2. Insurance Planning. 12. Taxation of Insurance Flashcards
Module Introduction
What is the common thread between a gift and a life insurance policy? Seemingly, there is no connection. But upon closer inspection, there is more to both than meets the eye. A life insurance policy can be a great gift for those that need protection from the financial devastation that often accompanies loss of life. Moreover, a life insurance policy can be gifted to someone, and help the person save on taxes. So, the next time someone asks you what gift they should get for a loved one, you might want to suggest they consider purchasing life insurance.
Insurance is intrinsically related to taxation issues, as insurance policies have a direct bearing on taxation. For example, in the U.S. the dividends of an insurance policy from a mutual life insurance company are exempt from federal taxation.
The Taxation of Insurance module will explain the taxation of life insurance, gift tax, and estate tax in detail.
The online portion of this module takes the average student approximately two and a half hours to complete.
Upon completion of this module you should be able to:
* Explain the taxation of life insurance,
* List the benefits of life insurance taxation,
* Discuss the gift tax law and its exclusions,
* List the benefits of the gift tax law,
* Explain the benefits of gifting an insurance policy,
* Explain federal estate tax, and
* Taxation of health insurance.
Module Overview
Premium payments for individually purchased life insurance are not deductible from a person’s federal income tax, but when the beneficiary receives the proceeds of a life insurance policy, no federal income tax applies.
The taxation of life insurance includes benefits of early withdrawal of death benefits in cases where the insureds are terminally ill. Even dividends received from a mutual life insurance company are not subject to federal income tax.
The federal estate tax is a tax on a person’s right to transfer property on his or her death. Although not a tax on the property itself, it is calculated on the value of such property. The difference between estate tax and gift tax is that the former is applicable to those transfers that take place when a property owner dies, whereas the latter is applicable to those transfers that take place during the property owner’s lifetime.
To ensure that you have an understanding of the taxation of insurance, the following lessons will be covered in this module:
* The Taxation of Life Insurance
* The Gift Tax Law
* Estate Tax Treatment
Section 1 – Taxation of Life Insurance
In general, premium payments for individually purchased life insurance policies are not deductible from a person’s federal income tax, and when the beneficiary receives the proceeds of a life insurance policy, no federal income tax applies.
For estate tax purposes, if the insured is also the owner on the policy, the death proceeds are included in their gross estate and may be subject to the estate tax. If a person owns a policy on another person’s life, only the replacement cost of the policy at the time of the owner’s death is included in his or her estate.
To ensure that you have an understanding of Taxation of Life Insurance, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Death Proceeds
* Living Benefits
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Discuss the income tax treatment of life insurance, and
* Discuss the estate tax treatment of life insurance.
If an insured with a $100,000 life insurance policy died after $3,000 of premiums had been paid, what amount of the death proceeds would be received tax-free by the beneficiary?
* $30,000
* $50,000
* $3,000
* $100,000
* The entire $100,000 would be received income tax free by the beneficiary.
* With exceptions, this result applies irrespective of the cash value of the amount of premiums paid and regardless of who was listed as the policy owner, insured, beneficiary, or premium payor.
Practitioner Advice:
Describe Incidents of Ownership and Taxation
Incidents of ownership include any economic benefit in a life insurance policy. A life insurance policy owner has incidents of ownership in the policy that may include the right to borrow against the policy, assign or transfer the policy, receive cash values and dividends or change the beneficiaries. Retaining any incidents of ownership in a policy causes the death benefit to be included in the insured’s estate, which may be subject to estate tax. Inclusion occurs even if the policy is transferred to a new owner or to a trust more than three years before the insured’s death if any incidents of ownership are retained.
Now, assume instead that six years ago John transferred all ownership rights in the life insurance policy to his wife Abigail, not to Fred, and that he died this year. In this case, the life insurance proceeds would not be included in John’s estate because he did not own the policy or have any incidents of ownership at his death, and he had transferred the policy more than three years before he died. If Abigail had died before John, however, then the value of the policy at the time of her death – the replacement cost value – would be included in her estate. Fred as beneficiary would owe no federal income tax on the proceeds he received, but his mother (as policy owner who is not the insured) would have given him a $1 million gift of the proceeds.
This complication is one reason why people often use irrevocable trusts to own life insurance as part of their estate plans. If, however, the gross estate is below the lifetime applicable exclusion amount, there will be no federal income tax or estate tax due, and therefore, perhaps no need to create an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT).
Practitioner Advice: Remember, estate taxation is not the same as income taxation. The beneficiary will generally receive the death proceeds without having to pay any income taxes on those funds. Also, if the beneficiary has no incidents of ownership in the policy, his or her estate will not need to include any policy values upon death.
Also, although there may be no federal estate tax consequences, there may be state estate tax liabilities due to lower limits than the $12,920,000 (2023) federal exemption and inheritance taxes.
Assume Kuramo names his son, Abeo, the beneficiary of his $1 million life insurance policy and transfers the policy to him six years before his death.
If Kuramo retained the right to change the beneficiary, the $1 million death benefit will be included in which estate?
* Kuramo’s
* Abeo’s
* Neither estate
* At Kuramo’s death the $1 million in death proceeds are included in Kuramo’s estate since he retained the right to change the beneficiary.
* Although Kuramo transferred the policy to Abeo more than three years before his death, this incident of ownership causes the death benefit to be included in Kuramo’s estate.
Death proceeds include the policy face amount and may which of the following?
* Any additional insurance amounts paid by reason of the insured’s death.
* Accidental death benefits.
* The face amount of any paid-in-full additional insurance.
* The face amount of any term rider.
Any additional insurance amounts paid by reason of the insured’s death.
Accidental death benefits.
The face amount of any paid-in-full additional insurance.
The face amount of any term rider.
* Death proceeds include the policy face amount and any additional insurance amounts paid by reason of the insured’s death, such as accidental death benefits and the face amount of any paid-in-full additional insurance or any term rider.
If the insured withdraws the savings value of the insurance and if this value exceeds the insured’s adjusted basis, the excess is subject to federal income tax in the year of the withdrawal.
* False
* True
* if the insured withdraws the savings value of the insurance and if this value exceeds the insured’s adjusted basis, (premiums paid less dividends received), the excess is subject to federal income tax in the year of the withdrawal.
Under the transfer for value rule the death benefit amount that exceeds the new policy owner-beneficiary’s adjusted basis is subject to income tax at __ ____??____ __ rates when the insured dies.
* ordinary income
* capital gains
* estate tax
* generation skipping transfer tax
ordinary income
* Under the transfer for value rule the death benefit amount that exceeds the new policy owner-beneficiary’s adjusted basis is subject to income tax at ordinary income rates when the insured dies.
* The transfer for value rule cannot be avoided by cancelling the transaction at a later time.
Under Section 1035(a), no gain or loss shall be recognized on the exchange of a life insurance policy to which of the following: (Select all that apply)
* Life insurance contract
* Endowment contract
* Annuity policy
* Appreciable property
Life insurance contract
Endowment contract
Annuity policy
Under Section 1035(a), no gain or loss shall be recognized on the exchange of the following insurance policies:
* A contract of life insurance for another contract of life insurance or for an endowment or annuity contract; or
* A contract of endowment insurance (A) for another contract of endowment insurance which provides for regular payments beginning at a date not later than the date payments would have begun under the contract exchanged, or (B) for an annuity; or
* An annuity contract for an annuity contract.
Section 2 – Gift Tax
A life insurance policy by itself makes a great gift. Gifts can be comprised of life insurance or annuities utilizing the contract itself, premium payments and/or proceeds. Along with the gifting of insurance products comes the possibility of a gift tax.
In a bid to regulate gift tax, the IRC had provided for a generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax to be levied when a property interest was transferred to persons who were two or more generations younger than the transferor. The GST tax was intended to ensure that transfer taxes were paid by wealthy persons who might otherwise avoid a generation of transfer taxes by passing their property directly to their grandchildren. The GST exemption for 2023 is $12,920,000.
The federal gift tax is imposed upon the right to transfer property to another person. The federal gift tax law is not aimed at the usual exchange of gifts associated with birthdays, holidays, and such occasions.
When a married individual makes a gift to someone other than a spouse, it may be regarded as being made one-half by each spouse. The gift tax marital deduction permits tax-free transfers between spouses.
To ensure that you have an understanding of gift tax, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Gift Tax Law
* Gift-Splitting Privilege
* Gift of Life Insurance and Annuities
* Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
* Explain gift tax law and its exclusions
* List deductions under gift tax schemes, and
* Explain why a life insurance policy is a good gift.
If Brashad gives $9,000 to Jamal and $11,000 to Omar, then he can exclude __ ____??____ __ for gift tax purposes.
* $15,000
* $20,000
* $30,000
* $11,000
* The $17,000 (2023) gift tax exclusion is the maximum gift tax-free amount, applied on a per person basis.
* A $9,000 gift to Jamal and a $11,000 gift to Omar are each below the $17,000 limit.
* Therefore, a total of $20,000 ($9,000 + $11,000) in gifts are tax-free to Brashad.
Section 2 – Gift Tax Summary
The federal gift tax is incurred when property is transferred to another person. The gift tax law provides for benefits like gift tax exclusions, gift-splitting privileges and gift tax marital deductions for married individuals, and the right of gifting insurance policies and annuities to facilitate tax-free transfers or benefits.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
- Federal Gift Tax Law is imposed upon the right to transfer property to another person, and does not include the ordinary exchange of gifts associated with occasions like birthdays and holidays.
- The Gift Tax Law is calculated by adding all the donor’s lifetime taxable gifts. A unified rate schedule to the total taxable gifts is applied to derive the tentative tax. The unified tax credit is subtracted from this, to yield the gift tax payable in the current period.
- The Gift Tax Law benefits include gift-splitting privileges, deductions, gift of life insurance, gift of insurance contracts, gift of premiums, and gift of proceeds.
Robert Brown is married. He has a wife, Sarah, and a daughter, Jenny. He buys a policy in his name, and insures his wife and names his daughter as a beneficiary. At Sarah’s death, Jenny receives the life insurance death proceeds as a gift from Robert.
* True
* False
* Gifts occur when one person owns a policy, a second is insured, and the third is a beneficiary.
* Life insurance policies are not gifts under ordinary circumstances.
* A gift usually occurs from a policy owner to the beneficiary at the insured’s death.
Premiums paid by an insured are gifts if the insured:
* Does not own the policy and proceeds of the policy are payable to a beneficiary other than his estate.
* Does not own the policy but proceeds of the policy are payable to his estate.
* Owns the policy but proceeds of the policy are not payable to his estate.
* Owns the policy but wishes to pass on the proceeds of the policy to some charity.
Does not own the policy and proceeds of the policy are payable to a beneficiary other than his estate.
* Premiums paid by an insured are gifts if the insured has no incidents of ownership in the policy and proceeds of the policy are payable to a beneficiary other than his or her estate.
* Premiums paid by a beneficiary on a policy that he or she owns are not gifts.
The federal gift tax is incurred if:
* A mother gifts a teddy bear worth $10 to her son on his birthday.
* If one sends a Christmas card worth $2 to a friend for Christmas.
* If a mother gifts her daughter a watch worth $19,000, in a specific year.
* If a mother gifts her son a watch worth $9,000, in a specific year.
If a mother gifts her daughter a watch worth $19,000, in a specific year.
* The federal gift tax law is not aimed at the usual exchange of gifts associated with birthdays, holidays and similar occasions.
* The law permits a donor to make a gift without tax by excluding the first $16,000 (2022) of outright gifts in any one specific year to any one recipient.
Section 3 – Estate Tax Treatment
The federal estate tax is assessed on a person’s right to transfer property at the time of his or her death. Not a tax on the property itself, it is calculated on the value of such property.
There is a fundamental difference between estate tax and gift tax. The estate tax is applicable to those transfers that take place when a property owner dies, whereas the gift tax is applicable to those transfers that take place during the property owner’s lifetime.
To ensure that you have an understanding of estate tax treatment, the following topics will be covered in this lesson:
* Federal Estate Tax
* Taxation of Health Insurance
Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
* Explain Federal Estate Tax and the conditions for filing its returns,
* List the benefits available under Federal Estate Tax, and
* Explain the medical insurance and long-care benefit under the Federal Estate Tax.
Practitioner Advice:
Describe the Federal Estate Tax
The estate tax, introduced at a modest level in 1916, can have a great impact on wealthy estates.
The federal estate tax is arrived at by adding the taxable estate to adjusted taxable gifts, which are taxable gifts made after 1976, to yield the tentative tax base. The reason for this addition is that the estate tax law is part of a unified transfer tax law that applies to transfers made at death and even during life. It is necessary to add the value of lifetime taxable transfers (gifts) back to the tax base to derive the appropriate marginal tax bracket. The appropriate tax rate is then applied to the tentative tax base to derive the tentative federal estate tax. From this tentative tax is subtracted certain credits for gifts and other taxes paid as well as the unified credit.
Generally, a federal estate tax return must be filed and any estate taxes paid within nine months of the death of any U.S. citizen or resident who leaves a gross estate of more than a specified exempted amount. The exempted amount in 2023 is $12,920,000.
An extension of up to 10 years may be granted for payment of taxes by the IRS for “reasonable cause,” including those taxes associated with certain closely held businesses.
The federal estate tax is a graduated tax, starting at 18 percent and building to a 40 percent marginal rate for taxable amounts over $12,920,000 in 2023.
The gross estate, the starting point for estate tax computation, consists of the value of the decedent’s interest in all property. Allowable deductions are then subtracted from the gross estate, which results in the taxable estate. However, the unified credit is a tax credit that can be applied to offset the taxable estate.
Practitioner Advice: In the past, people focused their estate planning strategies primarily on federal tax laws. Now that Congress has reduced the federal estate tax, many states have revised their laws so that they can continue to collect taxes. In some states (e.g., Massachusetts), there may be state taxes owed on estates that are exempt from federal estate tax.
Section 3 – Estate Tax Treatment Summary
The federal estate tax is imposed on a person’s right to transfer property after death. Though federal estate tax does not qualify as a property tax, it is calculated on the value of the property. The estate tax is applicable only to transfers that take place when a property owner dies.
There are rules specifying the time frame and amount when filing and paying the estate tax. If applicable, an extension may be granted by the IRS.
Federal estate tax law also involves the unified credit, which is generally used to offset estate and gift taxes.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
- The federal estate tax is imposed on a person’s right to transfer property after death, but it is not a property tax.
- The gross estate is the starting point for estate tax computation and is the total of the decedent’s interest in all property owned.
- The adjusted gross estate is the gross estate value minus funeral and administrative expenses, debts and taxes, and casualty losses. From the adjusted gross estate the decedent’s marital deduction, charitable deduction, and state death tax deduction are applied to determine the tentative estate tax.
- The unified credit is a credit ($5,113,800 in 2023) that is used to offset an estate tax liability of $12,920,000 in 2023.
The __ ____??____ __ can be applied to offset the taxable estate.
* unified credit
* generation skipping transfer tax
* adjusted gross estate
* annual exclusion
unified credit
* The gross estate, the starting point for estate tax computation, consists of the value of the decedent’s interest in all property.
* Allowable deductions are then subtracted from the gross estate, which results in the taxable estate.
* The unified credit is a tax credit that can be applied to offset the taxable estate.
If an owner gifts their life insurance policy to another person, or transfers their policy into an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) within three years of their death, the death benefit proceeds will also be excluded in their gross estate.
* False
* True
* If an owner gifts their life insurance policy to another person, or transfers their policy into an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) within three years of their death, the death benefit proceeds will also be included in their gross estate.
Allowable deductions are subtracted from the gross estate, to arrive at the adjusted gross estate include which of the following? (Select all that apply)
* Funeral and administration expenses
* Debts of the decedent
* Certain taxes
* Casualty or theft losses
* Unrealized appreciation of property
Funeral and administration expenses
Debts of the decedent
Certain taxes
Casualty or theft losses
* Allowable deductions are subtracted from the gross estate, which results in the adjusted gross estate.
* Allowable deductions include funeral and administration expenses, debts of the decedent, certain taxes, and casualty or theft losses.
Section 4 – Taxation of Health Insurance
The income tax treatment of amounts paid under individual health policies is reasonably straightforward. Generally, amounts received under such policies are amounts received for personal injuries and sickness and are treated as reimbursements for expenses incurred.
Health insurance provides full or partial reimbursement for a wide range of health care expenses incurred by employees and their eligible dependents. The particular coverage offered by plans continues to change and expand in response to changes in health services demand and technology.
Section 4 – Taxation of Health Insurance Summary
Medical insurance benefits provide for full or partial reimbursements for a wide range of health care expenses incurred by individuals, employees and their eligible dependents.
In this lesson, we have covered the following:
* Health insurance taxation: Employers can deduct medical and health insurance premiums. Individually paid premiums may be included in determining the itemized deduction for unreimubursed medical expenses.
- Medical insurance benefits are employer-provided or self-insured. The employer-provided medical expense insurance benefits are not taxable income for the employee. Benefits to highly compensated employees may be taxable, if the plan discriminates in favor of such individuals under self-insured medical expense reimbursement plans.
- Disability income insurance taxation: Premiums paid by an employer are tax-deductible by the employer and are not taxable income to the employee. Employee paid premiums, on the other hand, are not tax-deductible by the employee.
- Long-term care insurance: In general, benefits are excluded from taxable income. Insurance premiums and out-of-pocket spending for LTC services qualify as medical expense deductions, and are 100% deductible up to specified age limits.
Module Summary
Generally, premium payments for individually purchased life insurance are not deductible from a person’s federal income tax and death proceeds received by the beneficiary are free from federal income tax.
The federal gift tax is imposed on the right to transfer property to another. Some of the benefits under the gift tax laws include the gift tax marital deduction, which permits tax-free transfers between spouses, and the policy owner’s option of gifting a life insurance policy to individuals or irrevocable trusts to remove the death benefit amount from the owner-insured’s estate.
The federal estate tax is a tax on a person’s right to transfer property on his or her death. Although not a tax on the property itself, it is calculated on the value of such property. The federal estate tax and GST tax exemption is $12,920,000 in 2023.
The basic difference between estate tax and gift tax is that the former is applicable to those transfers that take place when a property owner dies, whereas the latter is applicable to those transfers that take place during the property owner’s lifetime.
The key concepts to remember are:
* The taxation of life insurance: Premium payments for individually purchased life insurance are not deductible from a person’s federal income tax. However, when the beneficiary receives the proceeds of a life insurance policy, no federal income tax applies to this amount. Death benefit amounts are included in the owner-insured’s estate unless gifted to others more than three years before the owner’s death or transferred into an irrevocable life insurance trust more than three years before the owner’s death.
- The benefits of taxation of life insurance: These include clauses like early withdrawal for those cases where the insured is terminally ill. Other benefits include dividends that do not incur federal income tax.
- The Federal Gift Tax is imposed upon a living donor for the right to transfer property to another person. However, an annual exclusion of up to $17,000 (2023) per person, gift-splitting, and use of the gift tax applicable credit can reduce the gift tax liability of taxable gifts.
- Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax (GST) – ensures that wealthy persons will pay transfer taxes and not avoid them when the property transferred to their grandchildren skips taxation in their children’s generation. The GST tax exemption is $12,920,000 in 2023
- The Federal Estate Tax is a tax on a person’s right to transfer property on death. It is calculated on the value of the person’s property and plays a key role in large estates. This tax is for taxable estates in excess of $12,920,000 in 2023.
- The unified credit is a tax credit that can be applied to offset estate and gift taxes. In 2023, the unified credit amount is $5,113,800.
- Health insurance taxation: Medical benefits provide full or partial reimbursement for a wide range of health care expenses incurred by employees and their eligible dependents.
Exam 12. Taxation of Insurance
Exam 12. Taxation of Insurance
Course 2. Insurance Planning
Under Section 1035(a), no gain or loss shall be recognized on the exchange of the following insurance policies EXCEPT:
* A life insurance contract for an endowment contract.
* An endowment contract for an annuity contract.
* An annuity contract to life insurance contract.
* An annuity contract to an annuity contract.
An annuity contract to life insurance contract.
Under Section 1035(a), no gain or loss shall be recognized on the exchange of the following insurance policies:
* A contract of life insurance for another contract of life insurance or for an endowment or annuity contract; or
* A contract of endowment insurance (A) for another contract of endowment insurance which provides for regular payments beginning at a date not later than the date payments would have begun under the contract exchanged, or (B) for an annuity; or
* An annuity contract for an annuity contract.
If an owner gifts their life insurance policy to another person or transfers their policy into an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) within __ ____??____ __ of their death, the death benefit proceeds will be included in their gross estate.
* 1 year
* 3 years
* 2 years
* 6 months
3 years
* If an owner gifts their life insurance policy to another person or transfers their policy into an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) within three years of their death, the death benefit proceeds will be included in their gross estate.
If an insured with a $400,000 life insurance policy died after $52,000 of premiums had been paid, what amount of the death proceeds would be received tax-free by the beneficiary?
* $400,000
* $52,000
* $200,000
* $0
* The entire $400,000 would be received income tax free by the beneficiary.
* With exceptions, this result applies irrespective of the cash value of the amount of premiums paid and regardless of who was listed as the policy owner, insured, beneficiary, or premium payor.
Assume the previous policy owner of a life insurance contract:
Transferred policy to spouse 4 years prior to death
Had no ability to change beneficiaries or alter the policy at death
Choose the correct tax treatment of the death proceeds.
* Death proceeds will be taxed as ordinary income to the beneficiary.
* Death proceeds will transfer to the beneficiary tax-free.
* The face value of the policy will be included in the decedent’s gross estate.
* The death proceeds will be subject to estate taxes.
Death proceeds will transfer to the beneficiary tax-free.
* A life insurance policy owner has incidents of ownership in the policy that may include the right to borrow against the policy, assign or transfer the policy, receive cash values and dividends, or change the beneficiaries.
* By transferring all ownership rights in the life insurance policy, the life insurance proceeds would not be included in decedent’s estate. This is due to the fact that there were no incidents of ownership at death and the policy transferred more than three years before the date of death.
Wyatt and Winona would like to provide their 6 grandchildren with annual gifts to help them build their savings. Identify the maximum amount the couple can gift to all the grandchildren, tax-free.
* $34,000
* $68,000
* $204,000
* $102,000
* By gift-splitting, Wyatt and Winona can combine their annual exclusion amounts and gift $34,000 ($17,000 x 2) each year to an unlimited number of individuals.
* The couple can gift a maximum of $204,000 [($34,000 (split gift) x 6)] to the 6 grandchildren on an annual basis.
* Form 709, United States Gift Tax Return, must be submitted when the gift-splitting approach is implemented, even if half of the split gift is less than the annual exclusion.
An individual is permitted to use the annual exclusion amount to gift up to $17,000 (2023) to __ ____??____ __ on a tax-free basis.
* one’s spouse
* an unlimited number of recipients
* one individual
* qualified relatives
an unlimited number of recipients
* This annual $17,000 exclusion applies to gifts made to each recipient, irrespective of the number.
* Moreover, it is available year after year.
* An individual could give $17,000 to unlimited recipients each year without any gift tax liability.
Assume Noreen names her daughter, Adrienne, the beneficiary of her $7 million life insurance policy and transfers the policy to her five years before her death.
If Noreen retained the right to borrow against the policy, the $7 million death benefit will be included in which estate?
* Adrienne’s
* Noreen’s
* None of these
* The contingent beneficiary’s
* At Noreen’s death the $7 million in death proceeds are included in Noreen’s estate since she retained the right to borrow against the policy.
* Although Noreen transferred the policy to Adrienne more than three years before her death, this incident of ownership causes the death benefit to be included in Noreen’s estate.
Each of the following are tax characteristics associated with Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) EXCEPT:
* Employer contributions to an employee’s LTC premium are excluded from taxable income of the employee.
* Self-employed individuals who are sole proprietors can deduct LTC insurance premiums up to 50% of the premium.
* Qualified LTCi premiums are deductible as an itemized deduction to the extent they collectively exceed 7.5% of the taxpayer’s AGI.
* Benefits paid by per diem-based LTCi policies are tax-free up to a specified amount that annually adjusts for inflation.
Self-employed individuals who are sole proprietors can deduct LTC insurance premiums up to 50% of the premium.
* Self-employed individuals who are sole proprietors can deduct LTC insurance premiums up to 100% of the premium.
Each of the following is an available deduction from the gross estate to arrive at the adjusted gross estate EXCEPT:
* Attorney fees deducted on the estate’s income tax return
* Debts of the decedent
* Casualty or theft losses
* Funeral and administration expenses
Attorney fees deducted on the estate’s income tax return
* Allowable deductions are subtracted from the gross estate, which results in the adjusted gross estate. Allowable deductions include funeral and administration expenses, debts of the decedent, certain taxes, and casualty or theft losses.
* Attorney fees are an available deduction from the gross estate, however, if the executor of the estate deducted the expenses on the estate’s income tax return (Form 1041), the same expenses cannot also be deducted on the federal estate tax return (Form 706) to determine the adjusted gross estate.
To keep the death proceeds out of their estate, the policy owner who is the insured may transfer the policy to
I. another individual.
II. an irrevocable trust.
* Neither I nor II
* I only
* Both I and II
* II only
Both I and II
* The policy owner who is the insured may transfer the policy to someone else or to an irrevocable trust, to keep the death proceeds out of his estate.
* However, the owner must outlive that transfer for three years, or the death benefit amount will be brought back into his gross estate for estate tax purposes.
Assume the previous policy owner of a life insurance contract:
Transferred policy to spouse 2 years prior to death
Retained the ability to change beneficiaries
Choose the correct tax treatment of the death proceeds.
* Death proceeds will be taxed as ordinary income to the beneficiary.
* All death proceeds will be subject to estate taxes.
* The face value of the policy will be included in the decedent’s gross estate.
* Death proceeds will transfer to the beneficiary tax-free.
The face value of the policy will be included in the decedent’s gross estate.
* A life insurance policy owner has incidents of ownership in the policy that may include the right to borrow against the policy, assign or transfer the policy, receive cash values and dividends, or change the beneficiaries.
* By transferring all ownership rights in the life insurance policy, the life insurance proceeds would not be included in decedent’s estate.
* However, this policy transferred fewer than three years before the date of death. As a result, the face value of the policy would be included in the decedent’s gross estate.
Each of the following are characteristics of a life insurance policy that becomes a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC) EXCEPT:
* A 10% penalty is applied to any amounts withdrawn from the policy that exceed adjusted basis for individuals younger than age 59 ½.
* Any policy loans or withdrawals will have Last In-First Out (LIFO) treatment.
* The death proceeds received above the adjusted basis (premiums paid – dividends) are taxable.
* The premiums paid for the policy during the first seven years exceeded seven annual, net level premiums.
The death proceeds received above the adjusted basis (premiums paid – dividends) are taxable.
* People who decide to use their life insurance as a place to accumulate and then withdraw funds risk having it treated as a MEC and incurring negative income tax ramifications such as funds being subject to Last In-First Out (LIFO) treatment and a 10% penalty that applies on any taxable gains withdrawn before age 59½.
* However, the death benefit from a MEC will remain income tax-free to the beneficiary.
The annual exclusion amount applies to __ ____??____ __.
* future interest gifts
* testamentary transfers
* bequests
* present interest gifts
present interest gifts
* The annual exclusion is available only when the gift is one of a present interest.
* A present interest is a situation in which the recipient must have possession or enjoyment of the property immediately.
* An example is a gift of cash or property that can be used immediately by the recipient.
Assume that Julia works for XYZ Incorporated and that the yearly premium for disability coverage is $6,000, paid entirely by XYZ, Inc. Julia is unable to work due to a chronic illness and receives $25,000 of disability benefits for the year.
Choose the tax treatment and character of the disability benefits to Julia.
* $6,000 tax-exempt, $19,000 ordinary income
* $25,000 ordinary income
* $19,000 ordinary income
* $25,000 tax-free
$25,000 ordinary income
* If XYZ Incorporated pays 100% of the $6,000 premium, Julia does not report this $6,000 as income and the company is able to deduct this amount as an expense.
* Because Julia did not pay any of the premiums, the entire $25,000 of benefit received is taxable to him as ordinary income.
Each of the following parties to a transfer represent an exception to the ‘transfer-for-value’ rules EXCEPT:
* A new owner who takes the transferor’s basis in the contract.
* The insured’s qualified relative.
* The insured.
* The transferor’s spouse incident to a divorce.
The insured’s qualified relative.
* A life insurance policy that is sold or exchanged for valuable consideration may cause the death benefit to be taxed in certain situations. This is known as a transfer-for-value.
There are exceptions to the transfer for value rule which will not cause the death benefit to be subject to income taxes at the insured’s death. This occurs when the insurance policy is transferred to the following individuals or entities.
* The insured.
* The insured’s partner.
* The transferor’s spouse incident to a divorce.
* A new owner who takes the transferor’s basis in the contract.
* To a partnership in which the insured is a partner.
* To a corporation in which the insured is a shareholder or officer.
The value for estate tax purposes is the fair market value of the property at
I. the date of death.
II. six months after death.
* Neither I nor II
* II only
* I only
* Both I and II
Both I and II
* The value for estate tax purposes is the fair market value of the property at the date of death or, if a lower estate value would result (e.g., due to investment losses), six months after death, known as the alternate valuation date.
Brody purchased a whole life insurance policy 15 years ago when he was 45 years old. He decides to retire at age 60 and he withdraws cash value from his life insurance to buy a custom acoustic guitar.
Assume Brody’s total premiums were $70,000. Over 15 years, he received $35,000 in dividends.
Calculate the amount subject to tax when Brody withdraws $45,000 in cash value from the policy.
* $45,000
* $10,000
* $35,000
* $0
* If the insured withdraws the savings value of the insurance and if this value exceeds the insured’s adjusted basis, the excess is subject to federal income tax in the year of the withdrawal.
Given these facts, $10,000 of the withdrawal would be subject to tax, calculated as follows:
Adjusted basis = Premiums paid – Dividends received
$70,000 - $35,000 = $35,000 (adjusted basis)
$45,000 (withdrawal) - $35,000 (adjusted basis) = $10,000 (subject to taxation)
Identify the correct statement about the generation-skipping transfer tax (GST).
* The GST is a part of the federal estate tax and gift taxes paid on transfers of assets.
* The GST is levied when a property interest is transferred to persons who are two or more generations younger than the transferor.
* A grandmother may gift property directly to her granddaughter without incurring GST.
* The value of transferred property in excess of the exemption is subject to the maximum prevailing transfer tax rate of 37%.
The GST is levied when a property interest is transferred to persons who are two or more generations younger than the transferor.
* The tax is in addition to any federal estate or gift taxes owed because of the transfer.
* The value of transferred property in excess of the exemption is subject to the maximum prevailing transfer tax rate of 40%.
* A grandmother may gift property directly to her granddaughter, however, the granddaughter would be considered a skip person and the transfer would be subject to the GST.
Select the correct statement(s) regarding life insurance dividends.
I. Dividends are paid on participating insurance policies.
II. Dividends are paid on non-participating policies.
III. Dividends received from a mutual life insurance company are not subject to federal income tax.
IV. Dividends received from a mutual life insurance company are a taxable return on investment, subject to federal income tax.
* II and IV
* II and III
* I only
* I and III
I and III
* A dividend is an amount paid on participating insurance policies.
* The dividends received from a mutual life insurance company are not subject to federal income tax. The IRS views these dividends as a return of part of the premium and not as earned income.