Blueprint Review Videos Flashcards
Nativist theory of language def
Everyone has innate capacity for language because they all have a language acquisition device
Tight junctions
Epithelial and endothelial cells
-No leakage between the cells
Geometric isomers def
Diff orientations around double bonds
-Cis and E-Z designations
Residual volume
Air left after max exhalation
Arachidonic acid is precursor to what
Innate immune system components
Skin tightly packed, sweats and sheds
Saliva contains lysozyme to break down bacteria
Complement system tags bacteria for destruction
Ascending loop of henle function
Na+/K+ flow out of loop and into vasa recta
-Filtrate becomes more dilute
Constant region of antibodies
Constant across all antibodies of the same type
Sapir Whorf hypothesis aka
Linguistic relativity
OSteoblasts buld bone with what
They build bone by producing hydroxyapatite
Function of bicarbonate in small intestine
Neutralizes acidic chyme that enters duodenum
MHC 1 antigens are displayed on what cells
All cells
Bulbourethral gland aka
Cowper’s gland
H-static pressure of filtration does what
Puts pressure on walls of glomerulus by pushing blood against them
-Stuff pushed into bowman’s capsule = filtrate
Spongy bone features
Trabecular/cancellous bone
- Less dense and porous
- Houses the bone marrow and blood vessels
Umbilical vein function
Carries oxygenated blood toward fetal heart
Difference between spermatozoa and sperm
Sperm are motile
Where is smooth ER in highest abundance
In the liver because of all of its detoxification and lipid metabolism functino
Steps of fatty acid synthesis
Reverse of beta oxidation
- Instead of hydration, dehydration
- Instead of oxidation, reductino
Does adding solute inc vapor pressure
No it decreases it because makes liquid less likely to evaporate
What do MHC II receptors do/cell response
They display exogenous material on dendritic cells or pfrom previously engulfed by phagocytes
- Helper T cells aka CD4 T cells secrete cytokines to bring other immune cells to the site
- Also recruit other innate immune cells to the site
When is oxytocin released
At end of pregnancy to stimulate uterine contractions of birth
Surfactant function
Reduces surface tension in the in the alveoli
-Insufficient surfactant leads to collapsed lungs
Site on antigen recognized by antibodies
Vital capacity
Max amount of air that can be exhaled
Mediate inflammatory response
- Leukocytes stick to selectins to enter infected area
- Interact with cytokines
G actin vs F actin
G: monomer form
F: polymer form of actin
Leydig cells function
Secrete testosterone and other androgens
of carbons in short medium and long chain fatty acids
Short: less than or equal to 5 Cs
Medium: 6-12 Cs
Long: 13-21 Cs
Cleavage def
As zygote travels through fallopian tube to uterus, undergoes series of mitotic divisions
-Maintains same volume but # of cells inc
What is gastrin released by
G cells in the stomach
Difference between upper and loewr halves of ascending loop of henle
Lower half: passive transport because high medulla concentration
Upper half: active transport because low cortex concentration
What phase of menstrual cycle do proliferative and menstruation phase of uterine cycle overlap with
Follicular phase
DCT function
Ca2+, Na+, Cl- reabsorbed
- H+ can either be secreted or absorbed depending on bicarbonate buffer system
- Na+ inc reabsorption leads to inc H20 reabsorption
Types of intramolecular forces
Ionic, covalent, metallic
When do secondary oocytes transform into zygotes
- They are arrested in metaphase II
- Only continue with meiosis II if fertilized
- Forms one Zygote and one polar body
ER membranes continuous with what
The ER is enclosed by a double membrane that is continuous with the nuclear membrane
Luteal phase of menstrual cycle
After ovum is released, follicle transformed into corpus luteum
- Corpus luteum secretes high levels of progesterone
- Progesterone has negative feedback loop on LH
- At end of phase, corpus luteum degenerates and cycle restarts
species at half equiv point
Halfway on the level/plateau part of the curve
-Mol of acid=mol of conj base
Function of PCT
Reabsorbs H20, aa’s, glucose, ions
-Secretion of waste pushed further into nephron
Function of thromboxins
Blood clotting
Smooth ER function
Lipid metabolism, steroid hormone synthesis, detoxificatino
Proliferative phase of Uterine cycle
Uterine endometrium thickens and enriched with blood vessels
-Caused by Estrogen release during follicular phase
CCK function
- Gall bladder contraction -> releases bile to emulsify fat
- Dec stomach motility
- Inhibits somatostatin to promote satiety
- Induces release of pancreatic enzymes (pancreas sphincter relaxed)
Where does reabsorbed materials go in PCT
Returns to bloodstream via peritubular capillaries
Appendicualr skeleton function
Vulva def
External female reproductive anatomy
Inflammation def
vasodilation to inc blood flow to area and allows immmune cells to reach damaged tissue quickly
Hydroxyapatite definition
Storage deposit for calcium and phosphate
Diff between desmosomes and adherens junction
Desmo: Use intermediate filaments linked by cadherins
Golgi function
Receives proteins packed vesicles and transmits to cell membrane
Epiphyseal plate def
Cartilage for bone growth that is replaced in adulthood with bone via ossification
Neurolation process
- Neural plate forms neural folds and ventral neural groove
- Folds meet to form neural tube (CNS)
- Neural Crest = PNS
If implantation occurs, how does the corpus luteum not get degenerated
The blastocyst secretes hCG to maintain corpus luteum until the placenta can produce and secrete progesterone
Intra vs intermolecular forces
intra: Hold atoms together as molecules
- Inter: bonds between separate molecules
how do osteocytes communicate with each other
Via canaliculi
Spermatogonoum to secondary spermatocyte pathway
Spermatogonium undergoes mitosis to form primary spermatocytes (2n)
- They undergo meiosis 1 to become secondary spermatocytes (1n)
- They then undergo meiosis II to form 4 secondary spermatocytes
Calcium adhesion proteins
-Connect cells to cells in desmosomes and adherens junctions
Residual folvume
Air left after max exhalation
What phase of menstrual cycle does secretory phase of uterine cycle overlap with
Luteal phase
-This is because thickening of endometrium needs corpus luteum to secrete progesterone
What is the fundamental unit of the bone
The osteon which houses the lamallae with the Haversian canal for blood vessels and nerves
What secretes HCl
Parietal cells in the stomach
Which cells are active in the adaptive immune system
B and T cells
beta oxidation for odd numbered carbon fatty acids
Forms propionyl CoA which can be converted to succinyl CoA and enters TCA cycle
Repetitive Sequences with high GC content that hold chromatids together
Function of endoskeleton
Provides structural support from inside body
Umbilical artery function
Carries deoxygenated blood toward placenta and eventually to mom
Calcitonin secreted by what
Thyroid gland
Mnemonic for Killer T cells
CD Hate cells = CD 8 cells = Killer T cells
How does molality differ from molarity
Molarity is over L of solution not solvent
-Molality is over kg not liters
Intermediate filaments
Structural support to cell and cell to cell adhesion
Uterine cycle Menstruation phase
Uterine endometrium thins
-Sloughed off
Resistance relation to voltage drop
Directly proportional
Who created the nativist theory of language
Function of HCl in stomach
Cleaves pepsinogen into active pepsin
Morula def
16 cell zygote
Priority rules for E-Z classifications
Highest molecular weight equals highest priority
-If idnetical element, go to next bonded atom
Electrical signal propagation through heart pathway
Starts with Sinoatrial node in R atrium
- Picked up by atrioventricular node to transmit signal to ventricles
- Then Bundle of His and purkinje Fibers that relay message to rest of ventricles
Red vs yellow bone marrow
Red: hematopoiesis
_Creates all RBCs and WBCs
Yellow: Adipocytes/fat tissues
Voltage relation to electric potentials
It is the difference between electric potentials
Relatino between vapor pressure and temp
Pressure inc with temp
-This is because higher temp means higher energy of molecules and more chance of evaporation
Epidymis function
Storage and further maturation of spermatozoa
-They gain their motility
Function of prostaglandins
Mediate pain and inflammatory responses
What releases pepsinoegen
Chief cells in stomach
Which WBCs are granulocytes
neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
If the solution an effective buffer at the equiv point
Arachidonic acid precurso to what
Gastrin function
Stimulates secretion of HCl from parietal cells and pepsinogen from chief cells
-Increases stomach motility to send chyme into duodenum
Equiv point of strong acid titrating a weak base
Conj acid of base makes pH more acidic
Sertoli cells functino
Release factors needed for sperm maturation
How do anitbodies remain diverse if they’re so specific to an antigen
There is high genetic diversity in the binding sites
Derivative of Vitamin D
-Inc blood Ca2+ levels along with parathyroid hormone
Scrotum function
Maintains temp optimal for spermatogenesis
What is the ploidy of a zygote
Once sperm and egg combine to form zygote, it is 2n
What does negative pressure breathing mean
That the pressure in the lungs is negative when compared to the ambient pressure (outside of the lungs)
Placenta function
Exchanges nutrients and waste/etc with mother
-Secretes hCG, progesterone and estrogen
tidal volumee
Volume of air in each breath
Solute concentration of renal medulla and cortex
Medulla: High Na+ solute concentration
Cortex: Low Na+ solute concentration
Ex of Eicosanoids
Prostaglandins and Thromboxins
Gas direction of movement of alveoli
Oxygen from alveoli into the blood vessels
-CO2 from vessels into alveoli to be exhaled
What structure is upset during protein denaturation
All except for primary structure because peptide bonds are much stronger than the bonds of the other structures
Beta oxidation occurs where
mitochondrial matrix
Inspiratory reserve air:
Additional air possible to be inhaled past tidal volume
When does the menstrual cycle occur
Every 28 days from puberty to menopause
Semen function
Weakly basic properties to protect sperm from acidity of female reproductive tract
Transposons def
Mobile genetic elements that can jump to other parts of genomes
-Can eitehr code for reverse transcriptase to re insert or encode an enzyme that splieces it out of the DNA to reinsert
Linguistic relativity def
Grammatical categories and vocab influence thought
-Must have some link to cognition
What is filtrate composed of
Salts, vitamins glucose, aa’s, no proteins
When is gastrin released
In response to food in stomach
Which fatty acid formed in fatty acid synthesis
Only can form palmitic acid
-This can be converted into otther fatty acids after
What causes CCK to be released
Fat in the small intestine
Gap junctions
Connect cytoplasm of two cells to allow for quick transfer of molecules
Amino vs Carboxypeptidases
Amino cleave at N terminal
Carboxy cleave at C terminal
Metallic bonds def
Electrsons from sea of e- between two metals
-Helps with metals ability to be good conductors
Why are alveoli tightly packed
Multiplies the surface area of the lungs
Parasitic infections
Species at quiv point
mol of acid = mol of base
Magnitude of e-field
Change in voltage over distance
Natural killer cells
Target and destory infected cells
How often does mutarotation happen
All the time
-Alpha and beta anomers are constantly flipping
When can you use MV=MV
Only at neutralization point
- Because mol acid and mol base are equal
- Only for monoprotic acids and bases
What type of cells line the trachea
Goblet and ciliated epithelial cells
- Mucous from goblet cells traps bacteria
- Cilia push the bacteria back up to the oral cavity
Voltage drop def
Change in electric potential across components of a circuit
When does a blastula become a gastrula
When it undergoes gastrulation
-Gastrulation = formation of ecto, endo, moveoderm
Where does filtrate go after Collecting duct
Goes to renal pelvis and then excreted
Where are T cells created and mature
Produced in bone marrow and mature in the thymus
GnRH function
Stimulates puberty and anterior pituitary to release FSH and LH
-Also leads to secretion of androgens and estrogens
What type of agen is SDS
A detergent
-Disrupts H-phobic interactions
What is CCK released by
Small intestine
Steps of beta oxidation
- Oxidation: Forms an alkene bond
- FAD reduced to FAD - Hydration: Adds an H20 across double bond to insert an OH at the beta carbon
- Oxidation: Oxidize that beta OH to a carbonyl
- Nad+ reduced to NADH - Thiolysis: chops off the acetyl CoA at C3
- Repeat steps as acyl-CoA keeps getting shorter
Humoral response of immune system
B cells either transform into plasma cells or memory B cells
- Memory B cells what until body comes into contact with the antigen again
- Plasma cells produce antibodies for immediate effect but die fast
Diff in proteins produced by bound vs free ribosomes
Membrane bound: usually for extracellular or membrane functions
-Free: proteins for intracellular processes
Humoral vs Cell mediated response done by which cells
Humoral = B cells and antibodies Cell-mediated = T cells and just a lot of other cells
Synovial vs fibrous vs cartilaginous joints
Syn: Freely movable joints that meet in synovial cavity
Fibr: Hold two bones together with firbous connective tissue
Cart: Intermediate between the other two
Collecting duct function
More H20 reabsorption via aquaporins
Fatty acid syntehsis occurs where
In the cytosol
What is necessary to use henderson hasselbach
Conjugate pair
What can current be measured in not fahrads
C/s, W/V, V/ohms
Broad spectrum microbial antibodies in respiratory system
Axial skeleton function
CNS/protectino of brain heart and lungs
Follicular phase of mmenstrual cycle
Follicle matures
- Rise in FSH -> induces follicular development
- Rise in estorgen -> positive feedback loop on FSH and LH
When do oogonium differentiate into primary oocytes
When females are fetuses
What type of isomer is a tautomer
Type of structural isomer
Positive vs negative selection of T cells
Positive: T-cells that aren’t reactive enough
Negative: T-cells that are autoimmune
What happens when the diaphragm contracts
- It moves down so volume inc in the lungs
- This leads to lower pressure
- Air rushes into the lungs due to negative pressure breathing because pressure in lungs is lower than ambient air pressure
Pepsiinogen function
When cleaved into active pepsin, breaks down proteins
Bulbourethral gland function
Creates pre-ejaculate to lubricate urethra
Tautomers def
Interconvert with each other at equilibirum
Alkalemia vs acidemia
Alk: Too basic blood
Acid: Too acidic blood
Types of reducing agents
2-mercaptoethanol and dithiothreitol
-Reduce disulfide bonds to reform SH groups on both Cys residues
Peroxisome function
Neutralizes peroxides to protect against oxidative stress
-Breaks down fatty acid chains via beta oxidation
What types of cells are innate
neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil
Analyte def titrant def
Analyte: solution being analyzed
-Titrnt: what’e being added to the soln
Field lines vs equipotential lines
Field: Point away from positive charge and toward negative
- Equipotential: surround source charges
- Perpendicular to field lines
How are long chain fatty acids brought into mito
By carnitine shuttle
Where does a fertilzed ovum go
Implants in uterus wall
Secretory phase menstural cycle
Uterine endometrium continues to thicken as a result of inc progesterone
- If blastocyst implants in endometrium, pregnancy continues
- If not, cycle resets
Expiratory reserve air
Additional air posssible to be exhaled past tidal volume
Function of prostaglandin
Blood clotting and inflammatin
MHC II receptors are found on what types of cells
Only on macrophages and dendritic cells
Integrins functino
Link cytoskeleton to EXC matrix
-Present in hemidesmosomes
Ketogenesis products
Forms 2 acetyl-CoAs that are converted into acetone and beta-hydroxybutyrate
Addint to + end and subtracting from minus end at constant equal rights
-Helps microtubules get around
What is compact bone used for
Hard and dense
-Structural support and leverage for movement
Descending loop of henle function
H20 diffuses out of loop via osmosis
- H20 picked up by vasa recta and returns to bloodstream
- Less water concentrates filtrate
differentiate into macrophages and denritic cells
Sperm steps of fertilized a secondary oocyte
- Must pass through corona radiata and zona pellucida to make contact with plasma membrane
- Acrosomal reaction pushes sperm into cell of secondary oocyte
- Egg releases cortical granules to prevent polyspermy
Bacteria destroyed via phagocytosis
Chair confomrations orientation of bulky groups
Basophils and mast cells function
Secrete histamine
What do capollaries in nasal cavity and trachea do when its hot and col
When hot, dilate
-Constrict when cold
Microtubules function
Maintain structural integrity of cells and help motor proteins traffic vesicles
- Help when two centrosomes create spindle fibers in mitosis
- Also helpful in eukaryote flagella (movement)
- Cilia (surface area)
Secretin function
- Slows gastric emptying
- Induces bicarbonate release
Ovulation phase of menstrual cycle
Ovum is released as result of LH and FSH surge
-This surge created by estrogen levels
Does adding solute inc boiling point and freezing point
Inc boiling point
Dec freezing
What type of bonding are H-bonds
A type of dipole dipole bonding
-Strongest type
Vapor pressure def
Whe liquid exposed to air, some evaporates into gas until the two phases are in equilibrim
-The pressure exerted by the gas to make more liquid evaporate is the vapor pressure
Where are B cells created and mature
Created in the bone marrow
-Migrate to secondary lymphoid where they interact with antigen presenting cells and mature there
Kinesin vs Dynein
K: Kicks it out -> anterograde
- minus to plus movement -> towards membrane
D: drags it in -> retrograde
- plus to minus -> towards the organelles within the cell
Hypervariable region of the antibody
Has antigen binding site with one to one specificity with one antigen
What type of cell recognizes MHC 1 antigens
Recognized by CD8 T cells aka Killer T cells
-They inject cytotoxic materials into the cells to be drestoryed
Function of double membrane of the ER
To inc surface area
When do primary oocytes transform into secondary oocytes
They are arrested in prophase I until puberty
-Then continue meiosis I to form a secondary oocyte and a polar body
Diff between tautomers and resonance structures
Resonance underlie a single structure
Blastula anatomy
Fluid filled cavity -> blastocoel
Trophoblast -> outer layer of cells -> turns into placenta
Inner cell mass -> later develops into amniotic sac where fetus develops
Microfilaments functino
Forms cleavage furrow of mitosis and interact with myosin
Equiv point of strong base titrating a weak acid
Higher than if it were a strong acid
- Conj base affects pH because weak accid doesn’t fullly dissociate
- Makes pH more basic
Linguistic determinism
Grammatical categories determine thought completely
How is primary structure broken down
Via proteases that hydrolyze peptide bonds
Cis and trans vs E-Z classifications
For cis/trans must be identical substituents across a double bond
What type of ER is the sarcoplasmic reticulum
like the smooth ER