Bk 93 - Expanded Operations Flashcards
Expanded Command:
The _________ is the official responsible for ADMINISTERING POLICY for the Department. On expanded incidents will specify the “footprint” of the tactical area for the Area Command.
Agency Administrator
(Each Geographic Bureau Commander is the Agency Administrator for all incidents in their Bureau.)
Expanded Command:
Agency Administrators (Bureau Commanders) supervise and provide policy direction to ________ Commanders.
Area Commanders
Expanded Command:
__________ is an expansion of the incident command function primarily designed to manage a complex or large incident/event or area that has multiple incident management organizations assigned.
Typically, these types of incidents compete for the same resources.
Area Command
Area Command manages incidents by working directly with designated Zone Commanders (Batt Chiefs).
Expanded Command:
The ________ provides an intermediate level of command between the Incident Commander and the Area Commander.
Zone Commander (ZCDR)
Zones Commander (Battalion Chiefs) are established to reduce span of control for Area Commands.
Expanded Command:
If one or more of the incidents within the Area Command is MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL or multidiscipline, a ________ should be established.
Unified Area Command
The Department Operations Center (DOC) is a physical location that is staffed on an AS-NEEDED basis. It is the department’s CITY-WIDE Command Post.
Staffing in the DOC consists of a rotation of how many Incident Management Teams (IMTs)?
The _______ is a physical location that is staffed on an as-needed basis with representatives from all key City departments. The staff provides coordination between City departments to fulfill the resource needs of each department.
Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Routine communication between Area Command and the EOC is routed through the LAFD Department Operations Center to the EOC Fire Branch Director.
Expanded Command:
Who is responsible for determining the area of evacuation that may be needed?
However, LAPD works closely with LAFD’s IC to make the determination.
A NOTIFICATION AREA is a geographic area identified by the Area Commander in which the Area Command AND Metro COORDINATE the dispatching of resources.
Notification Areas are typically seen in ________ where resources have been pre-deployed and are under the command of the event’s Incident Commander.
Planned events
A _______ area is geofenced in the dispatch system as belonging to the Area Command and MFC WILL NOT dispatch resources directly to incidents within the Area.
This Area is set up by the AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR.
Tactical Area
(MFC will provide dispatch information to the Area Command, which will dispatch its own resources to manage the incident.)
When activated, the Department Operations Center (DOC) works closely with ______ to deconflict competing resource requests from Area Commands.
They will also determine the status of “dark” or “dry” stations, reconcile resource status, and approve and transmit mutual aid requests for outside resources.
(This information is updated to the Fire Chief and command staff)
Criteria for activation of an Area Command may include, but is not limited to:
• SEVERAL MAJOR or COMPLEX incidents that are in CLOSE PROXIMITY to each other
• Critical human or property values at risk when multiple incidents are COMPETING for LIMITED resources
• Difficulties with inter-incident resource allocation and coordination are encountered
• The ABILITY of MFC to dispatch and track resources is COMPROMISED
Who has the ability to activate an Area Command?
Fire Chief
Emergency Operations Commander (EOPS)
Bureau Commander
Separate from the Area Command process, the Incident Commander at an Active Shooter incident may establish a Tactical Area perimeter that is the same as, or ______(smaller or larger?) than the perimeter of the Cold Zone
(This allows the Incident Commander to control any Fire Department responses into what could be designated as a Warm Zone.)
Resources assigned to Area or Zone Commands by MFC may come as Strike Teams, Task Forces, or _________.
Single resources
A ______ is a group of resources (other than a Strike Team) with a leader, temporarily assembled for special missions.
This can be ANY number of ANY kind and ANY type of resources
-Task Force
A Task Force can be comprised of any configuration of resources that will assist with meeting the operational objectives of the incident. (3 Engines or Engine/RA/800 or Truck/Engine/RA ect)
Task Forces formed from single resources by Area, Zone or Incident Commanders shall be designated in accordance with the _________ Resource Designation System
(Note that Task Forces do not have a letter designator in the way that Strike Teams do.)
For consistency, each geographic bureau has been allotted the following designators:
• OCB 1031 – _____
• OSB _____ – 1050
• OWB 1051 – _____
• OVB _____ – 1070
• OCB 1031 – 1040
• OSB 1041 – 1050
• OWB 1051 – 1060
• OVB 1061 – 1070
(They each get NINE)
In situations where MFC has passed the responsibility for command and control of resources to Area Commands, resources will relay Still Alarm information to?
The Area Command.
MFC should still control incident creation and incident number assignments if the CAD is operational.
However, Area Command has the ability to create Still Alarm incident numbers from a predetermined chart. This info will be updated to MFC when time allows.
Area and Zone Commanders must ensure that Incident Commanders are documenting each incident’s activities on an F-666, and that Strike Team and Task Force Leaders and single resource bosses are documenting each resource’s activities on an ICS Form _____.
• Incident Number (as assigned by Zone or Area Command)
• Time of Dispatch (by Area or Zone, or resource, if a still alarm)
• Time on Scene
• Resource Assignments at the Incident and Actions Taken
• Time Available
• Time Incident Complete
Expanded Command:
Members in charge of each resource shall document activities in the Station Journal (F-2). Officers shall complete NFIRS reports once all incident information is reconciled in the CAD.
Who will notify officers that NFIRS is ready to accept entries?
MFC will publish an Official Notice on the Intranet notifying officers when NFIRS is ready to accept report entries.
ICS Chart info
Expanded command:
Depending upon the timing of a Causative Event, the Department will move into one of three phases of planning and deployment.
What are the three phases?
Phase 1: Notification
Phase 2: Preparation
Phase 3: Activation
Causative Event for expanded command :
When information gleaned from Phase 1 activities is to be disseminated to the field, it will be posted as an _______ on the LAFD Intranet.
Official Notice
Causative Event for expanded command:
Which Phase begins when the Department is notified, or becomes aware, that conditions are building toward a Causative Event?
Phase 1- Notification
(Phase 1 activities normally occur AT or ABOVE the Bureau level.)
In unsafe, or potentially unsafe environments, EMS intervention prior to transport should be limited to treatment necessary to save a life.
How should any treatment beyond immediate life saving measures be performed?
While en route to a hospital OR Patient moved to a safe location.
Patient transportation:
catchment boundaries are typically waived by DHS during a disaster and such a waiver can be obtained by contacting the _________.
Medical Alert Center (MAC).
If a RA removes a deceased body out of a hazard area, what shall they do next?
-As soon as the ambulance is safely away from the immediate hazard, the RA shall pull over and contact the Coroner Watch Commander by telephone to request permission to transport the decedent directly to the Coroner’s Office.
-RAs SHALL NOT continue to transport once they are out of harm’s way.
-RAs shall request through Area/Zone Command that an EMS Battalion Captain respond to their current location or meet them at the Decedent Intake Area at the Coroner’s Office.
The Department maintains two sizes of EMS supply and equipment caches.
-Medical Supply Trailers (MSTs) are equipped with sufficient inventory to manage ____ patients
-Casualty Collection Point (CCP) Trailers are equipped to manage ____ patients.
MST = 50 pts
CCP = 200 pts
When a tactical area is activated in the CAD, MFC will switch to the ______ Communications Plan for the affected Bureau(s)
Fallback Communications Plan (FCP)
(The Fallback Communications Plan (FCP) maximizes the use of its assigned frequencies and to facilitate the transition from normal operations to Area Command or other significant incidents)
The Fallback Communication Plan uses all of LAFD channels in addition to:
-Los Angeles Simulcast Trunked Radio System (STRS)
-National Mutual Aid shared channels
-LA Regional interoperability channels
-6 Mutual Aid Channels (8TAC’s). (may only use one 8TAC channel per repeater site)
Which of these channels have the most limitations?
-The mutual aid frequencies in the REPEAT mode have limited transmit/receive capabilities.
What are the DISPATCH frequencies that MFC will release to area command for use in the tactical area?
Tac 1 - Central Bureau
Tac 2- South Bureau
Tac 13 - West bureau
Tac 3 - Valley bureau
Once an Fallback Communication Plan is activated, all Incident Commanders must use the TACTICAL channels assigned to the Area Command (Bureau) in which their incident is located.
These tactical channels are to be used in the _____ mode and why?
-Direct mode
-Operations South Bureau, Operations Valley Bureau and Operations West Bureau share tactical frequencies. Direct mode minimizes frequency interference
Radio communications between Incident Commanders and their respective Area Command shall be on the ______ frequency
-Bureau Command frequency
(Communications between different Area Commands or between MFC and Area Command, Channel 11 shall be used.)
The development of the Fallback Communication Plan (FCP) was approached using the _____ acronym
Primary (Mode-1)
Alternate (Mode-2)
Contingency (Mode-3)
Emergency (Mode-4)
The initiation of the Fallback Communication Plan (FCP) must be done in close cooperation between the Metropolitan Fire Communications Battalion Chief (MFC BC), Command ____, and Command ____.
Command 42
Command 22
Which Fallback Communication Plan mode can be implemented when the normal dispatch channels are overwhelmed due catastrophe or when MFC has initiated the Emergency CAD?
Mode - 1
(This mode provides MFC the ability to decentralize dispatching into four separate dispatch channels and use available talk groups and mutual-aid channels to increase communication capability)
Which Fallback Communication Plan mode would be implemented when NO REPEATERS are operational?
All channels will have to be used in the Direct Mode and Department wide COMMAND will be conducted via Cellular and Satellite PHONES with Sat Radio (MSAT).
Mode - 4
Which Fallback Communication Plan mode will be implemented when Mutual Aid repeaters are operational at only TWO sites (San Pedro and Verdugo.)?
Dispatching will be conducted on mutual aid channels. All primary tactical channels will be functional in the DIRECT mode ONLY.
Mode - 3
Dept wide command will be conducted via Satellite Phones with Sat Radio (MSAT) phones.
Which Fallback Communication Plan mode can be implemented when our 9-site voice repeater system is compromised, but Mount Lukens (Single Site Repeater - 18 Channel Backup), Los Angeles Simulcast Trunking Radio System (STRS) and Mutual-Aid repeaters are operational?
Mode - 2
MFC will offset loss of voice repeaters by switching to Mount Lukens repeater.
Repeat mode will be limited in areas throughout the City, particularly in South and West Bureaus. However Incident Commanders will be able to use the repeat mode to communicate with MFC
Which Dispatch Condition is the normal operation condition MFC uses when not in any degraded dispatch mode?
Dispatch Condition I (DISCON I)
When the LAFD has committed _____ to ____ fire companies to a large-scale incident the MFC BC, in collaboration with the Deputy Department Commander (DDC), shall consider transitioning to dispatch Dispatch Condition II (DISCON II).
25 - 40 fire companies
DISCON II: resources are depleted due to:
-One Major Scale Incident
-Multiple Large-Scale Incidents
-Weather Conditions
-Minor Earthquake
Dispatch Condition II (DISCON II) will have the following modifications to dispatch:
• Reduce initial response by conserving engine companies
• There are four no send categories: fire-out, fireworks, hydrant, and snake
• Limit response to any structure fire to an “A” assignment
• EMS response will be reduced in some cases to a single company or unit (designed to conserve engine companies)
The Department may go into Dispatch Condition III (DISCON III) when MFC is being inundated with 9-1-1 calls, resulting in the rate of creation of over ____ incidents per hour or when there are ____ or more fire companies assigned to a Major Emergency.
- 80 incidents per hour
- 40 or more fire companies
DISCON III: Department resources are depleted due to:
• One MAJOR Incident with up to 40 plus resources assigned
• Multiple “MAJOR” incidents
• EXTREME Weather Conditions
• MAJOR Earthquake
Dispatch Condition III (DISCON III) will have the following modifications to dispatch:
• Reduce initial resource response to a single engine on most dispatches
• Identify 34 “no-send” incident types
• Limit EMS responses
• If needed, MFC can eliminate the use of Tiered Dispatch Cards
Which Dispatch Condition can be used in any of the other Dispatch Condition modes and is designed for dispatching resources into a TACTICAL AREA that requires Firefighter Protection or contact with the IC before MFC will dispatch resources?
Dispatch Condition IV (DISCON IV)
Should the normal communication infrastructure fail, the ____ Radio will still have communications between MFC and all Command vehicles.
Satellite Radio (Talkgroup channel LFD-1)
If MFC is non-operational, what will happen with the emergency trigger capability?
It will not work.
Companies being relocated out of quarters due to civil unrest, earthquake damages, etc shall:
• Ensure that the station and grounds are secured.
• Take all spare radios, batteries, and chargers
• Take all reserve apparatus
• Take all PPE for off duty members.
• Take the Station and Company Journals and all necessary timekeeping records.
• Take/or secure PRBs and Personnel Files.
• Move personal vehicles into the apparatus bays, if possible. Leave the ignition key in the vehicle, or tag it with an F-175 tag and place the keys in a location that can be accessed by other personnel if it is necessary to move the vehicles later. ( To protect them from objects thrown over the fence, not to secure them from theft)
If a station cannot be adequately secured when relocating who shall you notify?
Zone/Battalion or Area/Bureau Command.
Causative Event for expanded command:
Phase 1 — Notification
Once notification is received, the Commander, Emergency Operations (EOPS) ensures that all information received is properly vetted and disseminated, as needed, to senior staff.
Additional activities include:
-Develop Area Command Daily Action Plans and/or preliminary Incident Action Plans
-Determine need for surge staffing
-Dialog with other City departments
-Dialog with other Fire Departments in Area A and Region I
-Confirm with LAPD that FF Protection is available
Causative Event for expanded command:
Phase 3 is the implementation of the plans developed in Phases 1 and 2. MFC will notify Department Command of the status of the Radio Control Network and of their capability to continue to dispatch resources. If established, Area Commands shall maintain situation and resource status for all incidents in their areas with the goal of being ready to accept dispatch responsibility if needed.
Activities in Phase 3 include:
• Close stations identified in Phase 2 and relocate resources, including reserve and ready reserve resources to their designated station
• Resources from closed stations shall deliver personnel files to the designated station for safekeeping
• Deploy Law Enforcement resources to firefighter protection details
• Activate the Geographic Bureau Fallback Communications Plan as needed
• Area/Zone Commands assume command and control responsibility from MFC
• Employ Minimum Exposure Suppression Tactics at fire incidents
Causative Event for expanded command:
Phase 2 activities prepare the Department to implement specific operational plans developed in Phase 1.
Phase 2 includes all the Phase 1 activities, plus:
-Activate Department Operations Center
-Set up Area Command Posts / Zone Command Posts
-Notify Field personnel to take PPE home in ANTICIPATION for RECALL
-Monitor LAFD Intranet and Dept Email
-No Cadets or visitors in quarters
-Paramedic interns who are LAFD members shall continue their ride-along
-Paramedic interns who are not LAFD members need school’s Course Director permission to continue
-Discontinue all outside non-emergency activities
-Wear body armor on all responses and when in public
-Maintain 24 hour radio and security watch while in quarters
-Shop off duty for meals
-Package up F-2, F-351, PRB and Personnel Files in case station needs to be vacated
-Use buddy system
-Cover station windows with heavy material to prevent members from being visible
-Moved exposed apparatus equipment into compartments or remove if not essential
Depending upon the timing of the Causative Event, the Department will move into one of _____ phases of planning and deployment.
3 phases
Which phase involves heightened awareness and planning?
Phase 1
Which phase involves the deployment of resources into impacted areas?
Phase 3
Some of the criteria that should be considered when selecting an Area Command facility include:
• Close proximity to incidents
• Sufficient size (for staff, displays and meetings)
• Capable of continuous operation
• Adequate communications facilities (hardline telephones, computers, copy machines)
• Availability of back-up power
• Capable of supporting radio communications
• Adequate and secure parking
• Near commercial sources of support for food and lodging
Under normal conditions, the command and control of Department resources is the responsibility of _________.
Metropolitan Fire Communications (MFC)
Incidents are created and dispatched in the order they are received by the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD).
Dispatch algorithms are written in compliance with the “_____” concept, whereby the closest, available, appropriate resources are dispatched to an incident.
Closest Forces
Area Command manages incidents by working directly with designated _______ Commanders
_________ is the primary factor that generates multiple cascading incidents and necessitates the establishment of Area Command.
Causative event
MFC has ______ operating modes at known as DISCON (dispatch condition)
It is based on current or anticipated resource demand and changes the dispatch algorithms in order to _________.
conserve the number of resources dispatched to an incident.
Routine communication between Area Command and the EOC is routed through the LAFD Department Operations Center (DOC) to _________.
the EOC Fire BRANCH Director.
_______ will dispatch resources directly to incidents within the NOTIFICATION AREA.
(Additionally, MFC will provide dispatch information TO the Area or Incident Command, which will then dispatch ITS OWN resources to manage the incident.)
How many modes does the Fallback Communication Plan (FCP) have?