Bk 20- Community Relations Flashcards
The Community Liaison Team is a THREE TIERED effort:
1. Company involvement
2. Battalion level coordination and control
3. Division level guidance and support
What makes up a Battalion Community Liaison Team?
-Battalion chief
-Liaison officer (one per platoon)
-Members from Fire Prevention Bureau and other dept resources
-EMS Captain
Requests for fire department community events should be handled at the lowest level possible and documented at the concerned station and/or battalion.
Only those requests requiring the _____ approval shall be forwarded in writing to Dept headquarters.
-Fire Chief
Who approves outside requests for Ride Alongs?
The Fire Chief
Who approves the commercial use of Fire Stations or apparatus?
The Fire Chief
Who approves requests for the Fire Chief to appear in person?
The Fire Chief (duh)
If there is a request for the Fire Chief to appear in person, who should you notify?
notify Captain in the Community Service Unit or Community Liaison Officer
For Community events, who can approve requests for companies to be placed CAV when MFC is unable to approve?
The Bureau Commander (Emergency Services) or Deputy Department Commander (DDC)
Who can approve Rescue Ambulances CAV at community events?
Who else needs to be notified?
The Bureau Commander (Emergency Services) or Deputy Department Commander (DDC)
The responsible Battalion Chief and EMS District Captain shall also be notified by telephone.
NOTE: Rescue Ambulances shall normally remain available during community events.
Community Relations
Companies shall not normally be placed CAV. Examples of CAV events are?
-Elected Official Events
-events that are directed by the Department to be CAV.
Ride Along for Fire Service Emergency Professionals:
Requests shall be made in writing, a minimum of ___ days prior to the date of the desired visit. In the event circumstances do not permit the time frame to be met, a VERBAL request may be considered by the FIRE CHIEF through the______ Office.
14 days
Community Liaison
Ride Along for Fire Service Emergency Professionals:
Requests from fire service professionals must be accompanied by?
-introductory letter with reason for ride along from the requestor’s Fire Chief.
-release of liability from the department/organization on the appropriate letterhead and with a responsible party’s signature
Ride Along for Fire Service Emergency Professionals:
The Ride-Along will be a one time only, ___ day maximum stay. Extenuating circumstances requiring longer stays may be considered by the _______
2 day
Fire Chief
Ride Along for Fire Service Emergency Professionals:
Which form must be filled out by the Station Commander or Company Officer?
F1109 LAFD Indemnity Agreement
Ride along requests for non-fire service professionals (writers, camera crews, reporters, elected officials, etc.) will be approved on an individual basis by _________.
The Fire Chief
No associates, relatives, or friends of members on the Los Angeles City Fire Department shall be permitted to ride-along unless?
They meet the Ride-Along criteria.
True or False? No Fire Explorers or Trainees of reserve firefighter programs from other fire departments will be permitted to ride-along.
Ride-Alongs for non-fire service professionals (writers, camera crews, reporters, elected officials, etc.) shall be for observation purposes only and not to exceed ______ hours.
8 hours
Civilian Ride-On
All requests for rides on Department apparatus shall be approved by the affected _______ Commander.
Unusual requests received by field personnel and/or those in question shall be forwarded to the __________ for approval.
Bureau of Emergency Services
Is it a Ride-Along or Ride-on that shall be one time only and of short duration?
The LAFD ______ Agreement must be filled out by the Station or Company Commander prior to permitting the RIDE-ON.
True or False?
The Company shall remain available during the Ride-On and under no circumstances shall the LAFD response criteria be compromised.
Also….Station or Company Commanders shall require that persons allowed to Ride-On the apparatus be seated in the cab or jumpseat with seat belt fastened.
Parades, homecomings, etc. where seatbelts are not possible….Responsible Officers shall insure that all persons allowed to participate on the Ride-On be located in a safe location on the apparatus and the apparatus proceed at MINIMAL speed.
For these types of events, the apparatus shall be _____ (CAV or NAV?), with approval of ________.
The B/C and MFC
Persons allowed to participate in a Ride-On are ________ (allowed or not allowed?) to accompany the affected Company on any responses, emergency or non-emergency.
Not allowed
Upon receiving a public notification of an upcoming community event, the Station Commander shall:
-Verify the first-in district of the event.
-Identify the possible levels of Fire Department commitment to the event.
-Determine the number of resources necessary to attend, i.e., number of companies, specialized staff members and/or chief officers.
-Check the Battalion and station calendar for conflicts in scheduling of resources.
-If the Fire Station can handle the event, notify the Battalion Chief of the event (if needed), and coordinate event with the assistance of the Battalion Liaison Officer (if necessary). If the Fire Station requires additional assistance, confer with the Battalion Liaison Officer.
-Contact the Community Liaison Officer or the Community Service Unit telephonically for requests that require the Fire Chief’s attendance.
-Submit summary of event to the Battalion Liaison Officer
Our customer service BEGINS with RESPECT and HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER.
The Community and the Department benefits when members of the LAFD share, to an extent, in the ownership of problems and issues that exist within the communities they serve.
Benefits include:
· Increased and improved public relations
· Increased community support
· Strengthened and improved political position
· Decrease the possibility of hostility and tension between the community and the Fire Department
· Increased fire prevention awareness
· Increased disaster preparedness
· Higher quality of service
· Increased understanding of the community as a whole
· Improved community understanding of the 911 Emergency System
· Appropriate requests for services
· Increased positive interaction between local fire stations and their communities
Community Relations Guide “GOAL”:
The LAFD recognizes the tremendous importance of community service with a goal committed to the strengthening and nurturing of strong ties with all segments of our City and is committed to emphasizing a “___________” fire safety services delivery system
community oriented
The purpose of the Community Relations Guide:
To provide a system that allows the Department to efficiently and effectively implement a “community oriented” fire service through outreach programs and positive community and public relations activities.
An integrated community fire service delivery system must be cultivated by the members in the local fire station. The focus of their efforts must be directed within their FIRST-IN response areas.
What will determine the primary concerns on which the members in a fire station will focus?
The physical and social make-up of a specific location or neighborhood
DEMOGRAPHIC information is the key to building an accurate profile of the fire stations community. Data from the UNITED STATES CENSUS will provide a clear picture of the age, ethnicity, gender, employment, education, and housing of the local population.
Fire station members should gather and identify the following components of their community:
· The location, principal, staff, and size of SCHOOLS (public, private, and parochial)
· The location, services, and business hours of all SOCIAL SERVICE agencies
· The location, services, and business hours of all GOVERNMENTAL OFFICES (including community recreational services and facilities)
· The location, services, and business hours of all COMMUNITY, cultural senior citizen CENTERS
· The location, services, and business hours of all well known or UNIQUE community ESTABLISHMENTS (i.e. a local art center, theater, restaurant, or store)
· The location, ministers, staff, and special activities of all CHURCHES in the district
· The names, areas, and presidents of local BLOCK CLUBS and NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS
· The location, type of business, owners, and/or employees of all visible and/or SIGNIFICANT BUSINESSES in the district
· The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of COMMUNITY LEADERS and ACTIVISTS
Getting Started with Community Relations
With LEADERSHIP, COMMITMENT, and TRAINING, it is realistic that the following goals can be reasonably achieved by each station within a SIX to TWELVE MONTH period:
· Substantial progress in the development of the community profile, including comprehensive census data.
· Comprehensive identification of public institutions in district (schools, governmental agencies).
· Identification of a minimum of 20 PERCENT of the MAJOR and visible BUSINESSES in the area.
· Develop a system to input and maintain community profile information.
· Implementation of a minimum of ONE COMMUNITY OUTREACH ACTIVITY at the fire station.
The Battalion Liaison Officer maintains a log of contacts established at the Battalion level. SIGNIFICANT CONTACTS should be visited by the BC at least QUARTERLY.
Initiate contacts including, but not limited to:
-Community Group Leaders
-Mayoral Field Deputies
-LAPD Station Commanders and their Community Service Units
-School Principals
-Chamber of Commerce Boards
-local newspaper
-radio station contacts
-various local business owners.
_______ Commanders who receive community event requests shall make the determination as to what resources and/or personnel are required to fulfill the commitment.
The contact person requesting Fire Department community event participation should be notified within _____ hours, or as soon as possible thereafter, regardless of platoon involvement.
24 hours.
Community Activity Suggestions for Battalion and Company Commanders:
-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation training (CPR)
-Fire safety education for the home
-Free blood pressure checks
-Organized athletic activities for children and teens
-Smoke detector maintenance and installation programs
-Victim Assistance Program
-Food and clothing drives
-Fire station safe house program
-Career days at fire stations
-Be available for block club and neighborhood watch meetings
-mentor/counselor programs for troubled youth
-attend community events
-assist youth group fund-raisers
The success of the fire stations community efforts will be directly correlated to their understanding of:
The purpose, needs, and benefits of community involvement.
Station Community Relations Activities Tracking Sheet:
As members of the Los Angeles City Fire Department, our GOAL is to provide the BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE to the residents of Los Angeles.
A ______ is clearly imperative and a hallmark for quality service.
positive attitude
Approximately _____percent of our calls are for emergency MEDICAL SERVICES.
Approximately _____ percent are for fires.
20% percent are various service related calls.
Every call is very important to the individual requesting service. Realistically, we cannot solve every problem but we must make an honest, good faith attempt to assist each person who has requested our assistance.
Our ultimate goal is to _________.
leave the customer with a positive experience.