Block 2 Flashcards
Beta-2 adrenergic agonists
salbutamol (short-acting), terbutaline (short-acting), salmeterol (long-acting), formoterol (long-acting)
Stimulation of airway smooth muscle relaxation via beta adrenergic activation
ipratropium (short-acting), tiotropium (long-acting), glycopyrronium (long-acting)
Blockade of muscarinic receptors of cholinergic activity in airway smooth muscle leading to muscle relaxation
theophylline, aminophylline
Inhibition of phosphodiesterase, increasing cellular cAMP
beclomethasone, prednisolone, fluticasone, hydrocortisone
Activation of glucocorticoid receptors in immune cells, reducing airway inflammation
Leukotriene receptor antagonists
montelukast, zafirlukast
Blockade of proinflammatory leukotriene signalling
ACE inhibitors
Inhibits conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. Reduces vasoconstriction
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)
Losartan, valsartan
Blockade of cell signalling induced by angiotensin II
Beta adrenergic receptor antagonists (beta blockers)
bisoprolol, atenolol (cardioselective, beta-1 antagonist)
propranolol (both beta-1 and beta-2 antagonist)
Blockade of beta-adrenergic receptors on cardiomyocytes, reducing inotropy & chronotropy
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (statins)
atorvastatin, simvastatin
Inhibition of mavelonate metabolism in cholesterol synthesis pathway
Calcium channel antagonists (for heart failure and hypertension)
nifedipine, amlodipine Blockade of L-type calcium channels, promoting vasodilation
Nitrate vasodilators
glycerol trinitrate (GTN) and isosorbide mononitrate (ISMN)
Release of nitric oxide – relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in coronary arteries and veins
Anti-muscarinic (for emergency bradycardia treatment)
Blockade of cardiac muscarinic receptors
noradrenaline, dobutamine, adrenaline
Stimulation of cardiac inotropy and chronotropy
Neprilysin inhibitors (used with an ARB drug)
sacubitril (used with valsartan)
Inhibition of natriuretic peptide breakdown, promoting natriuresis and reduced cardiac preload
Antiplatelet drugs
aspirin (COX inhibitor), clopidogrel (ADP receptor antagonist)
Reduce the activation of platelets to prevent thrombosis:
Inhibition of thromboxane A2 production (aspirin)
Blockade of platelet ADP receptors (clopidogrel)
Anticoagulants - heparin
unfractionated heparins,
low molecular weight heparins -dalteparin, tinzaparin
Enhances action of natural antithrombin III to inhibit thrombin and coagulation cascade