What is the Calcium, Phosphate,ALP,PTH level in osteoporosis?
all normal
What is the Calcium, Phosphate,ALP,PTH level in osteomalacia?
Ca Decreased
Phosp Decreased
ALP Increased
PTH Increased
What is the Calcium, Phosphate,ALP,PTH level in primary hyperparathyroidism (osteitis fibrous cystica)?
ca increased
phosphate decreased
alp increased
PTH increased
What is the Calcium, Phosphate,ALP,PTH level in CKD leading to secondary hyperparathyroidisim?
calcium decreased
phosphate increased
alp increased
pth increased
What is the Calcium, Phosphate,ALP,PTH level in pages disease ?
ca normal
phosphate normal
alp increased
pth normal
What is the Calcium, Phosphate,ALP,PTH level in osetopetrosis?
all normal