, the owner of the contract is deemed to be providing economic benefits to the non-owner of the contract (reduced by any consideration paid by the non-owner).
* The relationship between the owner and the non-owner will dictate whether the economic benefit is deemed to be compensation, dividend, or gift.
* The two parties must account for any benefit.
* In an employer/employee relationship the employee must report any benefit received as compensation on the employee’s federal income tax return.
* In a trust arrangement a federal gift tax return may be required.
* Generally speaking, the economic benefit, and therefore the gift or taxable income (depending upon the relationship between the owner and non-owner) will be determined by applying the rates from the 2001-10 table per thousand dollars of pure life insurance amount at risk that is to the benefit of the non-owner’s beneficiary. It may be possible to use the issuing insurance company’s least expensive term insurance rate under certain circumstances.
Under an equity split dollar arrangement the “loan regime” would apply.
* In an employer/employee relationship the employee would be the owner of the contract from inception and thus would enjoy the normal tax benefits associated with a life insurance contract.
* The employer is deemed, in effect, to be making a loan to the employee.
* In the future the loan must either be repaid or forgiven and treated as compensation or a dividend.
* This assumes that the life insurance policy is not a MEC, a modified endowment contract, whose loans are treated as ordinary income and subject to a 10% penalty if the employee is under age 59 ½.
In a non-employment trust situation the same “loan regime” would apply but ultimately the loan would have to be repaid, or forgiven and treated as a gift. Under either scenario the most common approach would be for the non-owner to pay part or all of the premium and treat such payment as an interest free loan. Under the interest free loan rules (Section 7872 of the IRC) an economic benefit would be determined by imputing interest on the outstanding loan balance in any given year. The most common approach for determining the appropriate interest rate would be to use the short term Applicable Federal Rate (AFR) on a blended basis for the current tax year. In an employment situation the imputed income would be taxable income to the employee. The employer would be in a wash position with no tax consequence. In a non-employment or trust situation the imputed interest would most usually be treated as a gift.
There are an almost infinite number of variations on the splitting of dollars theme, limited only by the needs and premium-paying abilities of the parties and the creativity of the planner.
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of Split Dollar Life Insurance, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* When Is It Used?
* Advantages
* Disadvantages
* ERISA Requirements
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Identify the uses of split dollar insurance,
* Define the advantages of this type of plan,
* Describe the disadvantages of this plan, and
* Describe the ERISA requirements for split dollar insurance.
Practitioner Advice:
* After a series of interim notices, including Notice 2001-10, Notice 2002-8 and Notice 2002-59, the IRS issued final regulations regarding split dollar on September 11, 2003 for all transactions entered into after September 17, 2003.
* Notice 2002-8 will be the main source of guidance for split dollar arrangements entered into prior to September 17, 2003.
* It should be noted that under transition rules prior arrangements for so called “equity split dollar” could be converted to a “loan regime” approach for periods after January 1, 2004 and expect to receive safe harbor treatment.
* Existing arrangements before September 17th may also continue to consider themselves treated under the old rules but if they choose that approach there is no assurance that the IRS will agree upon audit.
- The final regulations, officially known as Split Dollar Life Insurance Arrangements, TD 9092, significantly revise the traditional treatment of split dollar.
- Under the new rules there are two mutually exclusive regimes. They are an “economic benefit regime” where the only benefit being bestowed and therefore measured is a pure death benefit, and a “loan regime” where equity or cash value benefits are being enjoyed in addition to a pure death benefit. The IRS says that the split dollar participants can, in effect, select which regime will apply by determining who is the owner of the life insurance contract.
Exam Tip Split dollar plan. Employer reliquinsh, taxable to employee
What are the Disadvantages of the split dollar plan?
The employer receives no current tax deduction for its share of premium payments under the split dollar plan.
The employee must pay income taxes each year on the current cost of life insurance protection under the plan, less any premiums paid by the employee.
* This cost can be determined by using either one-year term rates provided by the federal government to measure the taxable economic benefit received by employees from the pure insurance protection provided by split dollar plans when the employer owns the policy or imputed income to the employee under the “loan regime” when the employee owns the policy.
The plan must remain in effect for a reasonably long time, that is 10 to 20 years, in order for policy cash values to rise to a level sufficient to maximize plan benefits.
Plans that provide for an employee share in the policy’s cash value-equity-type split dollar plans have been attractive in the past because they provide a savings or investment benefit for the employee.
* Under new regulations the employee tax cost of these plans is directly linked to the level of interest rates.
* The tax consequences under the new regulations make this form of split dollar unattractive.
Exam Tip:
* If the employer relinquishes the rights to the policy, there will be a taxable event at that time to the employee.
Practitioner Advice:
What are the Penalties for Non-compliance with Section 409A?
There are significant penalties that apply for noncompliance with Section 409A. If a deferral amount is required to be included in income under Section 409A, the amount is subject to both income tax and interest.
The interest imposed is equal to the interest at the underpayment rate plus one percentage point.
The additional tax is equal to 20 percent of the compensation required to be included in gross income.
In addition, in calendar years beginning after December 31, 2004, there are new reporting rules that apply requiring the deferred amounts to be submitted to the IRS using Form W-2 (for employees) or Form 1099 (for non-employees).
Practitioner Advice:
* As long as the non-discounted grant is greater than or equal to the fair market value at all times, the rules and penalties associated with Section 409A will not apply.
* However, if the non-discounted grant is LESS than the fair market value you should review all of the specific rules that relate to 409A and outstanding stock rights. For more information about these rules, see Notice 2005-1 and Notice 2006-4 at www.irs.gov
Practitioner Advice: Incentive Stock Option (ISO) - triggering AMT
What are Incentive Stock Option (ISO)?
An incentive stock option (ISO) plan is a tax-favored plan for compensating executives by granting options to buy company stock at specific exercise prices.
* Unlike regular stock options, ISOs generally do not result in taxable income to executives either at the time of the grant or the time of the exercise of the option.
* If the ISO meets the requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 422, the executive is taxed only when stock purchased under the ISO is sold, except for the potential of Alternative Minimum Tax.
For example, in 2019, through an ISO Plan at Sally’s work, she is given the right to buy 100 shares of stock at $15 per share for 10 years. After five years, in 2023, the stock is priced at $24, and Sally can buy the $24 stock for $15. Sally pays no tax when she exercises her options, and the company gets no tax deduction. Subsequently, she sells the shares for $30 per share (the fair market value (FMV)) in 2026. Sally has met the minimum holding requirements of waiting two years after the options were granted and one year after exercising the options.
In this scenario, Sally pays capital gains tax on $6, the difference between the market value when exercised ($24) and the sale price ($30) and the capital gains tax on $9, which was the difference between the exercise price ($15) and the market value ($24) at the time of exercise.
* If the holding period is not met, the gain will be ordinary income and taxed as such.
* If the ISO rules are not met, then the options are taxed like a non-qualified option.
Practitioner Advice:
* Regarding the above example, Sally could have a tax liability because of AMT.
* The difference between the market price and the exercise price is a tax preference item and gets added back for the AMT calculation in the year the ISOs are exercised.
Practitioner Advice: Incentive Stock Option: AMT, stock dec in value
What are the Disadvantages of Incentive Stock Options?
There are certain drawbacks to the ISO plan. These are detailed below:
* The corporation granting an ISO does not ordinarily receive a tax deduction for it at any time.
* The plan must meet complex technical requirements of Code Section 422 and related provisions.
* The exercise price of an ISO must be at least equal to the fair market value of the stock when the option is granted. There is no similar restriction on nonstatutory options.
* As with all stock option plans, the executive gets no benefit unless he is able to come up with enough cash to exercise the option.
* An executive may incur an alternative minimum tax (AMT) liability when an ISO option is exercised, thus increasing the executive’s cash requirements in the year of exercise.
Practitioner Advice:
* Many people during the tech boom exercised their incentive stock options, which caused them to pay AMT.
* Unfortunately, in many circumstances, stock prices have been drastically reduced.
* In addition to paying AMT at exercise, these employees own stock that is worth much less than they paid for it.
Practitioner Advice: Section 457 $22,500 limit, $7,500 catch up 50yo
What is the Limit on Amount Deferred in Eligible Section 457 plans?
For an eligible plan, the amount deferred annually by an employee cannot exceed the lesser of 100% of the employee’s compensation or $22,500 in 2023.
The applicable dollar amount is adjusted for cost-of-living increases, in increments of $500. Salary reductions under a Section 457 plan do not have to be coordinated with elective deferrals to other plans such as Section 401(k) plans (qualified profit-sharing or stock bonus plans under which participants have the option to put money in the plan or receive the same amount as taxable cash compensation) and Section 403(b) plans (a tax-deferred employee retirement plan that can be adopted only by certain tax-exempt organizations and certain public school systems.
* This means that any elective deferral under a 457 plan will not decrease the amount that an employee can defer under other tax-advantaged plans.
* A participant with sufficient compensation at two employers, one that sponsors a Section 457 plan, can contribute the maximum to each employer’s plan.
Suppose Michael Orentlich, whose annual salary is $150,000, participates in his employer 457 plan. Michael has another job that has a 401(K) plan. Even though Michael contributes the maximum to his 457 plan, he would still be able to contribute and deduct up to an additional $22,500 into his 401(k) plan in 2023.
Practitioner Advice:
* Participants in a plan of a governmental employer or a non-church-controlled tax-exempt organization who are age 50 and over are eligible for an additional salary reduction catch-up contribution of $7,500 (2023).
The $7,500 catch-up limit will be indexed for inflation in future years.
Exam Tip: elective deferrals must be aggregated, EXCEPT into a 457
Describe Catch-up Contributions in 457 Plans
The old catch-up provision, which still applies to each of the last three years before normal retirement age, enables participants to make up for contributions not deferred in previous years. They may “catch up” for any year(s) since January 1, 1979, if they were eligible to contribute to a deferred compensation plan but did not contribute the maximum amount allowed under the Internal Revenue Code.
Catch-up contributions can be defined as elective contributions which:
* Exceed the applicable limitation as determined at year-end,
* Are treated by the eligible plan as catch-up contributions, and
* Do not exceed the annual catch-up contribution limit.
Special rules apply to the new catch-up contributions under a Section 457 plan:
* The additional over-50 elective deferral amounts are not available in any year in which the participant makes additional deferrals under the old three-year catch-up provision described below.
* Notwithstanding the amount in the table, the additional deferral cannot exceed the excess, if any, of the participant’s compensation overall regular elective deferrals.
* For example, consider a participant over age 50 who has compensation of $23,000 in 2023 and regular salary deferrals of $22,500. In such a case, only an additional $500 can be deferred under this 50-or-over provision (ignoring that FICA contributions may need to be made from the compensation).
* The Section 415 limitation (limitation applied to qualified deferral plans that place a cap on the amount of money that plan participants and employers can contribute to a plan on a tax-deferred basis) does not prevent the use of this 50-or-over provision, even if the total deferred thereby exceeds the Section 415 limitation.
* For example, suppose a participant over age 50 has annual compensation of $100,000. He or she has regular annual additions of $66,000(2023) to the employer’s defined contribution plans for the year, which is the full Section 415 limitation. In this case, the 50-or-over excess deferrals would still be available.
* All eligible participants must have the same right to make this election.
The dollar limit is applied per individual, not a per-plan, basis. For example, consider the case of Lydia, who is employed by two different governmental employers. Her total annual deferral from both employers cannot exceed the $22,500 limit in 2023. The 100% of compensation limit applies on a per-plan basis. Thus, Lydia may not defer more than 100% of her includable compensation under any one plan.
The new catch-up rule does not apply during a participant’s last three years before retirement. During those years, the old catch-up rule of Section 457(b)(3) applies. The contribution ceiling can be increased in each of the last three years before the normal retirement age to the lesser of:
* Twice the dollar limit for the year, or
* The regular limit of the lesser of the dollar limit for the year or 100% of taxable compensation, plus the total amount of deferral not used in prior years.
Exam Tip:
* Remember that all elective deferrals must be aggregated in applying the applicable limit EXCEPT deferrals into a Section 457 plan.
Exam Tip: 457 plans not tax deductible to company (don’t pay taxes)
Are 457 plans Deductible?
An employer sponsoring a Section 457 plan does not pay federal income taxes, therefore deductibility is not an issue.
Exam Tip:
* Be careful on the Certification Examination.
* For example, if an answer to a question states that the employer sponsoring a 457 plan enjoys a tax deduction, it is not correct. The employer does not pay taxes and thus does not get a tax deduction.
Exam Tip: Guaranteed benefit retirement = Defined benefit plan
Exam Tip:
* On any exam, if asked what retirement plan is most appropriate for someone who wants a GUARANTEED BENEFIT at retirement, the answer is always a defined benefit plan, either the traditional or cash balance plan.
Under the final average method, earnings are averaged over a number of years, usually the three to five years immediately prior to retirement.
* The final average method usually produces a retirement benefit that is better matched to the employee’s income just prior to retirement.
In either a career average or final average formula, a maximum of $330,000 (2023) of each employee’s compensation is taken into account.
* In other words, an employee earning $400,000 in 2023 is treated as if their compensation were $330,000.
* Also, the defined benefit amount that is paid to the employee cannot exceed the Section 415 limit which will be discussed later.
In many plans, these formulas are further modified by integrating them with Social Security benefits.
* Integrating the formula gives the employer some credit for paying the cost of employee Social Security benefits.
* It helps to provide a reasonable level of retirement income for all employees by taking Social Security benefits into account.
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits.
Lesson 5. Other Tax-Advantaged Retirement Plans
Exam Tip & Advice: need income to contribute Trad IRA, inc cont amounts
What are the Advantages with a traditional IRA?
Eligible individuals may contribute up to the maximum annual contribution amount to a traditional IRA, as shown in the table below, and up to the maximum annual contribution amount for a spouse if a traditional spousal IRA is available. This amount may also be deductible from the individual’s current taxable income.
Note: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changed the tax treatment of alimony paid pursuant a divorce decree finalized after December 31, 2018. In such cases, alimony is no longer taxable to the recipient or deductible by the payor. Alimony payments pursuant divorces finalized prior to January 1, 2019 are grandfathered in the previous law and payments continue to be taxable to the recipient and deductible by the payor.
Investment income earned on the assets held in a traditional IRA is not taxed until it is withdrawn from the account. This deferral applies no matter what the nature of the investment income. It may be in the form of interest, dividends, rents, capital gain or any other form of income. Such income is taxed only when it is withdrawn from the account and received as ordinary income.
The maximum annual contribution amount for an IRA is $6,500 (2023).
For individuals who have attained age 50 before the close of the tax year, an additional contribution of $1,000 amount is allowable. The resulting total maximum contribution amount is $7,500 (2023).
The SECURE Act of 2019 eliminated the age limit for making IRA contributions.
Exam Tip:
* A person needs earned income or taxable alimony to contribute to an IRA.
Practitioner Advice:
* The changes to the IRA contribution levels are significant and can play an important role in planning for retirement.
Exam Tip: Alimony divorce before 1-1-19 is compensation for IRA purposes
What are the Deduction Limits for a traditional IRA?
The maximum annual deductible IRA contribution for an individual is the lesser of the maximum annual contribution amount or 100% of the individual’s earned income.
* This covers income from employment or self-employment.
* It does not include investment income.
A provision for traditional spousal IRAs permits additional contributions up to an additional maximum annual contribution amount for the spouse in some cases.
Assuming the active participant restrictions do not apply, the maximum allowable deductible contribution in the year 2023 is the lesser of:
$6,500, or
100% of includable compensation plus 100% of includable compensation of a spouse minus the amount of the deduction taken by the spouse for IRA contributions for the year.
* In order to contribute to a traditional spousal IRA, the couple must file a joint return.
If both spouses have earned income, each can have a traditional IRA. The maximum deduction limit for each spouse with earned income is the maximum annual contribution amount/100% limit.
* However, traditional IRA contribution limits are combined with those for Roth IRAs.
* The maximum annual contribution amount is reduced for each dollar contributed by the same taxpayer to a Roth IRA. For example, if John, age 30, earned $20,000 and wants to contribute to both a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA, he can do it, but the total IRA contributions cannot exceed $6,500.
Exam Tip:
* Alimony received pursuant to a divorce finalized prior to January 1, 2019, is considered compensation for IRA contribution purposes.
Exam Tip, Advice: 457 plan no affect deduct of IRA. Active Participant
Current law imposes income limitations on the deductibility of traditional IRA contributions for those persons who are active participants in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. This includes all qualified retirement plans, simplified employee pensions (SEPs), Section 403(bs) tax-deferred annuity plans, or SIMPLE IRAs.
Describe the Active-Participant Restrictions on the deductibility of traditional IRA
Current law imposes income limitations on the deductibility of traditional IRA contributions for those persons who are active participants in an employer-sponsored retirement plan.
* This includes all qualified retirement plans, simplified employee pensions (SEPs), Section 403(bs) tax-deferred annuity plans, or SIMPLE IRAs.
If an otherwise eligible person actively participates in the employer plan, the available traditional IRA deduction is reduced below the maximum annual contribution amount if the AGI of the taxpayer is within the phaseout ranges indicated below, with the deduction eliminated entirely if the AGI is above the upper limit of the phaseout range.
The reduction in the maximum annual deductible contribution amount in the phase-out AGI region is proportional to the amount by which the AGI exceeds the lower limit.
* For example, suppose that in 2023 a single taxpayer’s AGI is $76,000, and he is an active participant under age 50. The taxpayer is $3,000 into the phase-out range of $73,000 - $83,000, so his annual traditional IRA deduction is reduced by $3,000/$10,000, or 30%.
* This is a reduction of $1,950 (30% of $6,500), so the maximum IRA deduction is $4,550 ($6,500 less $1,950).
* For MFJ taxpayers, both active participants in an employer-sponsored plan, the deduction phase-out is $116,000 - $136,000 (2023).
An individual is not subject to the active participant restrictions just because his or her spouse is an active participant in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. However, this provision phases out for joint adjusted gross incomes from $218,000 to $228,000 (2023) for the non-active participant spouse. The active participant spouse is subject to the MFJ phase-out threshold of $116,000 and $136,000.
Chris and Pat are MFJ taxpayers. Chris, but not Pat, actively participates in an employer-sponsored qualified plan. Chris and Pat earn $120,000 and 70,000, respectively. Pat may contribute and deduct up to $6,500 to an IRA because their AGI is less than $218,000. Chris may contribute (but not deduct) up to $6,500 to an IRA because their AGI is greater than $136,000. However, if Chris and Pat’s MAGI was greater than $228,000 in 2023, each may contribute, but neither one could claim a deduction.
Single - $73,000 - $83,000
Married filing joint $116,000 - $136,000
Married filing separately $0 - $10,000
Exam Tip:
* Participation in a 457 plan will not affect the deductibility of an IRA contribution. A participant in a Section 457 plan is not considered an active participant for IRA contribution deduction purposes.
Practitioner Advice:
* The definition of an Active Participant is that the taxpayer either received any annual additions within a defined contribution plan during the year or was eligible for any benefits in a defined benefit plan during the year.
* Annual additions consist of employer contributions, employee contributions, or reallocated forfeitures.
Prac Advice: taxpayer can file return & claim IRA deduct b4 contribution
Describe Time Limits
with a Traditional IRA
Eligible persons can establish an IRA account and claim the appropriate tax deduction any time prior to the due date of their tax return, without extensions even if the taxpayer actually receives an extension of the filing date. For most individuals or married couples, the contribution cutoff date is April 15. However, since earnings on an IRA account accumulate tax free, taxpayers may want to make contributions as early as possible in the tax year.
* The advantage of making an IRA contribution at the beginning of the year can be seen in the following table, which assumes $5,000 annual contributions and an annualized rate of return of 8%.
Years of Growth Beginning of Year January 1 End of Year January 1 Advantage of Early Contributions
5 $30,766 $28,754 $2,012
10 $73,918 $69,082 $4,836
15 $134,440 $125,645 $7,795
20 $219,326 $204,977 $14,349
25 $338,382 $316,245 $22,137
30 $505,365 $472,304 $33,061
35 $739,567 $691,184 $48,383
40 $1,068,048 $998,176 $69,872
45 $1,528,759 $1,428,747 $100,012
Practitioner Advice:
* A taxpayer can file his or her tax return and claim an IRA deduction even before the actual contribution is made. The taxpayer must contribute the amount reported by the tax filing due date.
Exam Tip If client takes distribution after 73, must take 2 distribution
When do Distributions from IRAs Begin?
Distributions must begin by no later than April 1 of the year after the year in which age 73 (2023) is reached.
* The SECURE Act of 2019 changed the required beginning date for required minimum distributions to age 73.
* The former rules continue to apply to employees and IRA owners who attained age 70½ prior to January 1, 2020.
* The new provision is effective for distributions required to be made after December 31, 2019, with respect to individuals who attain age 73 after December 31, 2019.
Distributions from qualified pension, profit sharing and employer stock plans and Section 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plans are subject to numerous special rules and distinctive federal income tax treatment.
Advance consideration of all the potential implications of plan distributions is an important part of overall plan design.
Exam Tip:
* If a client waits and takes a minimum distribution on April 1st of the year after the year in which age 73 is reached, the client must take two distributions that year.
Pract Advice: Pension w/ survivorship, Spousal consent rollover not dist
Describe Rollovers in IRAs
An IRA can be used to receive a rollover of certain distributions of benefits from employer-sponsored retirement plans. Asset can either be directly transferred from trustee to trustee or they can be distributed out to the participant who has sixty days to deposit them to a new trustee.
For purposes of this course, the following definitions will apply:
Transfer:- A direct movement of assets from one custodian or plan to another custodian or plan, i.e. a trustee to trustee transfer
Rollover: Assets are distributed directly to the participant
(In real life, the difference is often determined by who the distribution check is made out to: the participant or the new custodian or plan)
Trustee to trustee transfers may be effected whenever and as often as the taxpayer likes.
Rollovers may only occur once every twelve months for the assets involved.
Practitioner Advice:
* The federal spousal consent requirements enacted under the Retirement Equity Act of 1984 only apply to qualified plans, not to IRAs.
* This means that all pension plans must automatically provide survivorship benefits for a spouse, unless the spouse opts out in writing.
* However, spousal consent may be required when a qualified plan distribution is rolled over to an IRA, but distributions thereafter can be made without spousal consent.
* A spouse’s property rights in an IRA account are a matter of state law, and may differ depending on whether the state is a common law or community property state.
PA Unlike trad IRA, Roth distribution is return of principal, nontaxable
What are the Disadvantages of Roth IRAs?
The Roth IRA contribution is limited each year for each individual.
* The limit is reduced for single annual Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) above $138,000 (2023) and eliminated entirely for a single filer with MAGI of $153,000 (2023) or more.
* The corresponding limits for joint-return filers are $218,000 and $228,000 (2023).
Premature Roth IRA withdrawals in excess of contributions are taxed in full and are also subject to a 10% penalty on early withdrawal similar to that applicable to traditional IRAs.
Practitioner Advice:
* Unlike a traditional IRA, distribution from a Roth IRA are first considered return of principal and thus nontaxable, even before age 59½.
Exam Tip MAGI allow Roth IRA & Trad, total < $6500, catch-up $1000 >50
For who and How much is the “catch-up contribution”?
For individuals who have attained age 50 before the close of the tax year, an additional dollar amount is allowable. This is known as a “catch-up contribution”.
In 2023, the age 50 catch up election is $1,000. For individuals age 50 or older, the largest contribution to a traditional and/or Roth-IRA is $7,500 a year including any catch-up contribution.
Exam Tip:
* If the MAGI for a given client allows for a contribution to a Roth IRA and an above-the-line deduction for a Traditional IRA, the total combined annual contribution cannot exceed the limits of $6,500 (2023), and an over-50 catch-up of $1,000, or the total taxable compensation (if less than the contribution limits).
Mini Bite: Qualified Distributions from Roth IRAs
Mini Bite: Qualified Distributions from Roth IRAs
In this 5-minute video, Mike discusses the requirements for taking a “qualified” (income tax and penalty free) distribution from a Roth IRA. Two key requirements must be satisfied for a distribution to be qualified. Mike explains the nuances of those two requirements as well a few important CFP® Exam points.
The Boston Institute of Finance’s Mini Bite video series aims to tackle key financial planning topics that are both important in practice and testable on CFP® Board’s certification exam.
Qualified distributions are completely tax free.
* There are 2 levels of requirements for a qualified distribution
* First level - 5 year holding period
* Second level - death, disability, home ($10k max), age 59.5yo
* Don’t have to be 59.5yo if met other requirement
Five year holding period example:
* Made contribution 4-1-2020
* But Actual holding period began January 1, 2019
* Actual holding period ends January 1, 2024
* (even though that’s actually only 3 years and 9 months)
Mini Bite: Non-Qualified Distributions from Roth IRAs
Mini Bite: Non-Qualified Distributions from Roth IRAs
In this 5-minute video Mike discusses the tax treatment of Roth IRA distributions that do not meet the qualified requirements. Many assume that non-qualified distributions will always result in heavy penalties and a big tax bill, but that’s not always the case. Mike clearly explains the distribution ordering rules in this video and the results may surprise you.
The Boston Institute of Finance’s Mini Bite video series aims to tackle key financial planning topics that are both important in practice and testable on CFP® Board’s certification exam.
Distributions are non-qualified - if they did not meet the 5 years or 4 qualifying circumstances.
Distribution ordering / Layers:
* First layer that gets distributed are the regular Roth contributions. No income tax. No penalty bc it’s a return of the contribution.
* Second layer - distributing Roth conversion contributions (traditional IRA converted to Roth IRA). No income tax bc they paid tax on the conversion. But if before 5 years, there could be a 10% penalty.
* Third layer - Account earnings. There will be regular income tax at the marginal bracket level and 10% penalty.
Regular Roth contributions: $24,000
Roth conversion contributions: $50,000
Account Earnings: $26,000
Total Account: $100,000
If client needs $40k.
* first $24k, no tax, no penalty
* next $16k, no tax, maybe 10% penalty depending on 5 year holding window ($1600)
If client wants to liquidate $100k.
* first $24k, no tax, no penalty
* next $50k, no tax, maybe 10% penalty depending on 5 year holding window ($5000)
* next $26k, Income tax, 10% Penalty ($2600)
Practitioner Advice: 403(b) in public schools rarely w/ employer contrib
Practitioner Advice: 403(b) plans in public schools rarely enjoy any employer contributions. When you find employer contributions and/or matching contributions, they will most likely occur in colleges and universities as well as non-profit 501(c)(3) corporations.
Practitioner Advice:
Practitioner Advice:
It may be advisable to directly transfer Roth 403(b) assets to a Roth IRA before taking withdrawals. Then the more favorable FIFO withdrawal rules will apply. The also helps avoid mandatory withdrawals at age 73. To avoid the Required Minimum Distributions of Roth 403(b) accounts, the participant can directly transfer them to a Roth-IRA account prior to age 73. Roth IRA accounts are not subject to mandatory withdrawals at age 73. However, there’s a “tax trap” here to be careful of. If the receiving Roth IRA is established at that point in time, a new five-year rule will have to be satisfied before untaxed gains can be withdrawn tax-free, even though the five-year rule was satisfied in the 403(b) plan. It would be wise for the participant to have anticipated this and started a Roth IRA at least five years prior to rolling the Roth 403(b) money in.
Pract Advice: fraction for Keogh & SEP-IRA plans divide the contr dec by
Practitioner Advice:
* The “alternative” fraction for contributions in Keogh and SEP-IRA plans for owners is easily determined by dividing the regular contribution (expressed as a decimal) by 1 plus the decimal amount. For example, if the normal contribution is 25%, the net fraction for the owner is determined by the formula:
* .25 / 1.25 = .20 = 20%
Lesson 6. Investment Considerations for Retirement Plans
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits.
Exam Tip: employer risk in defined benefit, individ risk in defined cont
Types of Investments Offered
* ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, is the federal law which established legal guidelines for private pension plan administration and investment practices. ERISA states in Section 404 (c) that individual account plans such as 401(k)s, must provide a participant or beneficiary the opportunity to choose from a broad range of investment alternatives. The ERISA code also dictates that the account holder be given control over the assets in his or her account. Providing at least three investment alternatives is considered a broad range of investments according to Section 404 (c), and providing participants the opportunity to trade at least once every three months is considered control over their assets.
* The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA06) has added some additional considerations for qualified plans. Based on language in the Act, plans are adding “Target Based” funds to plans that allow participants to invest in a single fund which will diversify the assets, within the fund, according to a projected future date of withdrawal. These are usually constructed as a “fund of funds”, meaning that within the single fund, assets are invested in diversified mix of different types of funds. Often these funds are associated with a future date, such as 2020, 2025, etc. That time frame determines the mix of stocks, bonds and cash within the fund. The Department of Labor had blessed this type of investment as a proper choice.
* Qualified plans may invest in a wide variety of options including cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, mortgages, life insurance, annuities, hard assets, collectibles, and even more esoteric investment options. However, most plans offer stock, bond, and cash equivalent options, which cover the three investment alternatives that are suggested in IRC Section 404(c). When employees control the investments, the investment vehicle of choice in retirement plans has been mutual funds. Most plans will offer a variety of options in each of the three categories so that every participant can choose an investment that meets his or her individual needs. In addition, most plans allow participants to trade on a daily basis.
* In regard to pension plans, pension managers are generally not allowed to put all the plan’s money into a single investment, such as a stock. They are expected to spread the money across a variety of investments, which is called diversification, to keep the pension fund from being exposed to undue risk. By spreading the money into multiple investments, there is less likelihood that one poor investment will expose the entire pension plan to large losses. This is extremely important to the employer with a defined benefit plan because the employer assumes all the investment risk. This means that the employer will still have to pay the full benefit even if there is little money in the fund because of adverse investment results.
The employer assumes all the investment risk in a defined benefit plan. The individual assumes all the investment risk in a defined contribution plan.
As a financial planner, you may assist your client in selecting investment options in his or her retirement account. By knowing the rules about the types of investments that need to be offered in the plan, you can also help to ensure that the plan is keeping the participants and their beneficiaries in mind and notify your client if his or her plan is not in order.
Employers are not required by ERISA to provide investment control to participants in Profit Sharing, Money Purchase, and Target Benefit plans. Despite the fact that the employees are subject to investment risk, the employer can elect to control the investment choices. However, the employer is held to the “Prudent Person” standard as a Fiduciary of the plan.
ADVICE It is not timing market makes investor do well but time in market
Describe the consideration of Time Horizon
- Investments that are offered in retirement plans should not only match participants’ risk tolerance and goals, but should be consistent with their time horizon.
- For example, a 60-year-old nearing retirement might start looking for investments that preserve his principal as opposed to a 30-year-old that is looking for long-term growth in his or her investments.
- Generally, stocks or stock funds are used for long-term time horizons.
- Bonds or bond funds are used for medium-term time horizons.
- Cash equivalents, such as money markets funds, are used for short-term time horizons.
- It is important that all three types of investments are offered in retirement plans because all the participants in a retirement plan are not going to have the same time horizon for retirement.
- As a financial planner, you may assist your clients in selecting the investments in their retirement account.
- Keep not only their risk tolerance and goals in mind, but also their time horizon.
- Not only should a plan have diversified investment options, but participants should also diversify their accounts to hedge against the risk of one investment exposing the entire account to large losses.
- Enron employees are a perfect example of how having all one’s investments in one option can have a huge effect on one’s account.
- A well-diversified portfolio will include many investments from various asset classes and smooth out the ups and downs of the market. This will usually help a client stay invested.
* It is not timing the market that makes an investor do well but time in the market.
* As a financial planner, it is your job to help your clients create a well-diversified portfolio that meets their needs and risk tolerance, so that they will stay in the market.
TEST Retirement Equity Act 1984 trustee own&benef life ins qualified pla
What are other advantages to a fully insured plan?
- In addition to exemption from minimum funding, a fully insured plan is eligible for a simplification of ERISA reporting requirements (Form 5500 series).
- An insured plan need not file Schedule B, Actuarial Information, with its Form 5500 (or 5500- EZ) and thus does not need a certification by an enrolled actuary.
- This reduces the cost and complexity of plan administration to some degree.
- Finally, a fully insured plan is exempt from the requirement of quarterly pension deposits since that is also tied together with the minimum funding requirements.
- Fully insured plans are, however, subject to Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) coverage and annual premium requirements.
* The Retirement Equity Act of 1984 requires that the owner and beneficiary of life insurance in a qualified plan must be the trustee.
PRAC ADVICE: Clients be aware that annuities have own surrender charge
What is the Tax Treatment of Distributions from Annuities?
If you receive your qualified plan payout in the form of an annuity, those payments will generally be taxed as ordinary income.
However, an annuity purchased outside of a tax advantaged retirement plan is taxed as follows:
* Withdrawals will be assumed to be gain first, and therefore taxable. Once all gain is removed, then withdrawals will be determined to be basis which will not be taxed again.
* Taxable withdrawals (gain) made prior to age 59½ may be subject to a 10% penalty. This penalty can be avoided if the withdrawal is due to death, disability, as a series of substantially periodic payments or through annuitization using a commercial annuity.
* Clients need to be aware that many annuities have their own surrender charges as well. A typical surrender charge might look like this:
Year 1–7%
Year 2-6 %
Year 3-5%
Year 4-4%
Year 5-3%
Year 6-2%
Year 7-1%
Year 8-0%
In addition, most annuities will allow a withdrawal during the surrender charge period of up to 10% without incurring a charge from the insurance company. Be careful not to confuse the insurance company surrender charge with the pre-59½ early withdrawal excise tax.
If an annuity, outside of a qualified plan, was purchased prior to August, 1982, that contract may be grandfathered to older language that allowed basis to be withdrawn before taxable gain. In that case, the owner would not pay income taxes or penalties on money withdrawn until they had taken out more than had been deposited.
The taxation of distributions during the annuitization stage is a little more involved. Some of the monies received are recovery of capital and some income. This is accomplished through an inclusion and exclusion ratio.
Formula for Exclusion Ratio = Investment in contract/Expected return
Formula for Inclusion Ratio = 1- exclusion ratio
For example, assume Michael Orentlich has purchased an annuity with $50,000. He is now 60 years old, and the annuity will pay him $700 per month for life. Michael has a life expectancy of 20 years. Michael’s expected return is $168,000 ($700 per month x 12 months x 20 years).
Exclusion Ratio = $50,000/$168,000 = .29762
Inclusion Ratio = 1- exclusion ratio = .70238
This means that for every dollar Michael receives he will get 29.7262% tax-free and will have to pay taxes on 70.238%.
It is important to note that once the total amount of capital has been recovered, 100% of the payments are taxable.
Lesson 7. Distribution Rules, Alternatives and Taxation
Lesson 7. Distribution Rules, Alternatives and Taxation
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit
Exam: All qualified plans tax adv, but not all tax adv plans qualified
Section 1 - Planning Retirement Distributions Summary
Advance planning of retirement distributions is essential because the rules are complex and tax treatment of each plan differs. Though some plans may allow employees to accumulate a lot of money in their retirement account, they may lose a large sum to taxation if they do not choose the right payment options.
Exam Tip: All qualified plans are tax advantaged, but not all tax advantaged plans are qualified.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
* Important questions must be answered from the perspective of a plan participant who is about to retire. This will help a financial planner collect information and help the client make decisions regarding plan distributions.
* The decisions that must be made involve the options for lump sum or periodic payout, rollovers, payment schedules, taxation of payments and the potential estate tax consequences of distribution.
Before waive right to pre/postretirement annuity, be certain fin secure
Describe receiving the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity Benefit
As with the preretirement survivor annuity, a participant may elect to receive another form of benefit if the plan permits. However, as with a qualified preretirement survivor annuity, the spouse must consent in writing to the election.
An election to waive the joint and survivor form must be made during the 90-day period ending on the annuity starting date. This is the date on which benefit payments should have begun to the participant, not necessarily the actual date of payment.
The waiver can be revoked, that is, the participant can change the election during the 90-day period. Administrators of affected plans must provide participants with a notice of the election period and an explanation of the consequences of the election within a reasonable period before the annuity starting date.
The joint and survivor annuity must be the actuarial equivalent of other forms of benefit. Therefore, the participant may wish to increase the monthly pension by waiving the joint and survivor annuity and receiving a straight life annuity or some other form of benefit. Just as in the case of the preretirement survivorship benefit, the nonparticipant spouse’s consent to waiver of the joint and survivor annuity in favor of an optional benefit form selected by the participant must meet the following requirements:
* It must be in writing.
* It must acknowledge the effect of the waiver.
* It must be witnessed, either by a plan representative or a notary public.
Practitioner Advice:
* Before recommending that a spouse waive his or her right to a pre or postretirement annuity, the financial planner must be certain that the surviving spouse has enough assets and income to be financially secure.
Exam Tip: mandatory 20% withholding applies to qualified, 403b, 457plans
Describe In-Service (Partial) Distributions
Many savings or thrift plans and other plans provide for in-service partial plan distribution. If a participant takes out a partial plan distribution before termination of employment, the distribution is deemed to include both nontaxable and taxable amounts. The nontaxable amount will be in proportion to the ratio of total after-tax contributions, that is, the employee’s cost basis, to the plan account balance. This is similar to the computation of the annuity exclusion ratio. Expressed as a formula, it looks like this:
Nontaxable Amount=Distribution × (Employee’s Cost Basis/Total Account Balance)
However, there is a grandfather rule for pre-1987 after-tax contributions to the plan. If certain previously existing plans include contributions made before 1987, it is possible to withdraw after-tax money first. That is, if a distribution from the plan is made that is less than the total amount of pre-1987 after-tax contributions, the entire distribution is received tax-free. This applies to distributions made at any time, even after 1987. Once a participant’s pre-1987 amount, if any, has been used up, the regular rule applies.
A taxable in-service distribution may also be subject to the early distribution penalty. In addition, in-service distributions generally will be subject to mandatory withholding at 20%, unless the distribution is transferred to an eligible retirement plan by means of a direct transfer rollover.
After-tax contribution timeline
* Pre-1987. If the plan includes after-tax contribution mode before 1987, it is possible to withdraw after-tax money first. That is, if a distribution from the plan is made that is less than the total amount of pre-1987 after-tax contributions, the entire distribution is received tax-free.
* Post-1987 contributions. For any after-tax contributions that are made after 1987, the distribution includes both nontaxable and taxable amounts. The nontaxable amount will be in proportion to the ratio of total after-tax contributions, that is, the employee’s cost basis, to the plan account balance.
Exam Tip:
* The mandatory 20% withholding applies to qualified plans, Section 403(b) plans, and Section 457 governmental plans.
Prac: lump sum, market value $103k, owe income tax $21k basis, sell LTCG
Describe Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) stock within a qualified plan
Employer stock within a qualified plan may enjoy unique treatment under the tax code. Under certain conditions, distributions of employer stock may be subject to ordinary income tax on the basis of the stock, and long term capital gain treatment on gains above basis as of the date of distribution.
Here’s an example:
Geri Hiegal has worked for Qualco Corporation for over 25 years. She has contributed to the 401(k) plan since its inception, allocating 10% of her contributions to the Qualco common stock account. Additionally, Qualco matches employee contributions with Qualco stock. The current market value of the Qualco stock in her 401(k) plan is $103,000. The plan administrator of the plan has been keeping track of Geri’s basis in Qualco stock, i.e. what the value of the stock was when each share was contributed (that is, the deduction that the company took when the stock was contributed). The basis of Geri’s stock is $21,000.
Geri is retiring this year, at age 60 and is considering her options for the 401(k) plan, whose total balance is $423,000. If Geri meets the definition of a lump sum distribution she could take the entire balance of the stock from the plan, with a market value of $103,000, and owe ordinary income tax on $21,000 (basis). If and when she sells any of the stock, the gain above basis will be taxed as long term capital gains.
Practitioner Advice:
* If Geri meets the definition of a lump sum distribution, she could take the entire balance of the stock from the plan, with a market value of $103,000, and owe ordinary income tax on $21,000 (basis).
* If and when she sells any of the stock, the gain above basis will be taxed as long term capital gains.
Practitioner Advice: Section 5 - Lump Sum Versus Deferred Payments
Often plan participants have a choice between a single lump sum plan distribution and a series of deferred payments. This requires a choice between competing advantages. The tax implications as well as several nontax effects of both types of payments must also be taken into consideration.
Practitioner Advice:
* An often overlooked option is to leave the retirement assets in the plan. There may be significant advantages offered by the retirement plan including but not limited to:
* Mutual funds with low institutional expense ratios
* Fund are regularly monitored and replaced if necessary
* Website support and assistance
* ERISA protection from creditors
* Post age 55 separation from service withdrawals without 10% penalty
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of lump sum distribution versus deferred payments, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Advantages of Lump Sum Distributions
* Advantages of Deferred Payout
* Factors Involved in Determining Alternatives
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* State the advantages of lump sum distributions,
* Describe the advantages of deferred payout, and
* List and explain the factors that must be considered in deciding the form of distribution.
Prac: 401k loans encourage non-high comp to cont, allow high comp >defer
Section 6 - Loans
Due to the 10% penalty tax on early distributions from qualified plans, a plan provision allowing loans to employees may be attractive. This allows employees access to plan funds without extra tax cost. However, a loan provision increases administrative costs for the plan and may deplete plan funds available for pooled investments. Moreover, loans are also subject to penalties if they do not meet certain requirements of the code.
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of loans, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Requirements of Code Section 4975(d)(1)
* Requirements of Code Section 72(p)
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* List the loan requirements of Section 4975(d)(1)
* Enumerate the loan requirements of Section 72(p), and
Practitioner Advice:
* One of the reasons many 401(K) plans allow for loans is that it encourages the non-highly compensated employees to contribute to the 401(K) thus allowing the highly compensated employees to defer a bigger amount.
PA: QDROs apply 2 assets in 403b & qualified plans, not IRA, SEP, SIMPLE
Section 7 - Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
A qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) is a ruling by state law, usually relating to child support, marital property rights, or alimony. It may assign all or part of a plan’s benefits to a spouse, child, or dependent of the participant. Thus, the plan benefits become part of the negotiable assets in the dispute.
Practitioner Advice:
* QDRO’s only apply to assets found in qualified plans and 403(b) plans.
* For IRA’s and IRA-based plans such as the SEP-IRA and SIMPLE-IRA, the QDRO does not apply.
* Instead, the custodian of those assets would respond to the terms of an approved Divorce Decree.
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of qualified domestic relations orders, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Plans and QDROS
* Alternate Payee
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Describe the impact of a QDRO on plan distributions, and
* State the options available to an alternate payee of a plan distribution.
Exam: Distribution from QDRO not subject to 10%, pre-59.5 early tax
Describe QDRO to an Alternate Payee
A QDRO may assign part or all of a participant’s plan benefits to an alternate payee. The alternate payee may be a spouse, former spouse, child, or another dependent of the participant. The recipient of the QDRO can roll over the distribution or can just take the money.
An alternate payee who is the spouse or former spouse of the participant and who receives a distribution by reason of a QDRO may roll over the distribution in the same manner as if he or she were the participant. If not rolled over, the recipient is subject to income tax on the distribution.
Exam Tip:
* Distributions from a QDRO will not be subject to the 10%, pre-59.5 early withdrawal excise tax.
PA: Note distribution from 457 prior 59½yo not subject to 10% excise tax
When is the Early Distribution Penalty imposed?
Early distributions from qualified plans, Section 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plans, IRAs and SEPs are subject to a penalty of 10% of the taxable portion of the distribution.
In the case of Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees (SIMPLE) IRAs, the penalty is increased to 25% during the first two years of participation.
The penalty does not apply to distributions:
* Made on or after attainment of age 59½,
* Made to the plan participant’s beneficiary or estate on or after the participant’s death,
* Attributable to the participant’s disability,
* That are part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments made at least annually over the life or life expectancy of the participant, or the participant and a designated beneficiary (separation from the employer’s service is required, except for IRAs),
* Made upon separation from service after attainment of age 55 (not applicable to IRAs),
* Made to a former spouse, child or other dependent of the participant under a qualified domestic relations order (not applicable to IRAs),
* To the extent of medical expenses deductible for the year under Code Section 213, whether or not actually deducted,
* To pay health insurance costs while unemployed (IRAs only),
* For higher education costs (tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment) for the taxpayer, spouse, child or grandchild (IRAs only), or
* To pay acquisition costs of a first home of the participant, spouse, child, grandchild or ancestor of the participant or spouse, up to a $10,000 lifetime maximum (IRAs only).
* The SECURE Act of 2019 added an early-withdrawal penalty exception for distributions from retirement plans for individuals in the case birth of a child or adoption. The aggregate amount which may be treated as qualified birth or adoption distributions by any individual with respect to any birth or adoption shall not exceed $5,000.
In the case of the periodic payment exception, if the series of payments is changed before the participant reaches age 59½ or, if after age 59½, within five years of the date of the first payment, the penalty tax that would have been imposed, but for the periodic exception, is imposed, with interest, in the year the change occurs.
Practitioner Advice: Note that distributions from a 457 plan prior to age 59½ are not subject to the 10% excise tax.
Describe Minimum Distribution Requirements and Penalty
Required minimum distributions (RMD) from qualified plans, Section 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plans, IRAs, SEPs, SIMPLE IRAs, and Section 457 governmental deferred compensation plans must begin not later than April 1 of the calendar year following the later of:
* The calendar year in which the employee attains age 73 (beginning January 1, 2023), or
* The calendar year in which the employee retires (in the case of an employer-sponsored plan).
A required minimum distribution is required for the year in which the participant attains age 73 or retires, even if the actual distribution is deferred until April 1 of the following year. However, all other required minimum distributions must be made during the year to which they apply.
For example, an individual who attains age 73 in 2023 and defers the initial required minimum distribution to April 1, 2024, must make two minimum distributions during 2024, which are the deferred 2023 distribution and the 2024 distribution. The 2024 distribution must be taken by December 31, 2024.
If the annual distribution is less than the minimum amount required, there is a penalty of 25% of the amount that should have been distributed but was not distributed. However, a participant can always take out more than the required minimum.
The required minimum distribution rules are designed to determine the rate at which income taxes must be paid on retirement accumulation. The minimum distribution amounts do not have to be spent by the participant but can be reinvested in a nonqualified investment medium.
Practitioner Advice: Although it is usually wise to defer taxation, it is not always the case. For instance, a financial planner needs to figure out the tax ramifications of deferring the first required minimum distribution to April 1 of the year following the participant turning 73. Why? Because the participant would have to take two distributions that year, the second distribution might be taxed at a much higher marginal tax rate
PA: helpful to distinguish btwn a rollover vs direct transfer
Section 9 - Retirement Plan Rollovers
With tax-deferred retirement accounts, taxes become due when the funds are distributed. However, taxes can be deferred further if the funds are redeposited in another tax-deferred retirement account within 60 days. This tax-free transfer of assets from one retirement plan to another is called a rollover.
Practitioner Advice:
* It is helpful to distinguish between a rollover from a plan which involves the participant taking possession of the assets and a direct transfer in which the assets are passed from the plan to another trustee. It’s not a question of who gets the distribution check, but rather, who it is made out to. When it is made out the participant, the rollover rules apply. When it is made out to a new trustee (For The Benefit of the participant) the direct transfer guidelines apply. In “real life” both are often referred to, generically, as a rollover but practitioners must be aware of the distinct and substantial differences between the two options.
To ensure that you have a solid understanding of retirement plan rollovers, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* When Are Rollovers Used?
* Tax Treatment of Rollovers
* Alternatives to Rollovers
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* List the situations when rollovers may be useful in minimizing taxes,
* Explain how rollovers can be eligible for favorable tax treatment, and
* Describe the tax implications of alternatives to rollovers.
PA: Plan doc of receiving plan must allow acceptance various type money
When Are Rollovers Used?
Practitioner Advice: Although federal regulations allow the rollover of various types of plans to each other, the plan document of the receiving plan must specifically allow the acceptance of the various types of money. For example, a 401(k)’s plan document must specifically allow rollovers from 403(b) plans, or they will not be accepted.
Tax-free rollovers of distributions to and from qualified plans, Section 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plans, traditional IRAs, SEPs and eligible Section 457 governmental plans are specifically allowed by the IRC. Thus, rollovers between different types of plans are permitted, such as from a qualified plan to a Section 403(b) tax-deferred annuity.
A rollover of a distribution from a SIMPLE IRA during the first two years of participation may be made only to another SIMPLE IRA, except in the case of distributions to which the premature distribution penalty does not apply.
Rollovers may be used in different situations for a variety of purposes as follows:
* When a retirement plan participant receives a plan distribution and wants to defer taxes and avoid any early distribution penalties on part or all of the distribution.
* When a qualified retirement plan, Section 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan or eligible Section 457 governmental plan is terminated by the employer, and an individual participant who will receive a large termination distribution from the plan has no current need for the income and wishes to defer taxes on it.
* When a participant in a qualified plan, Section 403(b) tax-deferred annuity plan, eligible Section 457 governmental plan or IRA would like to continue to defer taxes on the money in the plan, but wants to change the form of the investment or gain greater control over it.
PA: left employ 55-59.5yo, money in employer’s plan, no 10% excise tax
What are the Alternatives to Rollovers?
Practitioner Advice: For a client who has left employment after age 55 but before age 59 1/2 and who may need to supplement income prior to beginning social security at age 62, it may be prudent to keep money in the employer’s plan if withdrawals are anticipated (assuming the plan document allows discretionary withdrawals after separation from service). Unlike an IRA, these withdrawals would not be subject to the 10% excise tax for withdrawals made prior to age 59 1/2 .
In cases where a rollover IRA is an alternative to leaving the money in the existing qualified plan, it may not make much of a difference to leave the money in the plan. It may even be better to do so. This is especially true if the participant is satisfied with the qualified plan’s investment performance and the payout options available under that plan meet the participant’s needs.
Results similar to a rollover IRA can be achieved if the qualified plan distributes an annuity contract to a participant in lieu of a cash distribution. The annuity contract does not have to meet the requirements of an IRA, but the tax implications and distribution restrictions are generally similar.
Practitioner Advice: For a client who has left employment after age 55 but before age 59 1/2 and who may need to supplement income prior to beginning social security at age 62, it may be prudent to keep money in the employer’s plan if withdrawals are anticipated (assuming the plan document allows discretionary withdrawals after separation from service). Unlike an IRA, these withdrawals would not be subject to the 10% excise tax for withdrawals made prior to age 59 1/2 .
Lesson 8. Plan Selection for Businesses
Lesson 8. Plan Selection for Businesses
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit
PA: Life insurance & annuities are two products that grow tax deferred
What is the important important thing a Plan Do for the Employer?
The most fundamental reason for retirement plans is to help employees with retirement savings. Most employees, even highly compensated employees, find personal saving difficult. It is difficult because the current tax system and economy are oriented toward consumption rather than saving.
For example, the federal income tax system imposes tax on income from savings, even if it is not used for consumption, with only several major exceptions:
Deferral of tax on capital gains until realized,
Limited exclusion of gain on the sale of a personal residence,
Tax deferral of gains in qualified plans, IRA’s, Section 529 College Savings plans, Coverdale Plans for education as well as annuity and life insurance contracts.
In other words, a qualified retirement plan or other tax advantaged plan is one of only several options our government offers to encourage savings. The benefits of a retirement plan are available only if an employer adopts the plan.
Practitioner Advice: Life insurance and annuities are two products that enjoy tax deferred growth as allowed by the tax code.
PA: most employers replaced these plans with profit-sharing plan. Union
Describe Money Purchase Plan
Under a money purchase plan, the employer is required to contribute a fixed and stated amount to the plan. The maximum deductible employer contribution may be up to 25% of aggregate covered compensation. The mandatory nature of the Money Purchase plan causes most employers to avoid these plans since they can contribute just as much to a Profit Sharing plan without the mandatory contribution requirement.
Practitioner Advice:
* Because profit-sharing plans also share the 25% limit, most employers who have maintained money purchase plans have replaced those plans with a profit-sharing plan.
* One of the only circumstances still favoring money purchase plans exists when a collective bargaining agreement with a union requires a plan. The union will usually want to see a money purchase plan as the employer will be subject to the minimum funding standard.
Exam Tip: All these assumptions must be reasonable.
Describe Defined Benefit Plans
Exam Tip: All these assumptions must be reasonable.
Defined benefit plans typically provide the maximum possible proportionate benefits for key employees when key employees, as a group, are older than rank and file employees. This age distribution exists in the majority of small businesses.
A defined contribution plan restricts the annual additions limit for each participant to the lesser of 1) 100% of compensation or 2) $66,000 (2023).
A defined benefit plan has no such dollar limit on the amount of contributions. Instead, the projected benefit, not the contribution,** is subject to a limit of the lesser of 100% of the employee’s high three-year average compensation or $265,000 (2023)**.
Funding the maximum annual benefit for a younger employee generally requires a deductible employer contribution that is less than the $66,000 (2023) defined contribution limit, while for an employee who enters the plan at an old age, the deductible contribution for that employee may be more than $66,000 annually. For a given set of actuarial assumptions, there is a crossover age at which the defined benefit plan is more favorable to adopt. The crossover age is somewhere between 45 and 50 approximately, depending on the actuarial method and assumptions used in the defined benefit plan.
Defined benefit plans can be made even more favorable to key employees by appropriate choices of:
* Actuarial assumptions,
* Retirement age and late retirement provisions,
* Form of benefits, and
* Level of Social Security integration.
Exam Tip: All these assumptions must be reasonable.
Exam: Who assumes investment risk w/ a Cash Balance Pension? EMPLOYER
Describe Cash Balance Plans
Exam Tip: Who assumes the investment risk with a Cash Balance Pension plan?
Cash balance plans are a type of defined benefit plan that operates very much like a defined contribution plan of the money purchase type.
The employer guarantees the principal and interest rate, so the employee assumes no investment risk.
However, cash balance plans tend to provide greater benefits to younger employees and those with shorter service, as compared to other defined benefit plans.
Exam Tip: Who assumes the investment risk with a Cash Balance Pension plan?
Exam: Can co make a contr to profit sharing plan in yr w/o profit? yes!
Describe Profit Sharing Plan
Although a profit sharing plan is not technically required to make contributions out of profits, most plans are designed to do so.
The profit sharing element provides extra bonus compensation to participating employees when the business does well, which also acts as an incentive.
Exam Tip: Can a company make a contribution to a profit sharing plan in a year that does not have a profit? Absolutely! A company is able to borrow the necessary contribution from a bank.
PA: ESOP/stock bonus plan protect 55, >10yr entitle election 2 diversify
Describe the ESOP/Stock Bonus Plan
Practitioner Advice: The ESOP/stock bonus plan can be a very risky situation because of lack of diversification. One protective feature for ESOP participants is the requirement that those who have reached 55 and who have at least 10 years of participation in the plan be entitled to an annual election to diversify investments in their accounts.
A plan providing that the employee’s account balance is partially or totally invested in stock of the employer has substantial incentive features, paralleling the equity-based compensation arrangements often used for executives. The participant’s account goes up and down in value with company stock. So its value depends almost entirely on good performance by the business. If the employee believes that his or her performance has an effect on business results, the ESOP and stock bonus plans can be a powerful performance incentive.
Practitioner Advice: The ESOP/stock bonus plan can be a very risky situation because of lack of diversification. One protective feature for ESOP participants is the requirement that those who have reached 55 and who have at least 10 years of participation in the plan be entitled to an annual election to diversify investments in their accounts.
PA If profit share 401k prov, met IRS subst&recur cont, never make cont
Describe a Profit Sharing Plan
Practitioner Advice: If a profit Sharing plan contains 401(k) provisions, the IRS will determine that the plan has met its standard of “substantial and recurring” contributions. Therefore, the employer never has to make a contribution to the plan.
A profit sharing plan is the most flexible of all the qualified plans that require employer contributions. An employer can even omit a contribution under a profit sharing plan with discretionary provisions. Keep in mind that the IRS requires “recurring and substantial” contributions.
Practitioner Advice: If a profit Sharing plan contains 401(k) provisions, the IRS will determine that the plan has met its standard of “substantial and recurring” contributions. Therefore, the employer never has to make a contribution to the plan.
Lesson 9. Employee Benefit Plans
Lesson 9. Employee Benefit Plans
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit
No exam tips or practitioner’s advice.
Lesson 12. Regulatory Considerations
Lesson 12. Regulatory Considerations
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit
Lesson 10. Employer/Employee Insurance Arrangements
Lesson 10. Employer/Employee Insurance Arrangements
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit
PA: LLC good alt 2 partnership. LLC taxed as part, but liability limited
Describe the two basic types of partnerships
Practitioner Advice: A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a good alternative to a partnership. The LLC can be taxed as a partnership, which is usually preferred, but the liability of each partner is limited.
A partnership is a voluntary association of two or more individuals for the purpose of conducting a business for profit as co-owners. Most partnerships in the United States engage in commercial activities in contrast with professional activities such as law or medicine.
There are two basic types of partnerships:
* General partnership: Here each partner is actively involved in the management of the firm and is fully liable for partnership obligations.
* Limited partnership: In this case there is at least one general partner and one or more limited partners. Limited partners are not actively engaged in partnership management. They are liable for partnership obligations only to the extent of their investment in the partnership.
Practitioner Advice: A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a good alternative to a partnership. The LLC can be taxed as a partnership, which is usually preferred, but the liability of each partner is limited.
PA: A disability buyout policy should be in addition to a reg dis policy
Describe how to Use Disability Income Insurance
Practitioner Advice: A disability buyout policy should be in addition to a regular disability policy.
Use of Disability Income Insurance
The principles related to buyouts on the death of a partner also apply with respect to disability buyouts. However, the policy options are more limited and are offered by a few major insurers only.
The second most common use of business disability income insurance is to fund business continuation arrangements, like cross-purchase or entity plans. The policies provide cash funds to a business, partners or small corporations to buy the business interests of a totally disabled partner or shareholder. Policies are arranged so that benefits are payable only after 12, 24, or 36 months of disability. The duration is chosen to correspond to a trigger point which is the date designated in the formal buy-and-sell agreement at which the healthy persons must buy out the totally disabled insured/owner.
Insureds are considered totally disabled if, because of sickness or injury, they are unable to perform the major duties of their regular occupations and are not actively at work on behalf of the business or practice with which they are associated. Benefits may be paid as monthly indemnity to a trustee, who then releases the total payment at the trigger point. More commonly, benefits are paid as a lump sum or under a periodic settlement arrangement in reimbursement for the actual amount paid by the buyers to purchase the disabled insured’s interest.
The maximum benefits of buyout policies are established at the time of underwriting. The policy amounts are based on the value of the business entity as determined by one or more generally accepted accounting methods. The maximum insurable percentage of an individual’s worth in a business is about 80 percent for a lump-sum benefit. This insurable percentage reduces rapidly after age 60. For example, it becomes 50% at age 61 and 25% at age 62. Policies that provide monthly payments for three or five years in lieu of a lump sum also reduce the benefit substantially for ages near retirement. The maximum underwriting limit usually increases with the length of the elimination period.
Under indemnity disability income policies, insurers must pay the maximum amount specified in the policy regardless of the actual value of the business at the time of the claim. Under reimbursement disability income policies, on the other hand, insurers pay whichever is less-the policy benefit amount or the actual value of the business at the time the buyout occurs. For this reason, indemnity policies rarely provide a maximum of more than $350,000 for any one insured, although reimbursement policies may be available with maximums of one million dollars on any one individual.
A future buyout expense option is usually available. This provides the owner/insured with the option of increasing the maximum buyout expense benefit without evidence of insurability on specified option dates.
Practitioner Advice: A disability buyout policy should be in addition to a regular disability policy.
PA: Entity arrangements # of policies is the # of partners or owners
Describe Use of Life and Health Insurance for Corporation Biz Continuation
Practitioner Advice: Entity arrangements are usually used when there are many partners or owners that need to be insured. The number of policies is simply the number of partners or owners. When a cross-purchase arrangement is used, each partner or owner will have to have a policy on every other partner or owner. This can get extremely cumbersome and complex.
These agreements are most commonly funded with life insurance policies. Each shareholder is insured for the value of the stock interest owned, the insurance being owned by either the corporation or the other shareholders. Upon the first death among the shareholders, the life insurance proceeds are used by the corporation or surviving shareholders, as the case may be, to purchase the stock of the deceased person from his or her estate. The business future of the surviving owners is assured, and the estate beneficiaries receive cash instead of a speculative interest.
The shareholders of a closely held corporation who are active in the business are in a position similar to that of partners in a partnership. Consequently, the possibility of a working owner becoming disabled is a serious risk for the business. The best available solution lies in funding a properly drawn buy-and-sell agreement with appropriate amounts of disability insurance, as discussed earlier.
Practitioner Advice: Entity arrangements are usually used when there are many partners or owners that need to be insured. The number of policies is simply the number of partners or owners. When a cross-purchase arrangement is used, each partner or owner will have to have a policy on every other partner or owner. This can get extremely cumbersome and complex.
PA: Tax return usu required disability overhead policy, verif co expense
Describe business disability insurance as a covered expense
Practitioner Advice: A tax return is usually required during the underwriting process in obtaining a disability overhead policy to verify that the company has real expenses.
Covered expenses usually are those that the IRS accepts as deductible business expenses for federal income tax purposes. They include:
* Rent or mortgage payments for the business premises
* Employee salaries
* Installment payments for equipment, which usually does not include inventory
* Utility and laundry costs
* Business insurance premiums that are not waived during disability
Additionally, any other recurring expenses that the insured normally incurs in the process of running his or her business or professional practice are included in covered expenses.
Premiums paid for Business Overhead Disability policies are deductible to the business or business owner. As such, benefits will be taxable. However, because the benefits will then be used to pay deductible business expenses, no tax liability will be incurred. This is a powerful tax advantage in addition to the protection provided by the policies.
Practitioner Advice: A tax return is usually required during the underwriting process in obtaining a disability overhead policy to verify that the company has real expenses.
Exam: highly comp emp 4 qualified plan: >5% owner, last >$150k, top 20%
Describe Golden parachute payment
Exam Tip: Remember that the definition of a highly compensated employee for the purposes of qualified plan coverage rules is:
* any employee who is a greater than 5% owner or,
* any employee whose earnings in the prior year exceeded $150,000 (2023), or
* as an alternative, the employer may choose to identify any employee in the top 20% based on earnings.
A parachute payment is any compensatory payment made to an employee or independent contractor who is an officer, shareholder, or highly compensated individual that meets certain requirements. A highly compensated individual is defined as one of the highest paid 1% of company employees, up to 250 employees.
The payment must meet the following criteria:
* The payment is contingent on a change:
* In the ownership or effective control of the corporation, or
* In the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of the corporation, and
* The aggregate present value of the payments equals or exceeds three times the base amount.
Also included in the definition of a parachute payment is any payment made under an agreement that violates securities laws.
If an agreement is made within one year of the ownership change, there is a rebuttable presumption that the payment is contingent on an ownership change.
Any amount that the taxpayer can prove is reasonable compensation for personal services rendered before the takeover will not be treated as a parachute payment. Reasonable compensation is determined by reference to either the executive’s historic compensation or amounts paid by the employer or comparable employers to executives performing comparable services.
Disallowance under this provision is coordinated with the Code provision generally disallowing deductions for compensation over $1,000,000. Amounts disallowed under one provision are not allowed under the other.
Exam Tip: Remember that the definition of a highly compensated employee for the purposes of qualified plan coverage rules is:
* any employee who is a greater than 5% owner or,
* any employee whose earnings in the prior year exceeded $150,000 (2023), or
* as an alternative, the employer may choose to identify any employee in the top 20% based on earnings.
Lesson 11. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Lesson 11. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit
PA: Some ppl plan retirement w/o SS bc of uncertainty of benefits; cons
Describe Social Secuity as a Foundation
Social Security benefits are not intended to meet all of one’s financial needs. Even the Social Security Administration declares on their benefit statements “Social Security was not intended to be the sole source of income when you retire. You’ll also need a pension, savings or investments.” When a person retires, he or she will need other income, such as savings or a pension. Social Security can be described as a foundation upon which a person can build his or her financial future.
Plans and decisions need to be made to ensure a brighter and more secure financial future. Social Security is an important part of financial planning and helps people maintain their standard of living even after they retire.
Practitioner Advice: Some people want to plan their retirement without Social Security benefits in the calculation because of the perceived uncertainty of future benefits. This is a more conservative approach.
PA: Social Security used “quarters” to det eligibility; now “credits”
Describe earning Social Secuirty Credits
Practitioner Advice: In the past, the Social Security System used “quarters” to determine eligibility for benefits. However, this term has been replaced by “credits”. In your studies, the older term quarters and the newer term credits as synonymous.
To get benefits from Social Security, an individual must work and pay taxes into Social Security. However, some people get benefits as dependents or survivors on another person’s Social Security record.
Those who pay taxes will earn Social Security credits. In 2023, a person earns one credit for each $1,640 in earnings up to a maximum of four credits per year. The amount of money needed to earn one credit goes up every year. For example, Bob earned $7,000 in the year 2023 while working only in February. Bob would be credited with 4 credits of coverage for the year.
Most workers need 40 credits, essentially 10 years of work, to qualify for benefits. Earning 40 credits qualifies a worker as being “fully insured.” Forty credits are needed to qualify for retirement benefits. Younger people need fewer credits to be eligible for disability benefits or for family members to be eligible for survivor benefits if the worker dies.
During someone’s working lifetime, they probably will earn more credits than they need to be eligible for Social Security. These extra credits do not increase their eventual Social Security benefit. However, the income they earn may increase their benefit.
Practitioner Advice: In the past, the Social Security System used “quarters” to determine eligibility for benefits. However, this term has been replaced by “credits”. In your studies, the older term quarters and the newer term credits as synonymous.
PA: Many planners do not include SS disability in plan bc strict def dis
What is Social Security’s definition of disability?
Practitioner Advice: Many financial planners do not include Social Security disability when doing a financial plan because of the strict definition of disability. This means that it is difficult for someone to meet the Social Security definition of disability. It is not a good idea to rely just on Social Security for disability coverage for the following reasons:
* Very hard to qualify (strict definition)
* Usually will not provide enough of a benefit
The dictionary defines disability as “a physical or mental condition that prevents a person from leading a normal life.” Social Security’s definition of disability is more specific. The Social Security definition of disability is defined as a condition under which the individual is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months or result in death.” Disability under Social Security is based on an individual’s inability to work in any occupation.
This is a strict definition of disability. Unlike many private pension plans or even some other government disability programs, Social Security is not intended for a short-term condition. There is no such thing as partial disability benefits from Social Security.
Practitioner Advice: Many financial planners do not include Social Security disability when doing a financial plan because of the strict definition of disability. This means that it is difficult for someone to meet the Social Security definition of disability. It is not a good idea to rely just on Social Security for disability coverage for the following reasons:
* Very hard to qualify (strict definition)
* Usually will not provide enough of a benefit
PA: Most ppl dont realize dependent parent entitled 2 benefits
Who Can Receive SS Survivor Benefits?
Practitioner Advice: Most people do not realize that a dependent parent is entitled to benefits based on the earning record of the one whom they are dependent on. If a parent is living with a child, it makes sense to see if the parent satisfies the test to be considered a dependent. This may be a very valuable planning opportunity. For instance, if a parent were truly dependent on a child and the child died, the survivorship benefit would help the parent.
When a worker dies, certain members of his or her family may be eligible for benefits on the worker’s Social Security record if he or she earned enough credits while working. Family members who can collect benefits include:
* A widow or widower who is 60 or older,
* A widow or widower who is 50 or older and disabled,
* A widow or widower at any age if she or he is caring for a child under age 16 or a disabled child who is receiving Social Security benefits,
* Children if they are unmarried and
* Under age 18,
* Under age 19 but in an elementary or secondary school as a full-time student, or
* Age 18 or older and severely disabled and the disability had started before age 22, and
* Parents, if they were dependent on the worker for at least half of their support.
Practitioner Advice: Most people do not realize that a dependent parent is entitled to benefits based on the earning record of the one whom they are dependent on. If a parent is living with a child, it makes sense to see if the parent satisfies the test to be considered a dependent. This may be a very valuable planning opportunity. For instance, if a parent were truly dependent on a child and the child died, the survivorship benefit would help the parent.
Exam: Early SS retirement benefit dec, adjust year w COLA, inflation,CPI
Describe SS Reduced Benefits
Exam Tip: Although Social Security retirement benefits that are accessed early will be reduced in relation to one’s primary insurance amount (PIA) at full retirement age (FRA), the reduced benefit will adjust annually with a cost of living adjustment (COLA). This allows the benefit to keep pace with inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
The earliest a fully insured worker may claim Social Security retirement benefits is age 62. However, receiving benefits early will result in reduced benefits. If 65 is the full retirement age, they are reduced five-ninths of 1% for each month before the worker’s full retirement age.
More specifically, benefits are reduced 5/9 of 1% for each month of early retirement, up to a maximum of 36 months. A further reduction applies for each month over 36 months at the rate of 5/12 of 1% per month to a maximum of an additional 24 months. For the first 3 years, therefore, the annual retirement benefits will be reduced by 20% (5/9 x 36). For the fourth year, the reduction will be 5/12 x 12 = 5%. The total reduction for retiring four years early would be 25%.
For example, assume Randall Holley’s full retirement age is 65 and he signs up for Social Security at age 64. He will receive 93% of his full benefit. If he chooses to start receiving benefits at age 62, he would get 80%.
A person born in 1960 whose full retirement age will be 67 will see a 30% reduction when retiring at age 62.
There are disadvantages and advantages to taking Social Security benefits before reaching full retirement age. The disadvantage is that the benefit is permanently reduced. The advantage is that benefits can be collected for a longer period of time. Each person’s situation is different, so it would be helpful to contact Social Security before a person decides to start receiving benefits.
Exam Tip: Although Social Security retirement benefits that are accessed early will be reduced in relation to one’s primary insurance amount (PIA) at full retirement age (FRA), the reduced benefit will adjust annually with a cost of living adjustment (COLA). This allows the benefit to keep pace with inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).