Blood and BM Path Chapter 19 - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoma Flashcards
How many patients with ALL are under the age of 15?
At what leukocyte count are patients at risk for leukostasis?
>100 x 109/L
ALL morphologic types
aka FAB L1, L2, and L3

Recurrent genetic anomalies observed in B lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
- t(9:22)
- t(1:19)
- t(various;11q23 rearranged)
- hyperdiploid ALL
- hypodiploid ALL
Co-expression of myeloid antigens on B-ALL
Poor prognostic marker
Suggests association with t(9:22)
Useful for monitoring in minimal residual disease state (MRD)
Frequency of anomalies in B-ALL

Frequency of anomalies in T-ALL

Classifying B-ALLs
- Classified by state of B cell differentiation, as characterized by:
- cytosolic CD79a expression
- CD10 expression
- cytosolic μ expression
- sIg expression
- Thus, the classes are as follows:
- CD79a+ only: B-I / Early-B
- CD79a+CD10+: B-II / Common-B
- CD79a+CD10+cμ+: B-III / Pre-B
- CD79a+CD10+cμ+ and either sIg+ or surface μ+: B-IV / Mature B
- CD79a+sIg+: B-IV - Burkitt-type
Classifying T-ALLs
- Earliest T cell changes: cCD3+
- Pro T cell / T-I: cCD3+ cCD7+
- Early T cell / T-II: cCD3+ CD7+ CD5+ OR CD2+
- Corticothymocyte-like cell / T-III: cCD3+CD7+CD5+CD2+ CD1a+ (may or may not have surface CD3)
- Mature T cell / T-IV: CD3+CD7+CD5+CD2+ CD1a-
Note that Pro T cells and early T cells may coexpress myeloid antigens in a healthy individual.
B-ALL with t(4;11) or MLL anomalies
- Morphology:
- Lymphoblastic
- Genetics:
- t(4;11) MLL/AF4 fusion protein
- Anomalies of the MLL gene
- Immunophenotype:
- TdT+
- B-I expression profile: CD79a+CD10-
- Aberrant CD15+, CD65+
B-ALL with t(9;22)
- Morphology:
- Lymphoblastic
- Genetics:
- t(9;22) Bcr-Abl (Philidelphia chromosome)
- Immunophenotype:
- TdT+
- CD34+
- B-II expression profile: CD79a+CD10+
- Aberrant CD13+, CD33+, low CD38
- Differentiating from t(12;21): CD66c+
B-ALL with t(12;21)
- Morphology:
- Lymphoblastic
- Genetics:
- t(12;21) TEL/AML1, aka ETV6-RUNX1
- Immunophenotype:
- TdT+
- CD34+
- B-II expression profile: CD79a+CD10+
- Aberrant CD13+, CD33+, low CD38
- Differentiating from t(9;22): CD66c-
Hyperdiploid B-ALL
- Morphology:
- Lymphoblastic
- Genetics:
- ~51-65 chromosomal karyotype
- Immunophenotype:
- TdT+
- CD34+Aberrant CD123 overexpression (IL-3R)
Ploidy in B-ALL
Hypodiploidy: Poor prognosis
Hyperdiploidy: Good pronosis
The same does NOT hold for T-ALL.
Assessing ploidy by flow cytometry
Propidium iodide intercalation of cells pre-treated with RNAse
In B-LBL, molecular changes often affect. . .
. . . B-cell lineage transcription factors:
PAX5 (chr9), IKAROS (chr7), E2A (chr19), and EBF1 (chr5)
Minimal residual disease
- Defined as the tumor mass still remaining after chemotherapy or HSC transplant.
- Important prognositc marker
- Gold standard: qRT-PCR
Features of B-ALL detectable to quantify MRD
Typically differential expression of CD20, CD34, CD10, and CD38 is sufficient.
CD123 (IL-3R) may be utilized if all else fails
Features of T-ALL detectable to quantify MRD
Combination of cCD3 and nTdT is effective, but unfortunately requires permeabilization which may destroy cells.
Aberrant over-expression of CD99 in combination with immature T cell markers is a useful tool. CD1a is very useful if working with a T-III ALL.
What is a mixed phenotype acute leukemia?
An acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage with no clear evidence of differentiation towards any particular phenotype.
May express antigens associated with multiple lineages.
Two specific genetic rearrangements are recognized for particular clinical features: MPAL with t(9;22) BCR-ABL1, and MPAL with t(v;11q23) MLL rearrangements.
Algorithm for diagnosis of mixed lineage acute leukemia

Classification of MPAL NOS
B/myeloid, T/myeloid, or rare type
B lineage is suggested if: CD19 is bright and one of CD10, cCD79a, CD20, and cCD20 is present OR if CD19 is dim and two of those markers are present.
T lineage is suggested if: cCD3 is present.
Myeloid lineage is suggested if: cMPO is present OR if there are signs of monocytic maturation such as nonspecific esterase, intracytoplasmic lysozyme, CD14, CD11c, CD36, or C64.
What is this morphology?

What is this morphology?

What is this morphology?

PAS stain on lymphoblasts
Classically, PAS stains “clumps” in the cytoplasm of lymphoblasts
Three “classical” cytologic blast stains to aid in differnetiation
Myeloperoxidase (granular stain in myeloblasts)
Sudan Black B (granular stain in myeloblasts)
Periodic Acid Schiff (clumpy stain in lymphoblasts)