Angel’s CFP Brain 😇🧠💵🗓️

This class was created by Brainscape user Angel McClinton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (87)

Bryant - Course 1. Introduction to Financial Planning - Module 14. Monetary Settlements and Special Circumstances
What is a tort 1,
Structured settlement 2,
What types of cases are more like...
44  cards
Bryant - Course 1. Introduction to Financial Planning - Module 12. Life Cycle Planning
0  cards
Bryant - Course 1. Introduction to Financial Planning - Module 11. Credit and Debt Management
Debt ratio 1,
Long term debt ratio 2,
Debt limit ratio 3
89  cards
Bryant - Course 1. Introduction to Financial Planning - Module 8. CFP Board's Procedural Rules
A respondent must deliver a writt...,
The hearing panel is comprised of...,
If cfp board counsel finds probab...
10  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. Module 1. Income Tax Law Fundamentals
Which type of treasury regulation...,
Into which group are tax bills us...,
What do the first two digits in a...
26  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. Module 2. Gross Income
Which of the following statements...,
In which of the following forms m...,
Which of the following statements...
44  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 3. Income Tax Calculations
What does income not include 1,
If a taxpayer is in the 32 margin...,
If you perform services for anoth...
89  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 4. Tax Characteristics of Entities
Select the factor that qualifies ...,
If all payments for their service...,
If a worker falls into one of the...
145  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 5. Basis
What is the original basis 1,
Ellen paid 12 000 and borrowed 48...,
List things that would increase b...
80  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 6. Cost Recovery Concepts
Juan owns a farm and farmland far...,
Depreciation must be calculated u...,
What is the section 179 expensing...
67  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 7. Tax Consequences on Sale of Assets
Describe section 1231 of the irc ...,
What does sections 1245 and 1250 ...,
What are capital assets 3
169  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 8. Like-Kind Exchanges and Involuntary Conversions
Real property exchanged for perso...,
Each of the following is a permit...,
A sale of property and subsequent...
90  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 9. Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates
Name the trust that the grantor r...,
Name the trust that the grantor r...,
Name the trust that is now limite...
39  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 10. Passive Activity
What is the definition of passive...,
What is known as the amount of ad...,
An owner cannot have any loss pas...
58  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 11. Charitable Contributions and Deductions
Define qualified organization 1,
Assume paul is in the 24 percent ...,
Erica makes a 1 000 contribution ...
77  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 12. Tax Implications of Changing Circumstances
There are five different filing s...,
There are seven tax brackets appl...,
What are the seven tax brackets a...
76  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 13. Tax Accounting Methods
Federal income tax is the dominan...,
In order to have a clear understa...,
The taxpayer s annual period on t...
92  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 14. Tax Compliance
As a financial planner it is impo...,
The irs keeps records based on ta...,
An automatic six month extension ...
42  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 15. Alternative Minimum Tax
In the past many taxpayers carefu...,
Previously the alternative minimu...,
The present alternative minimum t...
41  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. 16. Tax Management Techniques
The more complex the available ta...,
You can efficiently manage taxes ...,
Nonrefundable credits only offset...
150  cards
Bryant - Course 4. Tax Planning. Comprehensive Course Exam for Tax Planning
Any contributions that exceed the...,
The gift to the remainder person ...,
To be considered a qualifying per...
44  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 1. Overview of Estate Planning
Consider the case of howard hughe...,
What is estate planning 2,
What are the basic objectives of ...
104  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 2. Forms of Property Ownership
History bears testimony to the fa...,
Each of these forms of property o...,
Individual or separate ownership 3
107  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 3. Gifting
Giving to others is a fundamental...,
The lifetime gifting of property ...,
Taxpayers are always seeking ways...
149  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 4. Gross Estate
One of the most tragic events of ...,
The value of the gross estate inc...,
The value of the gross estate is ...
114  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 5. Estate Tax Calculations
Most people keep themselves well ...,
The first step in calculating the...,
Before we can calculate the estat...
53  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 6. Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
Janus transferred a portion of hi...,
Generation skipping transfers are...,
Under federal law a transfer of p...
69  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 7. Estate Planning Documents
Let s assume that michael and che...,
The first lesson defines a will a...,
A will is the most basic legal do...
152  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 8. Probate Process
We will learn what is meant by a ...,
A great deal has been written con...,
This lesson will discuss the most...
48  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 9. Trusts
An essential technique to be cons...,
A trust is an essential component...,
A trust may be defined as an arra...
109  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 10. Charitable Gifting
While anne scheiber was alive no ...,
Once a donor has determined that ...,
When considering charitable gifts...
73  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 11. Business Planning
Estate planning strategies for bu...,
Family businesses may use estate ...,
How can estate freeze techniques ...
93  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 12. Miscellaneous Planning
The white elephant is an expressi...,
Two important goals of estate pla...,
Describe ird assets to ensure tha...
54  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. 13. Estate Planning Process
Often uncertainty and fear relate...,
When a client engages in the esta...,
An estate planning process is a m...
88  cards
Bryant - Course 6. Estate Planning. Comprehensive Course Exam for Estate Planning
Under the special use valuation p...,
Life insurance and disability inc...,
Choose the correct characteristic...
86  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 1. Retirement Needs Analysis
Many people think that they are t...,
Retirement planning is an increas...,
It is incredibly easy to avoid th...
59  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 2. Qualified Retirement Plans
In many businesses these days hum...,
Retirement plans are either quali...,
The most favorable characteristic...
163  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 3. Non-Qualified Plans
Joe bradley at 42 is a successful...,
After years of hard work and hect...,
Nonqualified plans provide employ...
131  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 4. Government 457 Plans
Our dream retirement might remain...,
All nonqualified deferred compens...,
Section 457 provides rules govern...
53  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 5. Other Tax-Advantaged Retirement Plans
It really does not matter whether...,
A retirement plan offers financia...,
A traditional ira ira stands for ...
134  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 6. Investment Considerations for Retirement Plans
There are many different types of...,
In this module we will look at di...,
Types of investments offered 3
41  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 7. Lesson 7. Distribution Rules, Alternatives and Taxation
Failing to properly plan for reti...,
Due to the complexity of retireme...,
The retirement plan distribution ...
67  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 8. Plan Selection for Businesses
It is said that the ability to th...,
Proprietorships and partnerships ...,
When a plan attempts to cover bus...
36  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 9. Employee Benefit Plans
Today s business environment is b...,
To keep abreast with the changing...,
Every individual has some basic n...
65  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 10. Employer/Employee Insurance Arrangements
Younghee and her husband doocheol...,
Many business firms have been bui...,
Businesses whose ownership intere...
41  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 11. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Working people in a farming socie...,
The social security act of 1935 m...,
Social security is based on a sim...
37  cards
Bryant - Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. 12. Regulatory Considerations
Imagine an internal revenue servi...,
Benefit planners must have the kn...,
History helps to explain the why ...
29  cards
5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. All questions and Comprehensive Course Exam for Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits
Course 5. Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits. All questions and Comprehensive Course Exam for Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits
376  cards
5. Retirement Planning - All Exam Tips and Practitioner's Advice
Module 5 retirement planning 1,
Practitioner advice 2,
Practitioner advice a spouse may ...
84  cards
3. Investment Planning - All Questions and Comprehensive Course Exam
Lesson 1 fixed income securities 1,
Match the key terms to the correc...,
Which of the following would typi...
543  cards
3. Investment Planning - All Exam Tips and Practitioner's Advice
Lesson 1 fixed income securities 1,
Describe call and put provisions 2,
Describe convertible bonds 3
96  cards
3. Investment Planning. 1. Fixed Income Securities
Have you ever loaned money to a f...,
A fixed income security is also k...,
The term fixed income is often us...
49  cards
3. Investment Planning. 2. Equities
Anne was a quiet woman living alo...,
The boom and bust cycle of stocks...,
Common stock represents ownership...
44  cards
3. Investment Planning. 3. Pooled Investments
Imagine you received a small inhe...,
Once collected the combined asset...,
Investment companies manage poole...
48  cards
3. Investment Planning. 4. Derivatives, Insurance Securities, and Other Investments
There are people who go to flea m...,
This module introduces you to inv...,
A derivative security is so named...
49  cards
3. Investment Planning. 5. Investment Risks
Imagine being an investor at the ...,
Risk goes hand in hand with poten...,
The compensation that investors d...
56  cards
3. Investment Planning. 6. Measures of Investment Returns
You have spent a considerable amo...,
Whether it is short term or long ...,
Imagine you came home from school...
44  cards
3. Investment Planning. 7. Time Influence on Valuation
In general if an investor plans o...,
To ensure that you have a solid u...,
There are several ways to estimat...
46  cards
3. Investment Planning. 8. Valuation of Bonds and Stocks
Some people believe that everythi...,
According to the efficient market...,
Beyond time value of money concep...
54  cards
3. Investment Planning. 9. Portfolio Management and Measurements
Stocks can provide high returns b...,
All investors wish to make fortun...,
Most securities available for inv...
38  cards
3. Investment Planning. 10. Formula Investing & Invest. Strategies
Assume the market has been steadi...,
This lesson introduces you to the...,
Practitioner advice the only inst...
42  cards
3. Investment Planning. 11. Asset Allocation & Portf. Diversification
A chef would tell you that it is ...,
Maintaining a well diversified po...,
Asset allocation focuses on deter...
38  cards
3. Investment Planning. 12. Efficient Market Theory
Information may be one of the mos...,
What makes efficient market theor...,
A reasonable goal of government p...
41  cards
3. Investment Planning. 13. Asset Pricing Models
Did you know that a 100 investmen...,
An economic equilibrium occurs wh...,
Capital asset pricing model capm ...
50  cards
3. Investment Planning. 14. Buying and Selling Securities
Investing in stock is a relativel...,
When a security is bought or sold...,
There are three general categorie...
43  cards
3. Investment Planning. 15. Hedging and Option Strategies
Suppose you think your favorite s...,
Investors seeking to reduce their...,
An option is a contract between t...
31  cards
3. Investment Planning. 16. Tax Efficient Investing
In many portfolios 40 of investor...,
There are many investment strateg...,
This lesson is derived from what ...
34  cards
3. Investment Planning. 17. Taxation of Investment Vehicles
An important consideration when e...,
In general if a person sells or t...,
Bonds are commonly used as invest...
40  cards
BIF Review Practice Quiz - All Questions
What is the earliest age at which...,
Calculate the value of samantha s...,
Claude has a trust that provides ...
34  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 1. Principles of Insurance
Supreme court justice black wrote...,
Throughout human history unexpect...,
Experts do not always agree on th...
63  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 2. Evaluation and Analysis of Risk Expos.
On march 28 2000 at 6 30 pm a tor...,
Risk management is essential to p...,
Describe identify and measure los...
60  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 3. Legal Aspects of Insurance
All insurance purchases involve c...,
Insurance purchases involve contr...,
Describe conditional receipt 3
45  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 4. Property and Casualty Insurance
Imagine the number of uninsured m...,
The insurance services office iso...,
People purchase homeowners insura...
51  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 5. General Business Liability
Businesses that sell or serve liq...,
Comprehensive general liability c...,
Business liability insurance can ...
44  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 6. Health Insurance
At 42 christopher reeve was in th...,
Health insurance traces its backg...,
Basic medical expense insurance p...
47  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 7. Disability Income Insurance
Disability insurance may be thoug...,
The probability of a long term di...,
There are many different types of...
47  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 8. Long-Term Care Insurance
Historically family members throu...,
Many societies are currently deal...,
Long term care insurance ltci whi...
47  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 9. Life Insurance
Humans have always sought securit...,
When determining a client s need ...,
One of the most unfortunate circu...
94  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 10. Viatical Settlements
Bob winters vividly recollected t...,
An individual may have adequate l...,
Policyowners are provided with a ...
43  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 11. Insurance Needs
At 85 ruth brown s world revolved...,
Insurance coverage can be classif...,
Not having enough life or health ...
48  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 12. Taxation of Insurance
What is the common thread between...,
Premium payments for individually...,
In general premium payments for i...
45  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 13. Insurance Policy Selection
In today s society income depende...,
Though the main function of insur...,
Insurance plays an important role...
35  cards
2. Insurance Planning. 14. Insurance Company Selection
It is human nature to avoid the u...,
The insurance market has three ma...,
Insurance consumers are largely u...
38  cards
2. Insurance Planning. - All Questions and Comprehensive Course Exam
Lesson 1 principles of insurance 1,
What is the financial definition ...,
What is the legal definition of i...
508  cards
2. Insurance Planning. - All Exam Tips and Practitioner's Advice
Lesson 1 principles of insurance 1,
Define peril 2,
Define hazards 3
132  cards
BIF Bites
What is the formula for and descr...,
Mini bite buy sell purchase agree...
2  cards
CFP Exam
Schedule b 1,
Schedule c 2,
Schedule d 3
25  cards

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Angel’s CFP Brain 😇🧠💵🗓️

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