Blood Vessels Flashcards
Composed of smooth muscle
tunica media
Composed of endothelium
tunica intima
Composed of connective tissue
tunica externa
Layer that forms valves
tunica intima
Anchors vessel to surrounding structures
tunica externa
Thicker in arteries than in veins
tunica media
The central space of a vessel (or other hollow organ) is the:
Carries blood towards the heart.
Carries blood away from the heart.
Connects arterioles and venules.
Wall consists of only a single layer of endothelium.
Has the thickest tunica media.
The largest ones are the SVC and IVC.
Has valves for one way flow.
Allows exchange of gases and nutrients with surrounding tissues.
Small vessels whose tunica media have only one or two layers of smooth muscle cells, which carry blood to the capillary beds.
The largest arteries, which have a high elastin content in their tunica media.
Elastic artery
Middle-sized arteries that have a very thick tunica media relative to their diameter.
Muscular artery
The smallest veins, which function much like capillaries.
Small vessels that carry blood to and from the tunica externa of large arteries and veins.
Vasa vasorum
Vessels that conduct blood from the capillary bed towards the heart.
Places where vessels unite or interconnect, providing alternate pathways for blood flow.
The most common type of capillary; found in most organs, skeletal muscles, the skin and brain.
Continuous capillaries
The most permeable capillaries, which are found in the bone marrow, spleen and liver.
Capillaries that have pores spanning the endothelial cell; found in the small intestines and glomeruli of kidneys.
Fenestrated capillaries
The ring of smooth muscle fibers that wraps around the root of each true capillary is a:
precapillary sphincter
How do molecules pass in and out of capillaries?
a. by direct diffusion through endothelial cells
b. through intercellular clefts
c. through pinocytotic vesicles and caveolae
d. through fenestrations
e. ushered through by selective transport mechanisms
Which TWO of the above allow molecules through capillaries of the blood-brain barrier?
by direct diffusion through endothelial cells, ushered through by selective transport mechanisms
Blood vessels traveling from the heart to the lungs and back make up the circulation.
Which of the following is NOT part of the systemic circulation?
lung capillaries
Which vessels carry oxygenated blood?
systemic arteries, pulmonary veins
Three vessels that carry blood towards the cerebral arterial circle.
Basilar artery, Internal carotid a., Vertebral artery
Ring of vessels around base of brain; sometimes called the Circle of Willis.
Cerebral arterial circle
Travels up the neck through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae.
Vertebral artery
Forms from the junction of the two vertebral arteries.
Basilar artery
Carries blood to the anterior part of the cerebral arterial circle.
Internal carotid a.
Supplies blood to the structures external to the skull.
External carotid a.
These carry blood from the brain to the internal jugular vein.
Dural sinuses
The “main brain drain”; primary vessel that carries blood away from the brain.
Internal jugular v.
Drains blood from the structures external to the skull.
External jugular v.
The brachiocephalic vein on each side begins when this vessel joins with the internal jugular vein.
Subclavian vein
First vessel to branch off the abdominal aorta.
Celiac trunk
Carries deoxygenated blood away from the liver.
Hepatic vein
Supplies oxygenated blood to the liver.
Common hepatic a.
Carries nutrient-rich blood from digestive organs into the lower side of the liver.
Hepatic portal vein
Supplies the spleen, stomach and pancreas with blood.
Splenic artery
Supplies the stomach and lower esophagus with blood.
Left gastric artery
Supplies the last half of the large intestine with blood.
Inferior mesenteric artery
Supplies the small intestine and first half of the large intestine with blood.
Superior mesenteric artery
Drains blood from the small intestine and first half of the large intestine.
Superior mesenteric vein
Drains blood from the last half of the large intestine.
Inferior mesenteric vein
Joins with superior mesenteric vein to form the hepatic portal vein.
Splenic vein
Which of these are part of the hepatic portal circulation?
Hepatic portal vein, Inferior mesenteric vein, Splenic vein, Superior mesenteric vein
Blood is transported to the placenta by the:
umbilical arteries
Fetal blood is oxygenated by the:
Which of these is in or near the liver?
ductus venosus
Which of these shunts blood from the right side of the heart to the left, bypassing the lungs?
foramen ovale
Which of these connects the pulmonary trunk and the aorta in the fetal circulation?
ductus arteriosus
The ligamentum teres in the adult liver is a remnant of the:
umbilical vein
What color would the umbilical veins be?
Medial forearm
Ulnar artery
Lateral forearm
Radial artery
Biceps brachii muscle
Brachial artery
Quadriceps muscle group
Femoral artery
Gastrocnemius muscle
Posterior tibial artery
Tibialis anterior muscle
Anterior tibial artery
Scalp and muscle of head
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Stomach and lower esophagus
Left gastric artery
Pelvic walls, bladder and rectum
Internal iliac artery
Hepatic artery (proper)
Small intestine
Superior mesenteric a.
Last half of large intestine
Inferior mesenteric a.
Renal artery
Skin on lateral surface of arm
Cephalic vein
Skin on medial surface of arm
Basilic vein
Muscle and bone of lateral forearm
Radial vein
Muscle and bone of medial forearm
Ulnar vein
Internal jugular vein
Scalp and muscle of head
External jugular vein
Testes or ovaries
Gonadal vein
First half of large intestine
Superior mesenteric vein
Drains out of liver
Hepatic veins
Splenic vein
Skin of medial leg
Great saphenous vein
Anterior thigh
Femoral vein
Which of the following statements are TRUE of arteries?
are lined with simple squamous epithelium, carry blood away from the heart
All of the following statements are true of capillaries EXCEPT:
They have valves to make sure blood flows in one direction only.
Which vessel is more anterior?
external carotid artery
Which vessel does the external jugular vein drain into?
subclavian vein
The SVC forms when which two vessels combine?
left and right brachiocephalic veins
Which vessel is located to the anatomical right?
After passing through the diaphragm, the first vessel to exit the abdominal aorta is the:
celiac trunk
All of the following are branches of the celiac trunk EXCEPT the:
renal artery
Which statement is NOT true of hepatic portal circulation?
hepatic portal vein transports blood from the liver to the heart.
The hepatic portal vein begins when the and combine.
splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein
What fetal vessel runs from the placenta to the ductus venosus?
umbilical vein