Body Axes and Neurulation Flashcards
Cell migration and specification (gastrulation) are controlled by what?
FGF8 (made by primitive streak cells)….establishes expression of Nodal on LEFT side only (before gastrulation it’s symmetric)
Primary germ layers
Top to bottom:
What expresses genes for head formation and TF’s “cerebrus” and “lefty”?
AVE (anterior visceral endoderm)
Gene for movement of cells from primitive streak
Brachyury (T) gene
Gene for primitive streak formation
Nodal gene
Gene for body axis formation
Goosecoid gene
Gene for the formation of notochord
Gene for head formation
Goosecoid gene overexpression
2 heads
What does T gene (brachyury) antagonize?
Absense of T (brachyury) gene → no lower body/very small
Activin gene inhibits what and is expressed on which side?
Inhibits Shh (sonic hedgehog) expression
Activin expressed on RIGHT, so it blocks Shh on the right
FGF8 induces expression of what?
Lefty2 (Lefty 1 expressed in forming neural tube)
5HT dependent on serotonin
5HT→FGF8→Nodal and Lefty2→PITX2
PITX2 does what?
TF responsible for establishing LEFT sidedness (defects can cause organs to be on opposite sides)
5HT is important in what?
Establishing laterality
Disruptions can result in situs inversus, dextrocardia and heart defects
↑ congenital heart defects in children born to mom’s who take antidepressants from selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s)
Gene for Right-sided development
repressed by Nodal
What blocks BMP-4?
If BMP4 is present: Ectoderm → Epidermis
If BMP4 is BLOCKED: Ectoderm → neural plate
Epidermis has a lot of what?
It’s going to induce a new signaling center in roof plate
What transcription factor induces a floor plate in the ventral floor of neural tube?
Shh (Sonic hedgehog)
What is Rachischisis?
Neural tube defect
Neural tube fails to close during week 4 of development
Most severe form of spina bifida. Causes paralysis from the level of the defect and caudally
What is neurulation?
Refers to the formation and closure of neural tube
What is Anencephaly?
Cranial Neuropore fails to close (on the head)
What is Encephalocele?
Failure of back of head to close (occipital region)
Anterior (frontal) Encephalocele: failure on front of face to close
Spina bifida with meningomyelocele
Large skin-covered bulge at posterior lower lumbar spine. There is also paralysis of the baby’s legs
What causes lifelong paralysis from Spina Bifida?
If it isn’t fixed before 38 weeks